So proud of my home state

Gladly, but what am I supposed to do when someone childs society of debauchery interfere with my child's innocence???

I would recommend home schooling for you because it appears that is the only way you will ever be comfortable with them not being exposed to anything you don't agree with.
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Give me an example of his overreach? I know what your "overreaction" example would be.

Removing the ability of employers to set employment conditions. Going after Disney, (trying to) pull this hotel’s liquor license.
You backed yourself in a corner on this one Hog. DeSantis did a good thing by sending a message to liberal sickos that the exploitation of children in his state is over and you seem to want to defend the rights of sick people to be sick in front of children. I don't and most sane people don't either.

There are morons who backed themselves into corners and hog isn't one of them.
You can say this about anything. You could say that parents letting their kids watch R rated movies at home effect your child because they talked about it at school. You could say that parents letting their kids do or see anything you don't agree with effects your family in this vague butterly effect, no self responsibility scenario. So now that it's your business, who are you suggesting punishing?
I have always believed that 1. When you start a business your agreeing to abide by certain laws and restrictions to your personal beliefs (ie discrimination, etc...). 2. Children need to be protected as they are representative of a future society ( so what they are exposed to now as ok with get worse as they get older). 3. Local government should be representative of the local society, this is why I'm fine with Desantis doing this, if he is POTUS and tries to regulate like this nationwide...then nope not acceptable...
Says the guy who protests an opposing voice on a forum

Firstly, what?

Secondly, I know it's been a long time.. I mean, like, a veryyyyy long time you've been in school, but I'm still young enough to remember, and I reckon some of the **** we talked about as kids might make you fill your depends.
I have always believed that 1. When you start a business your agreeing to abide by certain laws and restrictions to your personal beliefs (ie discrimination, etc...). 2. Children need to be protected as they are representative of a future society ( so what they are exposed to now as ok with get worse as they get older). 3. Local government should be representative of the local society, this is why I'm fine with Desantis doing this, if he is POTUS and tries to regulate like this nationwide...then nope not acceptable...

So if local society believes in no gun ownership, teaching kids about BDSM and doing drugs the local government should abide in your opinion?

See I believe the opposite, I believe the government should protect the individual from the mob and not the other way around.
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Firstly, what?

Secondly, I know it's been a long time.. I mean, like, a veryyyyy long time you've been in school, but I'm still young enough to remember, and I reckon some of the **** we talked about as kids might make you fill your depends.

Sick burn..I aint that old.
But even 10 years ago..this **** deserved an ass beating.

You must be so young that you are still impressionable to the whims of an societal decency
Removing the ability of employers to set employment conditions. Going after Disney, (trying to) pull this hotel’s liquor license.
I knew you'd bring up Disney, poor example. Give specific examples of him setting employment conditions that fall outside of a states authority?
So if local society believes in no gun ownership, teaching kids about BDSM and doing drugs the local government should abide in your opinion?

See I believe the opposite, I believe the government should protect the individual from the mob and not the other way around.
Isn't that basically how it is in California? Isn't he protecting an individual's right and punishing a buisness that decided it knew better..and yes parents should be held accountable even more so then the business
Isn't that basically how it is in California? Isn't he protecting an individual's right and punishing a buisness that decided it knew better..and yes parents should be held accountable even more so then the business

No, he’s not protecting anyone’s rights.

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