So proud of my home state

I understand that. I agree with you. I’m not bringing my kids to any such parade. This issue hit really close to home here. My representative helped write the bill and another acquaintance of mine spoke in front of the Assembly about it. Folks on both sides of the aisle here were against using our public venue this way. It was refreshing to see both sides come together on this.

I appreciate the fact that you are polite and you don’t get ugly when you discuss this with people. But there’s 0 reason to be proud of your Rep and it’s not refreshing. It’s bad law, and the drag performance is going to get struck down. Meanwhile tonight there is a child in your area that is probably hungry and literally abused and we’re screwing around with this.
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Don’t the people who are doing the gyrating,have rights on the property that their taxes pay for as well? If they use your tax dollars to bring a drag troupe to your kids school I’ll march down there with you. Until then, it’s kind of like anything else. Don’t like it, don’t go near it. If they come ”gyrating” past the swimming pool in your subdivision….. call the cops. But I’m willing to bet that doesn’t happen.
They can gyrate in front of minors in a private setting. But apparently not public. Especially when the public setting is next door to a church.
I appreciate the fact that you are polite and you don’t get ugly when you discuss this with people. But there’s 0 reason to be proud of your Rep and it’s not refreshing. It’s bad law, and the drag performance is going to get struck down. Meanwhile tonight there is a child in your area that is probably hungry and literally abused and we’re screwing around with this.
If it gets struck down it gets struck down. The blessing is how multiple church denominations of all races came together on this. The city will most likely have to get involved to relocate the grooming parties in the future.
They can gyrate in front of minors in a private setting. But apparently not public. Especially when the public setting is next door to a church.

When you say “ but apparently not in public “ that’s just reading the law. That’s not discussing it’s virtue. I know what the law states. Also why should a church get special treatment? Speaking of who does and doesn’t pay taxes……
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If it gets struck down it gets struck down. The blessing is how multiple church denominations of all races came together on this. The city will most likely have to get involved to relocate the grooming parties in the future.

That's some wishful thinking you've got there, bud.
When you say “ but apparently not in public “ that’s just reading the law. That’s not discussing its virtue. I know what the law states. Also why should a church get special treatment? Speaking of who does and doesn’t pay taxes……
Some folks are pro public venue grooming party. Some folks are anti public venue grooming party.
Churches help feed that hungry child you mentioned earlier.
Some folks are pro public venue grooming party. Some folks are anti public venue grooming party.
Churches help feed that hungry child you mentioned earlier.

Some folks are neither pro nor antI drag show. They’re “mind your business “ and “don’t get involved in badly written laws based on personal religious beliefs “. Also when you associate every person associated with drag shows as “groomers”. It’s like the idiots who scream racism every time someone says something they disagree with. There are plenty of straight/ plain Jane groomers. Some of them teach Sunday school and kids sports.
Some folks are neither pro nor antI drag show. They’re “mind your business “ and “don’t get involved in badly written laws based on personal religious beliefs “. Also when you associate every person associated with drag shows as “groomers”. It’s like the idiots who scream racism every time someone says something they disagree with. There are plenty of straight/ plain Jane groomers. Some of them teach Sunday school and kids sports.
I agree with most of this. And all these nefarious actions can take place at a private venue.
They can gyrate in front of minors in a private setting. But apparently not public. Especially when the public setting is next door to a church.

WTH does a church have to do with anything?
I agree with most of this. And all these nefarious actions can take place at a private venue.

You say you agree with what he said, but he just stated the definitive opposite of everything you've posted in this thread.

Are they putting detergent in Busch Light now? Did I miss something?
You say you agree with what he said, but he just stated the definitive opposite of everything you've posted in this thread.

Are they putting detergent in Busch Light now? Did I miss something?
Again what goes on at a private venue has nothing to do with this bill. I may or may not agreed with the actions but I can’t really do anything about it. I do not want my tax dollars going to support lewd shows for minors. It’s just not that hard.
I agree with most of this. And all these nefarious actions can take place at a private venue.

If you agree with me then stop using that word. Grooming is about the most despicable thing a person can do and throwing that word around waters down the issue. You’re normalizing hate speech against people who most likely dont hate you. Love your neighbor.
If you agree with me then stop using that word. Grooming is about the most despicable thing a person can do and throwing that word around waters down the issue. You’re normalizing hate speech against people who most likely dont hate you. Love your neighbor.
It is possible to love your neighbor and hate their actions. It’s not normalizing hate speech if you believe an action is wrong. It is calling it like you see it.
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Again what goes on at a private venue has nothing to do with this bill. I may or may not agreed with the actions but I can’t really do anything about it. I do not want my tax dollars going to support lewd shows for minors. It’s just not that hard.

I don't like churches being tax exempt but I'm not going out of my way to push for it to be otherwise.
It is possible to love your neighbor and hate their actions. It’s not normalizing hate speech if you believe an action is wrong. It is calling it like you see it.

It's hate speech. You are basically accusing drag queens of pedophilia.

For a Christian, you sure don't interpret your Bible very well.
Again what goes on at a private venue has nothing to do with this bill. I may or may not agreed with the actions but I can’t really do anything about it. I do not want my tax dollars going to support lewd shows for minors. It’s just not that hard.
You're just using "muh tax dollars " and "muh children" to thinly veil your hatred of the LGBTQ community. We all know it. Just admit it. You guys don't give a **** about open carrying in Walmart in front of a child or children being murdered at school but draw the line at a dude dressing up like a girl.
It is possible to love your neighbor and hate their actions. It’s not normalizing hate speech if you believe an action is wrong. It is calling it like you see it.

You’re accusing people of something that you can’t prove. You’re literally bearing false witness against your neighbor.
It's hate speech. You are basically accusing drag queens of pedophilia.

For a Christian, you sure don't interpret your Bible very well.
I just can’t see where gyrating partially clothed in front of minors is ok. That goes for straight or gay or any of your other 32 genders. That’s not hate speech. That’s common sense

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