Spurrier already whining! (merged)

Pointing to the "upgrades" at the teams in bold is laughable. Their upgrades are irrelevant to Tennessee football, because we'll rarely, if ever, lose coveted recruits to any of those schools.

Your argument supporting Bama's success is weak.

Ok, let me strengthen the Bama arguement = SABAN,,ok that should do it.
I think two of the last four equals more than once a decade, but I could be wrong. We do look to Tennesse for players, but really are not that many good ones, so like small fish, we throw em back.

Whistle past the Grave Yard all you want, but states that do not produce great football talent year in and year out rarely have maintained success on the gridiron.

Fulmer should have been studied by science to try and figure out his winning percentage at your school, not fired. If anyone feels like a three year bet, I will put some serious change on LK having a lower winning percentage than Phil when he is let go in three years.

You guys are in a Clemson / Nebraska spiral right now after Osbourne and Ford.

The next coach will win about as much as Phil did the next few years. This will be unacceptable, so you will fire him. Like Solich and Hatfield. The next coach will completely tank, like West and Calahan.

Finally what I said earlier will be realized, times have changed, and you will hire a third coach (Tommy Bowden, Bo PO) who will tell you that 8-9 wins a year with an occasional run at an East title is what you will get, and you will like it. You guys will accept it.

Just the way I see it, any takers?

So, you're saying that we will become SC without the storied past? Nah, I doubt it. It would take 100 years of mediocrity before we became SC and then we'd still have our past. Funny how coaches have found a way to make UT one of the winningest programs of all time being that "states that do not produce great football talent year in and year out rarely have maintained success on the gridiron."

Admit it. You're HOPING that UT goes the way of Clemson/Nebraska. Deep down you're scared because you know that your window of opportunity to elevate yourself above a doormat just got closed.
You forgot to factor in that the population in the South has risen substantially over that time but the number of scholarships at those schools has remained the same. Result? There are more good players in the South than there ever has been but the total demand for them has remained stable. That's reality.

Thanks for further strengthening my arguement,,think about it dude. You just gave the outline for a perfect parity arguement. :clapping:

Parity cost Phil his job, programs with more to choose from in general (population) will prosper while those who cannot will become more and more even because of the limitations.

Thanks, forgot about that angle.
Ok, let me strengthen the Bama arguement = SABAN,,ok that should do it.

So, what you're saying is, with the right coaching staff, a university in a smaller state can achieve great success? That ought to close the chapter on how post-Fulmer UT is inevitably spiralling into the new post-Ford Clemson.
Which borders Texas, how many Conference and National Titles has Oregon won?

Talent is 80% of winning, coaching 20%, that is why local high school talent is important, especially for a program that cannot recruit TOP out of state talent like they use to.

So what you're saying is that SC has no talent. I get it now.
So, you're saying that we will become SC without the storied past? Nah, I doubt it. It would take 100 years of mediocrity before we became SC and then we'd still have our past. Funny how coaches have found a way to make UT one of the winningest programs of all time being that "states that do not produce great football talent year in and year out rarely have maintained success on the gridiron."

Admit it. You're HOPING that UT goes the way of Clemson/Nebraska. Deep down you're scared because you know that your window of opportunity to elevate yourself above a doormat just got closed.

So your taking me up on my wager then? Email me and we will set it up.
Which borders Texas, how many Conference and National Titles has Oregon won?

Talent is 80% of winning, coaching 20%, that is why local high school talent is important, especially for a program that cannot recruit TOP out of state talent like they use to.

How do you account for #3 recruiting class two years ago and #6 this year before Fulmer got fired. With Kiffin, we'll end up back in the Top 5. You're trying to make points fit your argument that don't really fit your argument and make you look stupid.
You are jumping back and forth. If there is plenty of great talent available then why worry about UF, Bama or LSU? They have no advantage.
So, what you're saying is, with the right coaching staff, a university in a smaller state can achieve great success? That ought to close the chapter on how post-Fulmer UT is inevitably spiralling into the new post-Ford Clemson.

If you think Tennesse and Alabama have comparable talent, yes, they do not, so no.
Are you changing your argument point to better fit the information being presented to you to refute your original argument?

You're all over the place.
Simple fact of the matter is this, since you had your run here is a list of teams, programs and coaches you compete with for talent and how they have fared:

Kentucky - Upgraded
Vandy - Upgraded
SC - Upgraded
Georgia - Upgraded
Florida - same
Bama - Upgraded
Auburn -same
Ole Miss -Upgraded
Miss State - Downgraded
LSU - Upgraded
Georgia Tech- same
Arkansas - same
UNC - Upgraded
NC State - same
Wake - Upgraded
Duke - Upgraded
West Virginia - Upgraded
Louisville - Upgraded

BCS teams fighting for a National Title this year:

Florida- Pick of top talent in their state

Bama- Pick of top talent in their talent rich state and Lousianna connections

Texas- Pick of talent in their talent rich state

Oklahoma- Pick of talent in their state and 50% of anybody they want in the Nation of Texas

Southern Cal - Pick of anyone they want in the 4th largest economy in the World.

Hate to point out obvious trends here, but when you live in the world of reality it helps you keep your sanity.

Maybe you guys compete with Duke and Wake for players but we don't. BTW, you're also not mentioning the fact that UT also upgraded and is a better program than most of the schools in states that border UT. The competition got tougher but we're still one of the bigger dogs in the fight and just got a recruiting guru and an NFL defensive guru. All the momentum that UT lost this decade just swung back our way.
If you think Tennesse and Alabama have comparable talent, yes, they do not, so no.

In-state talent doesn't matter, as long as you border a state with talent...you taught me that.

And just like Oklahoma borders Texas, Tennessee borders Alabama. We'll be successful forever.
In-state talent doesn't matter, as long as you border a state with talent...you taught me that.

And just like Oklahoma borders Texas, Tennessee borders Alabama. We'll be successful forever.

He doesn't even remember what he's arguing now. He's talked himself in circles.
Let's review

Tennesse was good 1989-2004.
Congrats, you worked hard, overcame your circumstances of limited talent in your own state, got a program going that GOOD kids wanted to be a part of from other areas.

2004 to present

This route does not work anymore, better COACHES and PROGRAMS in ole Phil stomping ground.

You digressed.


Get a better coach than these programs and out recruit them.

All I am saying is my bet is that you will not. By naming LK coach I know the coaching part aint gonna cut it, so you are already behind the 8 ball.

As for my team, were fine 200 million dollar facilty upgrade, and our population is increasing every year. People like the Carolinas.

Time will tell all,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
As for my team, were fine 200 million dollar facilty upgrade, and our population is increasing every year. People like the Carolinas.

Time will tell all,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Correct me if I'm wrong, but South Carolina doesn't border Texas or Alabama.

You're screwed.
Get a better coach than these programs and out recruit them.

All I am saying is my bet is that you will not. By naming LK coach I know the coaching part aint gonna cut it, so you are already behind the 8 ball.

As for my team, were fine 200 million dollar facilty upgrade, and our population is increasing every year. People like the Carolinas.

Time will tell all,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

So you're psychic now and know that LK isn't a good coach despite Carroll, who credits Kiffin with helping the USC turnaround, stating the exact opposite?

Kiffin will recruit circles around Spurrier and he knows it, hence the kneejerk statement that spawned this thread. He's scared and lashing out to try and stop the bleeding before it's started.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but South Carolina doesn't border Texas or Alabama.

You're screwed.

If you mean from being able to play in a SEC Title game every year and a National Title every year, and having a better than 75% winning percentage,,,

Then you aint telling me anything I do not already know. I live in reality,,it is fun!

Okay guys,, I gotta go, enjoy your bowl game,,,,,,

If you mean from being able to play in a SEC Title game every year and a National Title every year, and having a better than 75% winning percentage,,,

Then you aint telling me anything I do not already know. I live in reality,,it is fun!

Okay guys,, I gotta go, enjoy your bowl game,,,,,,


Reality? Is that a nice town? I thought you lived in SC, which is not so fun.
In-state talent doesn't matter, as long as you border a state with talent...you taught me that.

And just like Oklahoma borders Texas, Tennessee borders Alabama. We'll be successful forever.

I think Georgia is similar on a smaller scale, We almost border Louisiana, and have had some success recruiting there, similar to S. Carolina.
You forgot to factor in that the population in the South has risen substantially over that time but the number of scholarships at those schools has remained the same. Result? There are more good players in the South than there ever has been but the total demand for them has remained stable. That's reality.

Actually the trend you point to has been magnified with a reduction in total available scholarships down to 85 per school several years ago. Not only are there more athletes, there are fewer slots for those athletes among big time schools.
Let's review

Tennesse was good 1989-2004.
Congrats, you worked hard, overcame your circumstances of limited talent in your own state, got a program going that GOOD kids wanted to be a part of from other areas.

2004 to present

This route does not work anymore, better COACHES and PROGRAMS in ole Phil stomping ground.

You digressed.

First of all, congratulations on being the typical Gamecock troll and strolling in here to talk smack 3 days after getting whacked by 17 points.

Secondly, it's regress . . . not digress. Had we digressed, we would have been in the middle of a game and suddenly started playing backgammon instead of football.

Gamecock fan lecturing about having a quality sports program is like walking by a homeless guy and having him bitch at you because your shoes aren't shined.
Hamilton said today that Kiffin went to Cal Berkley last Wednesday to take and pass the test.

he did this before he was even offered the Tennessee job.

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