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Can I ask you a question? You’re a Christian or identity as one is that correct?
I am. I will add to that though. I don’t put a lot of barriers up. So I come across as a bit non traditional. I don’t take myself too seriously. Especially on here.
Why do dudes want to dress up as women and take their clothes off for kids? And expect the general public to think it’s normal? Do in private whatever you want. Legally of course.
Once again showing you are actually clueless. Drag queens aren't strippers, that would defeat the whole purpose.
I’m going to probably let my child watch Blazing Saddles in the next few years. I’m sure they’re coming to lock me up.
I’m anxiously awaiting the weekend I show Blazing Saddles to my grandkids. Youngest needs to be at least 7 or 8.
So, wait, you're okay with teaching kids that's it's all good to pressure young women into sex and objectify them as walking fleshlights, but drag queens are the problem?

Checkmate. End of thread. This settles it.

Confirms it. They don't actually care about the children. They hate the community. Probably don't even care if little Timmy is on the Hub at 7, as long as it's straight porn.
So, wait, you're okay with teaching kids that's it's all good to pressure young women into sex and objectify them as walking fleshlights, but drag queens are the problem?

Checkmate. End of thread. This settles it.


I never said it was all good. I said it doesn't equate to grooming. Not in the same way that taking your kid to a live drag performance does. And maybe I'm wrong about that. Maybe it can be seen as grooming too. Haven't thought much about it.
Confirms it. They don't actually care about the children. They hate the community. Probably don't even care if little Timmy is on the Hub at 7, as long as it's straight porn.
You guys are really reaching here. All drag queens are gay, but not all gays are drag queens. Drag is fine for adults. It is incredibly ****ed up to the pretend that it is wholesome family entertainment. What's controversial about this opinion?
You guys are really reaching here. All drag queens are gay, but not all gays are drag queens. Drag is fine for adults. It is incredibly ****ed up to the pretend that it is wholesome family entertainment. What's controversial about this opinion?
Absolutely nothing. Wasting time making laws about it is the problem.
You guys are really reaching here. All drag queens are gay, but not all gays are drag queens. Drag is fine for adults. It is incredibly ****ed up to the pretend that it is wholesome family entertainment. What's controversial about this opinion?

No one's arguing that it's wholesome. I've stated multiple times that I wouldn't take my kid to a drag show.

You, though, are saying it's grooming when it isn't. I don't think the performers should be taken to jail. That is targeting the community.

You had the gall to call them a protected class, which is blatantly absurd given the fact that protected class don't have laws created to make them criminals for doing what they do.
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Absolutely nothing. Wasting time making laws about it is the problem.

I have not defended the law one single time in this thread. But I do believe kids at drag shows is creepy and has grooming vibes. And I also believe that criticizing drag shows as degenerate filth is not equal to criticizing the gay community.
No one's arguing that it's wholesome. I've stated multiple times that I wouldn't take my kid to a drag show.

You, though, are saying it's grooming when it isn't. I don't think the performers should be taken to jail. That is targeting the community.

You had the gall to call them a protected class, which is blatantly absurd given the fact that protected class don't have laws created to make them criminals for doing what they do.

The original post that started this was one in which someone who was critical of drag shows was being called a hateful bigot. My only point was to say that drag should not be something that is untouchable from criticism simply because it is performed by a protected class and that being critical of it should not be equated to being a hateful bigot. It is reasonable to be repulsed at the idea of kids attending these shows. And I don't think drag performers should be taken to jail either. I have said multiple times it is a stupid law. But I do believe that kids at drag shows is groomy.
The original post that started this was one in which someone who was critical of drag shows was being called a hateful bigot. My only point was to say that drag should not be something that is untouchable from criticism simply because it is performed by a protected class and that being critical of it should not be equated to being a hateful bigot. It is reasonable to be repulsed at the idea of kids attending these shows. And I don't think drag performers should be taken to jail either. I have said multiple times it is a stupid law. But I do believe that kids at drag shows is groomy.

How are homosexuals a protected class? Was it the religious persecution they still experience around the world or the marriage inequality that gave it away?

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