It wouldn't restore my faith in him personally as a coach, but I would feel a lot better about the current players. For him to change my opinion of his coaching abilities he would have to show marked improvement in game management, scouting, preparation, motivation.
We made a gamble that involved a knwon risk: In order to get the "next hot coach" as an up-and-comer, we had to take the risk that since he was inexperienced he would consistently grown in the job. We knew we took a coach who was not ripe and meeded more development, so we gambled that he would continue to develop into the finished product that we were looking for. He has not continued to grow and progress as a coach. So, it turns out, we lost on the gamble. We need to cut our losses and go get a seasoned, very experienced coach.
Maybe it's a gut feeling, more in my heart than my head, but I think our basketball program may be a lot like Auburn's football team was last year: a bunch of talented individuals who are not playing as a team, are not motivated, and do not believe in the current coach or his system. If that's the case, then I don't think THE RIGHT new coach would have a hard time winning quickly with them. Malzahn has demonstrated, although on an absudly high level that doesn't exactly relate here, that a coach who recruits well but doesn't coach well can be replaced by a coach with an exciting system that the players believe in and win right away.
I REALLY hope Dave Hart and Gregg Marshall ran into each other somewhere private, "accidentally" of course, while in Wichita and were able to have a brief but productive conversation. Something like: "Hey how's it hanging, GM? By the way, will you be our next coach? Ok great, see you in April."
Making the NIT will not save his job IMO. In fact, it will remind everyone that our reliable, ol' faithful NCAA tournament program has been reduced to a mediocre reliable NIT one. Three straight years of same start / same finish will simply drive home the point. Keeping CCM will simply be a money decision if it happens.
Personally I think Dave Hart is so quiet on the basketball front that it speaks volumes. I figure he's made up his mind by now and will just be figuring out how and when to do it. I figure he sees Cuonzo as a the last non-DH decision that needs to be purged so the AD officially has his stamp on it.