I'm no where close to convinced that Butch is a great coach. Great coaches chase National Championships not conference championships. I'm close to deciding if Butch can accomplish that or not. Even when hired, he didn't fit "great coach category". JMO
From a UT perspective it is never okay to lose to Vandy. That will be a black mark on CBJ's resume. It will impact his future depending on what he does the next few years. That is life as the UT football coach.
Blow outs: Anyone needs to have a competitive roster versus certain teams to be able to compete. I would give him time to rebuild the roster. No need for us to debate the roster issue. I realize you are on the side the roster has more talent / experience than me. I pegged it a 5 win roster and was lucky to hit that.
I put a post up regarding the QB position. No need to restate it. Depends on experience levels. True freshman typically take over a year to get out of the freshman mistake mode. The elite level freshman (we had none of those IMO) should get over those mistakes earlier. This staff would have replaced several upper classmen had they had anyone better. There were DBs making same mistakes they made 3 years ago as freshman. Of course, they have had 3 different coaches and they are not all that good anyway.
As far as your last questions, 5 win season could continue for a long time if we have to continue trying different coaches all the time. This university is not going to be able or want to hire a Nick Saban type coach. Anyone wanting that, will be waiting a long, long time. We are not going to compete salary wise to get elite level coaching. They have to replace Butch in the future, it will be another coach with the back ground of the last 3 IMO.
sorry for being so long. Lots of interesting questions. Stating my opinion with the answers