So proud of my home state

Don't go full Donjo, never go full Donjo.

I think parents need to making most of the decisions on how they raise their kids and not the state. If the parents are endangering, hurting, neglecting or abusing the kid then punish the parents. I'm not going to tell you how to raise your kid.
Just don't let companies get involved in decisions involving minors. Ban minors from attending stupid crap like *** shows until their adults, problem solved.
Just don't let companies get involved in decisions involving minors. Ban minors from attending stupid crap like *** shows until their adults, problem solved.

I don't want companies getting involved in decisions about minors anymore than I want the state involved.
If there was no nudity then the comparison isn't valid. Also, who do you want making the parenting decisions? You or the state?
Definitions of adult entertainment cover more than simple nudity. The descriptions of these shows strongly indicate that the lines were crossed
Definitions of adult entertainment cover more than simple nudity. The descriptions of these shows strongly indicate that the lines were crossed

Ok, punish the people who physically took minors to the show and paid for them to see it.
I'm sure we will see and the probable outcome is the state of FL will loose. At least I hope it does.

I don’t.

This was not some extreme burden to be met.

If I run a bungee jumping operation, it probably requires a height and age minimum. I don’t look past those minimums because some irresponsible parents showed up and consent to their 2 year old jumping.
Definitions of adult entertainment cover more than simple nudity. The descriptions of these shows strongly indicate that the lines were crossed

This is all so absurd, what a hill to die on.

All 3 entities have skin in the game - parents, venue, performers.

If I am a performer and walk out and see a 6 year old there, I don’t go “welp, mom and dad and the venue are all good with it, the show must go on”.
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Physical harm (no not talking about spanking) sexual assault and neglect.
So widowed single father, you'd be fine with him allowing a 5 year old to watch him have sex and beat a women during that intercourse...legally not morally?
So widowed single father, you'd be fine with him allowing a 5 year old to watch him have sex and beat a women during that intercourse...legally not morally?

Feeling all Donjo today I see.

Come back when you’re able to discuss this like an adult and not throw out absurd scenarios.
Feeling all Donjo today I see.

Come back when you’re able to discuss this like an adult and not throw out absurd scenarios.
I'm serious you said physical or neglect to the child.....would you be fine with someone dry humping another person in front on a 5 year old?
From what I understood, the advertisement read "all ages welcome". It was supposedly changed to accompanied by an adult the date of the show which is also the date the complaint was filed against them.
I'm serious you said physical or neglect to the child.....would you be fine with someone dry humping another person in front on a 5 year old?

I’m sure my kids caught/witnessed me and the wife acting inappropriately at some point.
From what I understood, the advertisement read "all ages welcome". It was supposedly changed to accompanied by an adult the date of the show which is also the date the complaint was filed against them.
My guess is that the hotel probably just assumed they were dealing with a typical Republican (says all the right things; but never actually follows through on any of them)
I think the biggest question is, does the pearl clutching continue to this extent past the election? Will it be dropped to the wayside once the votes are counted, or will it become a permanent fixture in the stupid morality war?
That's a great question...I would hope as a society we try to learn to hold ourselves and society accountable for unacceptable behavior...without government interfering..but we have a large section that if fine with debauchery and the downfall of society.
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Is that a yes...I'm not talking occasionally I'm talking as a turn on for the adult....

I’m not wasting my time on your absurd scenarios. It’s people like you “what ifing” every damn thing that leads to idiotic laws.

No child should be used for sexual arousal, seriously WTF goes through your mind?

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