Senators set to vote on bill to codify Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage protections

I do like the Masters, but not enough to watch more than a few hours of it. The rest of it gets a pass from me. I guess I have a short attention span and not much interest in watching over paid pros.
Watch Sunday in full. Don't watch any other day, but do keep my iPad up with the leader board once it starts on Thursday. Never watch any other tournament unless attending in person.
There are only 3 sports. College football from start to finish, unless the Vols suck. College basketball when March madness starts unless the Vols suck, and college baseball when the regionals start unless the Vols suck.
Everything else is 3rd rate junk. saying Texas Hold em or WWE is not a sport.....
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I agree re: divorce. Divorce/bad marriages have also had a huge negative impact on society. So, what do we do about it? The answer isn't to keep digging the hole deeper by incentivizing alternate lifestyle marriages.

See, we have common ground. Divorce, along with the subsequent broken homes, are a massive problem in our country. The insidious thing about the divorce rate is that it fuels most of our other societal ills (crime, lack of education, youth health, etc.).

The real question is whether it is a top down or bottom up problem. If it is top down, then having a discussion about government's role (top down) makes sense. If it is bottom up, then having a discussion about government's role in marriage is useless.

Personally, I wholeheartedly believe it is a bottom up issue. Other than the hackneyed suggestion of raising kids better, I don't really have a good solution. I think the idealized idea of marriage from Hollywood, in conjunction with the erosion of religion, has done a lot of damage. As much as I dislike organized religion, I am increasingly more convinced humans, on a societal scale, can't handle vices with measured self-control and perseverance without a strong societal buttress such as organized religion or mutigenerational homes. I prefer the latter to the former, but American culture's emphasis on independence makes it unfeasible.

Either way, the homosexuals have nothing to do with it!
If you don’t want the gays getting married in your church then don’t let them, but marriage is just a word and no religion owns its rights.

To be fair we should admit there are many on the left who disagree with you and want this pushed further. Many who want to force you to serve them regardless.
To be fair we should admit there are many on the left who disagree with you and want this pushed further. Many who want to force you to serve them regardless.

Not to my knowledge. Perhaps you are referring to serving them in a business capacity.
Not to my knowledge. Perhaps you are referring to serving them in a business capacity.

Guess that depends on how you define business. The cake example would fit our obvious idea of business, but pastors, churches, and other wedding venues have also been the subject of litigation.
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Guess that depends on how you define business. The cake example would fit our obvious idea of business, but pastors, churches, and other wedding venues have also been the subject of litigation.

My personal opinion is that churches should be immune, but businesses open to the general public are regulated and can be regulated by anti discrimination laws.
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I am not trying to censor them but rather to call them on their bigotry.

Years ago it was very fashionable to refer to a white woman in a relationship with a black dude as N@#$#r Lover. Not really dissimilar from what we are seeing here with gay couples being forced to play by different rules to appease straight people.
So you somehow think you can outlaw censor out bigotry? Please make sure you do the same thing for those that are advocates for 'inclusivity'. Because that is straight up bigotry as well under the guise of equality.
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The far right believes that more people are being "persuaded" to make the "choice" to be gay because they see the greater expression of gay rights as celebrating it; whereas the far left thinks more people were gay all along than we thought and are willing to come out of the closet now because its less threatening to do so now than before.

And the rest of us, the great majority of the country, don't care.
Any unbiased observer, left, right, or center, can see that in the US being gay is celebrated and advertised as preferable to being straight. Kids are by nature confused and easily swayed so yes more are declaring themselves as gay than would happen with no pressure either way.
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Any unbiased observer, left, right, or center, can see that in the US being gay is celebrated and advertised as preferable to being straight. Kids are by nature confused and easily swayed so yes more are declaring themselves as gay than would happen with no pressure either way.
This assumes being gay is a choice, which I do not think is the case at all. Why would anyone choose to be gay, and then continue to be gay, when they are constantly harassed, called pedophiles and groomers, have to fight tooth and nail for equality under the law, told they have a mental illness at every turn, are shunned from their supposedly "loving" religious communities, in the case of teens relentlessly bullied by their peers, and in some countries face imprisonment or death sentences?
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This assumes being gay is a choice, which I do not think is the case at all. Why would anyone choose to be gay, and then continue to be gay, when they are constantly harassed, called pedophiles and groomers, have to fight tooth and nail for equality under the law, told they have a mental illness at every turn, are shunned from their supposedly "loving" religious communities, in the case of teens relentlessly bullied by their peers, and in some countries face imprisonment or death sentences?
I think some do take it as a choice, those who are susceptible to the advertising. 'It's trendy and brave so go ahead and join the clique'. I've known people who were straight because of societal pressure so it would work the other way too.
I would think the condemnation you describe is rare today given the publicity campaigns in the schools, public spaces, media, etc. In your view is it still pervasive in the US?
edit: I think a certain percentage are wired, through nature or nurture, to be gay. For them it's not a choice.
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This assumes being gay is a choice, which I do not think is the case at all. Why would anyone choose to be gay, and then continue to be gay, when they are constantly harassed, called pedophiles and groomers, have to fight tooth and nail for equality under the law, told they have a mental illness at every turn, are shunned from their supposedly "loving" religious communities, in the case of teens relentlessly bullied by their peers, and in some countries face imprisonment or death sentences?

It is a mental illness and there are no equality issues.

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