So proud of my home state

What are you normalizing or desensitizing them to in church? I guess the image of a guy nailed on a cross, which I imagine would be shocking, but that's about the extent of it. And obvious Catholic Priest jokes aside, exposure to church will not make kids more susceptible to sexual abuse or exploitation in the way that exposure to explicitly sexual adult drag performances would.

I’d love to see your proof that seeing a drag show makes one more susceptible to sexual abuse.
You think those kids were groomed to be haters?
Not any more than Libs defacing the American flag. By the way, you can be perfectly fine with gay people while also being tired of having the government putting pride flags everywhere. How would you feel if once we take over, we start using taxpayer funds to paint Christian Flag everywhere?
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Not any more than Libs defacing the American flag. By the way, you can be perfectly fine with gay people while also being tired of having the government putting pride flags everywhere. How would you feel if once we take over, we start using taxpayer funds to paint Christian Flag everywhere?
Once you take over? You seem to be headed in the wrong direction.
Once you take over? You seem to be headed in the wrong direction.
We. Not I. Although i wouldn’t turn down an appointment as benevolent dictator 😉
I mean 2024 when the Republicans will control the White House, both houses of Congress, and a majority of state legislatures.
We learned from the Democrats in 2020 to 2022 how to play the game
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I’d love to see your proof that seeing a drag show makes one more susceptible to sexual abuse.

If exposing kids to adult sexual content did not work in terms of making a kid more susceptible, then groomers wouldn't do it as part of the grooming process.
We. Not I. Although i wouldn’t turn down an appointment as benevolent dictator 😉
I mean 2024 when the Republicans will control the White House, both houses of Congress, and a majority of state legislatures.
We learned from the Democrats in 2020 to 2022 how to play the game
I thought you guys said in 2016 that you learned how to play the game from Obama.

You think Trump is winning in 2024?
I thought you guys said in 2016 that you learned how to play the game from Obama.

You think Trump is winning in 2024?
Nope. But Ron DeSantis sure is
Your side is eventually going to succeed in getting Trump indicted somewhere and it will usher DeSantis right into the nomination. Tactical victory that will be a strategic catastrophe for Democrats
Nope. But Ron DeSantis sure is
Your side is eventually going to succeed in getting Trump indicted somewhere and it will usher DeSantis right into the nomination. Tactical victory that will be a strategic catastrophe for Democrats
I'm just looking forward to seeing Trump and DeSantis in the primaries. The depths to which that will sink will be fascinating and whoever eventually crawls out of the cesspool will be so covered in fifth, they will not stand a chance.
I'm just looking forward to seeing Trump and DeSantis in the primaries. The depths to which that will sink will be fascinating and whoever eventually crawls out of the cesspool will be so covered in fifth, they will not stand a chance.
Sure, the ambulatory octogenarian vegetable responsible for the worst economy in five decades who armed the taliban, gave the Chinese cart Blanche to fly balloons over the U.S. and directed the worst first amendment violations since WWI is going to cruise to victory. But actually, with all the dead voters they just might 🙄
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Could say the same about people meaning more than paint

I like to think the US flag represents a unity. The LGBT flag represents a sub-sect that is higher than the Unity.
I actually feel sorry for people that dont respect the unity which led to the prosperity of this nation..they are the ones that deny the unity and then expect their belief in a cause to be greater than the unity itself.
Really no different than the Confederate flag. and what flies higher.
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I like to think the US flag represents a unity. The LGBT flag represents a sub-sect that is higher than the Unity.
I actually feel sorry for people that dont respect the unity which led to the prosperity of this nation..they are the ones that deny the unity and then expect their belief in a cause to be greater than the unity itself.
Really no different than the Confederate flag. and what flies higher.
Even though it is just cloth, this could get you labeled as a domestic terrorist.

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Sure did. Just like you paid your barber for that haircut. Untuck your sack and go ask a man in Tennessee with that plate and see what response you get.

There are so many things you can go after and be valid, but my glorious scrotum and sweet coif ain't it.

You think a chest thumping hoss like you would swing at me over the irony of paying a government entity for a tag decrying government? Here's a valid dig: you're an asinine self caricature for thinking that tag isn't a conflicting act of idiocy. The government probably had a good laugh making that thing at the expense of both your wallet and your bacterial sized brain.

You are the imitation crab of masculinity.
Sure did. Just like you paid your barber for that haircut. Untuck your sack and go ask a man in Tennessee with that plate and see what response you get.

A legitimate discussion of the irony of paying the government extra for a license plate purporting to support limited government?

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