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To suggest that the only reason someone might be critical of drag for kids is that they are homophobic means that you must think that we would not be critical of straight people doing the exact same thing. I can tell you with 100% certainty that the outrage would be equal.
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If you would like for people to be more accepting of drag or other homosexual forms of expression, then quit defending the versions that involve exposing kids to adult sexual content. That's a losing battle. If you insist that drag for kids is part and parcel to being homosexual, don't be surprised when everyone suddenly turns into a homophobe.

What is this post? "If you want people to be less homophobic, make different arguments." No, just don't be homophobic, it's not the responsibility of everyone else
What is this post? "If you want people to be less homophobic, make different arguments." No, just don't be homophobic, it's not the responsibility of everyone else

You're telling people that to be a drag queen twerking for kids IS synonymous with being gay. If the terms of the deal are that in order to accept gay people, we must accept kids being exposed to adult sexual content for kids, then no deal. I'll accept the subjective label of homophobe in that case.
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To suggest that the only reason someone might be critical of drag for kids is that they are homophobic means that you must think that we would not be critical of straight people doing the exact same thing. I can tell you with 100% certainty that the outrage would be equal.

Beauty pageants are much more "grooming" and no one cares. We had Titans cheerleaders dancing around my elementary school when I was 8 and no one cared (nor should they). When drag is involved people start slandering entire communities
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You're telling people that to be a drag queen twerking for kids IS synonymous with being gay. If the terms of the deal are that in order to accept gay people, we must accept kids being exposed to adult sexual content for kids, then no deal. I'll accept the subjective label of homophobe in that case.

Drag doesn't have to be "synonymous" with homosexuality in order for all of the fake outrage and hand-wringing about drag to be based in homophobia (which it is)
You're telling people that to be a drag queen twerking for kids IS synonymous with being gay. If the terms of the deal are that in order to accept gay people, we must accept kids being exposed to adult sexual content for kids, then no deal. I'll accept the subjective label of homophobe in that case.
Would you let kids see Mrs Doubtfire?
So is being Christian. Let’s ban them

I'm not in favor of banning Christianity. I'm in favor of executing child rapists though. See, they aren't the same thing. That's my point. Drag isn't about being gay, and drag for kids isn't an anti gay issue. We should be able to criticize drag for kids the same way that we criticize the organizations that protect child rapists.
Beauty pageants are much more "grooming" and no one cares. We had Titans cheerleaders dancing around my elementary school when I was 8 and no one cared (nor should they). When drag is involved people start slandering entire communities

"Drag for kids is no worse than this other thing that I find morally repulsive!" Great argument.
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What are you talking about? You said the outrage is equal where gay people aren't involved which is impressively naive

Start a poll about pageant kids and their parents. I bet you'll get a large majority of people saying that they are weird creeps and that child beauty pageants are a repugnant idea. And those results will be allowed to stand without anyone being accused of being a bigot. You can't say the same about opposition to drag shows for kids though.

"You don't want a dude's bulge in kid's faces?!?! Homophobe! You never seen Mrs. Doubtfire?!?! Herp derp.!"
Start a poll about pageant kids and their parents. I bet you'll get a large majority of people saying that they are weird creeps and that child beauty pageants are a repugnant idea. And those results will be allowed to stand without anyone being accused of being a bigot. You can't say the same about opposition to drag shows for kids though.

"You don't want a dude's bulge in kid's faces?!?! Homophobe! You never seen Mrs. Doubtfire?!?! Herp derp.!"

The fact that a poll would need to be started because there is zero outrage about "repugnant weird creeps" around kids in the pageant context, which by the way is far more prevalent than drag shows around kids, undermines your entire point here
The mention of a comedic movie is laughable.
The irony of Mrs Doubtfire was he was trying to get closer to his biological children, not someones else's.
Wtf do you think happens at drag shows? Jesus Christ.
Wtf do you think happens at drag shows? Jesus Christ.
As mentioned there have been several videos that showed that exact stuff happening with children within reach. Also there has been drag queens quotes as training children. Provide me of an example a live shows that intails scantily clad adults imitating sex acts and dances...that allows children .. movies (y'all love this example) are made with that rating system to guide parents..if a parent decides to let their child see sexually explicit material I believe they should be held responsible...if a parents takes a child to a live shows that is sexually explicit both parents and performers should be held accountable...there was a time where all of society agree that sex acts involving it in front of children is disgusting...but here many Dems and libs and fighting just for that but tieing it to the gay community (most of which find is disgusting and do not want to be associated with)
I'm not in favor of banning Christianity. I'm in favor of executing child rapists though. See, they aren't the same thing. That's my point. Drag isn't about being gay, and drag for kids isn't an anti gay issue. We should be able to criticize drag for kids the same way that we criticize the organizations that protect child rapists.

But somehow you believe all drag shows are the same. It should work for banning Christianity too. I find some Christians to be repulsive people hiding behind their religion, so ban them all.

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