Should a business be allowed to exclude the unvaccinated?

Should a business be allowed to exclude the unvaccinated?

  • Yes

    Votes: 52 75.4%
  • No

    Votes: 15 21.7%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.8%

  • Total voters
Years ago, I worked for a restaurant that put weight loss tips in the checks of overweight employees and told they would need to lose weight or be subject to termination. Discriminating against fatties is just good business.
It might be a very savvy business move. If there was a local bar near me that had such a rule I would patronize it over others.
You will encounter the unvaxxed when you go to publix the next day to purchase advil for your hangover. I am not an anti vaxxer BTW.
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Fair enough.

But that illustrates a collision of sorts in the initial question. Does the liberty of the individual to choose not to get vaccinated yield to a business owner that insists upon it?

Your party (primarily) is dividing people based on everything imaginable. Do us a favor and establish a point system. Can't tell the players without a program. Political affiliation seems to be the overriding factor, so it must be first. Then, consider sex, methods of sex and transitions of sex. Next, award points based on race, economic strata, DNA history, voting history, and finally vaccination status. Of course, you need to leave open fields in the database for any other characteristic that may be identified later figuring into the system. This system must remain flexible, living and breathing. Get all this into a database so we can do business together. We need to know now who has to make what cake, in that order of precedence and what to charge/discount.
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Years ago, I worked for a restaurant that put weight loss tips in the checks of overweight employees and told they would need to lose weight or be subject to termination. Discriminating against fatties is just good business.
Fat employees, yes. Fat clients, Probably not.
I have a sheet of paper that has my daughter's name and the vaccines and dates. It could literally be typed up at home.

If you require documentation more official and less easily forged, then obviously some people will have a problem complying and it will be considered abusive.
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If you require documentation more official and less easily forged, then obviously some people will have a problem complying and it will be considered abusive.

I'm not sure I believe that will be that much of a problem, though I am sure it will occur. How many people will go to the trouble of creating a fake vaccination card just to go to a parotcular restaurant? Seems like an awful lot of trouble to go to, especially compared to the easy route of just getting the vaccine.
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I have a sheet of paper that has my daughter's name and the vaccines and dates. It could literally be typed up at home.

The database of the vaccinated/unvaccinated already exists. I went to my personal physician recently for a 6 month checkup. I had my vax card with me, ready to give them, but they already had all the info. They already knew what shot I had and where I got it. Nurse told me they all know already.
I'm not sure I believe that will be that much of a problem, though I am sure it will occur. How many people will go to the trouble of creating a fake vaccination card just to go to a parotcular restaurant? Seems like an awful lot of trouble to go to, especially compared to the easy route of just getting the vaccine.

I was actually teasing the connection to election documentation, but you have a point. However, I don't think a die hard anti covid vaccine live free or die type would have a problem with stooping to a little fraud if a vaccination card was necessary for a vacation.
The database of the vaccinated/unvaccinated already exists. I went to my personal physician recently for a 6 month checkup. I had my vax card with me, ready to give them, but they already had all the info. They already knew what shot I had and where I got it. Nurse told me they all know already.

Big Brother.
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Any business should be able to refuse service to anybody for any reason. Liberty is great.

The saying with respect to employment anyway used to be "He who has the gold makes the rules." Seems reasonable that any owner who invests his time and money in a business has the right to do as he pleases with respect to clientele, employees, and legal products.
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Not intending the thread or OP to be a gotcha, but I would point out that some GOP stars have opposed this. DeSantis promoted and signed a bill this last session that prohibits businesses from requiring proof of vaccination. I think i posted about it at the time because I thought it was inconsistent for conservatives to say on the one hand that government could not tell business that they must require proof of vaccination, but on the other have government ban them from doing so.

So, as a lawyer, you support a business's right to invade a person's medical history and privacy?

Which side of the courtroom would you like to be on for the first person that sues a business for requiring proof of vaccination before serving them?
So, as a lawyer, you support a business's right to invade a person's medical history and privacy?

Which side of the courtroom would you like to be on for the first person that sues a business for requiring proof of vaccination before serving them?
He's a shyster, that's why he phrased his poll like he did. Can't enter if you're not vaccinated vs prove the opposite are very different things.
Not a very good business model depending on where you are located and the implications from doing that on a societal level are HORRIBLE


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