It is a disorder. So an 18 year old who becomes addicted to crack has a drug addiction "disease"??? I believe that would be called a disorder.(allvol123 @ Jul 26 said:are you arguing alcoholism is a disease. If it is then we are all diseased from the beginning if using that angle, none of us have a perfect set of genes.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 26 said:It is a disorder. So an 18 year old who becomes addicted to crack has a drug addiction "disease"??? I believe that would be called a disorder.
Even when a "crack" baby is born, it is a disorder that was intentionally placed by its mother. Not a gene. It is still not a disease.(therealUT @ Jul 26 said:Seeing as crack is a 'one time hook,' just like heroin, if that 18 year olds mom was addicted to crack (while pregnant,) then that 18 year old has been addicted for 18 years, regardless of when the actual 'use' begins.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 26 said:Even when a "crack" baby is born, it is a disorder that was intentionally placed by its mother. Not a gene. It is still not a disease.
It is foolish for someone to blame their alcohol addiction on their grandfather. People have different alcohol tendencies, but they don't become an alcoholic because of their ancestors. You have to pick up the bottle and drink it. When you do that, the risk is equal. No one knows how they will react to after the first drink or buzz from a joint. That is why you don't try it.(therealUT @ Jul 26 said:Well, there is no 'diabetic' gene either, no heart disease gene, no cancer gene, etc. Yet, emprical evidence shows that there are family links and dispositions in all the above stated cases.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 26 said:It is foolish for someone to blame their alcohol addiction on their grandfather. People have different alcohol tendencies, but they don't become an alcoholic because of their ancestors. You have to pick up the bottle and drink it. When you do that, the risk is equal. No one knows how they will react to after the first drink or buzz from a joint. That is why you don't try it.
Yes, I do believe that alcohol can be evil. If a person can drink wisely then more power to them. No, I surely don't think that anyone who tries alcohol deserves to be an alcoholic. You have to decide for yourself if your willing to take the risk. Diabetes or any other real disease is different from an alcohol or drug DISORDER.(therealUT @ Jul 26 said:First, you are acting under the false assumption that alcohol is evil, and therefore, anyone who has one drink therefore deserves the life of an alcoholic. Alcohol was not considered evil until the temperance movement, and we all know how that turned out. You should look into what our Forefathers thought of alcohol, namely Benjamin Franklin and George Washington.
Second, using your logic, it would be just as foolish for someone to blame the fact that they are hypo or hyper glycemic on anyone other than themselves. Since both cases will not be discovered without some consumption of sugars.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 26 said:Yes, I do believe that alcohol can be evil. If a person can drink wisely then more power to them. No, I surely don't think that anyone who tries alcohol deserves to be an alcoholic. You have to decide for yourself if your willing to take the risk. Diabetes or any other real disease is different from an alcohol or drug DISORDER.
Can sugar alter your judgement while you drive?? Not the kind I eat. How about you real??(therealUT @ Jul 26 said:Only because you believe that alcohol is evil and sugar is not. I am sure the fact that for over 4,000 years, every human drank wine everyday means absolutely nothing to you. As I am also sure, the fact that refined sugar has been around for less than 1,000 years also means nothing to you.
Does the sugar you eat make you beat your children and destroy your family?? I say that alcohol is evil simply because of what it can do to a person's life. It can completely destroy it. How many people are killed by diabetic drivers??(therealUT @ Jul 26 said:If you are diabetic it can certainly impair your ability to drive.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 26 said:Does the sugar you eat make you beat your children and destroy your family?? I say that alcohol is evil simply because of what it can do to a person's life. It can completely destroy it. How many people are killed by diabetic drivers??
Listen, I believe that alcohol is evil because of what it CAN do to a person. No where in the Bible does it say you "can't drink." It does say not to get drunk. I have no problem with anyone who drinks WISELY. It is just my personal choice to not try it. Alcohol can completely change people with that "one" more shot. I know plenty of very nice humble people that become almost demonic when they have had too much. As for comparing deaths caused by drunk drivers to deaths caused by not paying attention is just idiotic.(therealUT @ Jul 26 said:How many people are killed by drivers that are changing their radio station? talking on their cell phone? putting on make-up?
Jesus drank. If alcohol is evil, then Jesus would have participated in evil, in which case he could not be divine.
Also, alcohol brings to the surface repressed feelings, good and bad. If one is an angry person, then yes, alcohol will aid in that person airing their anger. However, if that person has a hard time displaying feelings of love and jocularity, then under the influence of alcohol they will be much more joyous to be around.
(therealUT @ Jul 26 said:First, you are acting under the false assumption that alcohol is evil, and therefore, anyone who has one drink therefore deserves the life of an alcoholic. Alcohol was not considered evil until the temperance movement, and we all know how that turned out. You should look into what our Forefathers thought of alcohol, namely Benjamin Franklin and George Washington.
Second, using your logic, it would be just as foolish for someone to blame the fact that they are hypo or hyper glycemic on anyone other than themselves. Since both cases will not be discovered without some consumption of sugars.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 26 said:Listen, I believe that alcohol is evil because of what it CAN do to a person. No where in the Bible does it say you "can't drink." It does say not to get drunk. I have no problem with anyone who drinks WISELY. It is just my personal choice to not try it. Alcohol can completely change people with that "one" more shot. I know plenty of very nice humble people that become almost demonic when they have had too much. As for comparing deaths caused by drunk drivers to deaths caused by not paying attention is just idiotic.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 26 said:As for comparing deaths caused by drunk drivers to deaths caused by not paying attention is just idiotic.
Drivers who talk on cell phones may be just as dangerous as those who drink.
That's the sobering conclusion of a study published Thursday by University of Utah researchers who monitored 40 men and women on a driving simulator.
Drivers using hands-free phones were no better than those with the handheld variety, confirming previous studies.