Spurrier already whining! (merged)

Read the update:

UPDATE: A couple very concerned Vol fans have asked me to note that Kiffin addressed the test in question at his press conference, and said he took it last week. So there you go. The post is about Spurrier, since -- like most allegations of recruiting malpractice within the ranks -- this barb would be exceedingly petty even if true. But for what it's worth: Kiffin said he passed the test.
Florida is the only team in the East anyone in the East should be concerned with. South Carolina has 4 million people Tenn as 6 million, but we produce more D1 talent per year than Tenn.

Tenn made a living in the 1990's going into other states that at the time had weak programs and weak recruiting to make up for the lack of talent in their state.

NC has Butch Davis and NC State is on the rise, people aint scared to goto Wake anymore,.

SC has Spurrier and make fun of Dabo all you want, but the man recruits great.

Georgia has Richt and now GT is no joke.

Florida, Meyer, Jimbo,,,,

Bama Saban,, nuff said.

LSU is back, forget Lousianna

Even Kentucy is doing better.

This recipe boys means the guys in the state that has 28 million people are the ones to be worried about.

You're not worried about us, were not worried about you.

We have our problems as well, but sometimes you need to look at the landscape around you as the issue not necessarily the coach. Fulmer did not forget how to coach or recruit,, it's just what he was selling was available elsewhere and closer to home than in the past, so they stayed, and you digressed.

May not like it, but it's the way it is.

Wow, this post is crap. First, you overestimated FL's population by about 100%. Second, UT has no problems with recruiting. We still put together top recruiting classes and had one of the best in the country before Fulmer got canned. Be happy that your class got a boost temporarily as we will now take back our decommits plus some extras. You are right, that Fulmer had gotten stale. Now we have an all-star coaching staff to go along with a great recruiting staff. Sorry, but you'll continue to be mediocre to crappy SC. You may not like it, but that's the way it is.
He already took the test and signed his contract prior to ever contacting any recruits. This is already discussed in the Spurrier already whinning thread.
Florida is the only team in the East anyone in the East should be concerned with. South Carolina has 4 million people Tenn as 6 million, but we produce more D1 talent per year than Tenn.

Tenn made a living in the 1990's going into other states that at the time had weak programs and weak recruiting to make up for the lack of talent in their state.

NC has Butch Davis and NC State is on the rise, people aint scared to goto Wake anymore,.

SC has Spurrier and make fun of Dabo all you want, but the man recruits great.

Georgia has Richt and now GT is no joke.

Florida, Meyer, Jimbo,,,,

Bama Saban,, nuff said.

LSU is back, forget Lousianna

Even Kentucy is doing better.

This recipe boys means the guys in the state that has 28 million people are the ones to be worried about.

You're not worried about us, were not worried about you.

We have our problems as well, but sometimes you need to look at the landscape around you as the issue not necessarily the coach. Fulmer did not forget how to coach or recruit,, it's just what he was selling was available elsewhere and closer to home than in the past, so they stayed, and you digressed.

May not like it, but it's the way it is.

BTW, UT gets a lot of recruits out of SC. How many do you guys get out of TN? You should be worried...
I think Spurrier is just repeating the national narative so far. Is this guy ready for Prime Time? Just kidding, as a Gamecock fan were not all too torn up about David Reeves leaving. He was our Recruiting coordinator/QB coach in title, but we all know who the QB coach was.

His recruiting coordinator role had been relegated to keeping up the spreedsheet of who talked to who and where. Shane Beamer had really become the star of recruiting and was going to get the title anyway this offseason, and since David does not really coach a position it was going to either be an experiment to see if he could coach a position or he would have been let go. Shane was taking over all the in state recruiting and Reeves was going to be sent out of state since he rubbed many high school coaches of the best teams in the state the wrong way.

He is a nice kid, but not sure he has ever coached an actual position for anyone, not to mention a D1 school. It is definitely novice hour with him.

Spurrier being the "real qb coach" would be good for UT then ??.....Seeing how bad usce qb's have been in the years under Spurrier....By the way, one of your qb's that transferred, Cade Thompson, tore it up at UT-Martin this year....He threw for close to or just over 300 yards at Auburn this year....The Skyhawks moved the ball much easier on Auburn than our Vols did AND scored more points as well....
I think two of the last four equals more than once a decade, but I could be wrong. We do look to Tennesse for players, but really are not that many good ones, so like small fish, we throw em back.

Whistle past the Grave Yard all you want, but states that do not produce great football talent year in and year out rarely have maintained success on the gridiron.

Fulmer should have been studied by science to try and figure out his winning percentage at your school, not fired. If anyone feels like a three year bet, I will put some serious change on LK having a lower winning percentage than Phil when he is let go in three years.

You guys are in a Clemson / Nebraska spiral right now after Osbourne and Ford.

The next coach will win about as much as Phil did the next few years. This will be unacceptable, so you will fire him. Like Solich and Hatfield. The next coach will completely tank, like West and Calahan.

Finally what I said earlier will be realized, times have changed, and you will hire a third coach (Tommy Bowden, Bo PO) who will tell you that 8-9 wins a year with an occasional run at an East title is what you will get, and you will like it. You guys will accept it.

Just the way I see it, any takers?
I think two of the last four equals more than once a decade, but I could be wrong. We do look to Tennesse for players, but really are not that many good ones, so like small fish, we throw em back.

Whistle past the Grave Yard all you want, but states that do not produce great football talent year in and year out rarely have maintained success on the gridiron.

Fulmer should have been studied by science to try and figure out his winning percentage at your school, not fired. If anyone feels like a three year bet, I will put some serious change on LK having a lower winning percentage than Phil when he is let go in three years.

You guys are in a Clemson / Nebraska spiral right now after Osbourne and Ford.

The next coach will win about as much as Phil did the next few years. This will be unacceptable, so you will fire him. Like Solich and Hatfield. The next coach will completely tank, like West and Calahan.

Finally what I said earlier will be realized, times have changed, and you will hire a third coach (Tommy Bowden, Bo PO) who will tell you that 8-9 wins a year with an occasional run at an East title is what you will get, and you will like it. You guys will accept it.

Just the way I see it, any takers?

I'll take the bet but the bet has to be CLK's winning percentage in his 4 years versus Fulmer's in his LAST 4 years. That is the winning percentage that got Fulmer fired. I am so tired of hearing about his 75% winning percentage I could throw up. After 2001 we have been a very mediocre team no where near 75%.
I'll take the bet but the bet has to be CLK's winning percentage in his 4 years versus Fulmer's in his LAST 4 years. That is the winning percentage that got Fulmer fired. I am so tired of hearing about his 75% winning percentage I could throw up. After 2001 we have been a very mediocre team no where near 75%.

FBtime,, you made my point for me man. That past 4 years you are talking about saw the emergence of Richt, Urban, Saban, Spurrier, Butch Davis, LSU, even Brooks at Kentucky.

You are whistlen past the graveyard if you do not see a direct correlation between the two. Recruiting got harder, coaching match ups got harder, certain programs lost an edge.
Whistle past the Grave Yard all you want, but states that do not produce great football talent year in and year out rarely have maintained success on the gridiron.

. . . so explain Tennessee from 1989 to about 2004, Nebraska in the 70s, 80s and 90s, Oregon etc.
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This recruiting "test" thing is a joke---why did spurrier even mention it? He's got his own problems dealing with losing over in columbia.
There's definitely some correlation between in state talent and wins, but just in the past 10-15 years we've seen times where schools like Georgia, USC, UCLA, Texas, Texas A&M, FSU, Penn State, LSU, even Florida struggled for a few years despite all the talent around them. I think good leadership creates wins to a much greater degree than local high school talent.
And isn't there some school out in Norman, Oklahoma that's maintained some success over the years?

Which borders Texas, how many Conference and National Titles has Oregon won?

Talent is 80% of winning, coaching 20%, that is why local high school talent is important, especially for a program that cannot recruit TOP out of state talent like they use to.
Which borders Texas, how many Conference and National Titles has Oregon won?

So now the bar has moved to teams that have talent in border states and whether conference titles are involved? Tennessee borders 8 states; at least 3 or 4 of which have good talent . . . I'm trying to figure out how we sucked so badly this year.
Which borders Texas, how many Conference and National Titles has Oregon won?

Ah, I see. So, Oklahoma's success is simply attributed to bordering Texas. Though, this leaves me curious as to why New Mexico has never been successful in football. Arizona and Nevada border California - why are there no traditional powers in those states?
So now the bar has moved to teams that have talent in border states and whether conference titles are involved? Tennessee borders 8 states; at least 3 or 4 of which have good talent . . . I'm trying to figure out how we sucked so badly this year.

NO QB! very simple observation!
It's been a top-5 program for the past decade....and it's arguably the greatest football program of all-time.

i agree 100%, but they still had some down years. So did USC, Miami, Nebraska, ND, FSU, UF used to suck, Bama did...ect.....ect...

Oklahoma has been very good for a Loooooong time. I agree.
Simple fact of the matter is this, since you had your run here is a list of teams, programs and coaches you compete with for talent and how they have fared:

Kentucky - Upgraded
Vandy - Upgraded
SC - Upgraded
Georgia - Upgraded
Florida - same
Bama - Upgraded
Auburn -same
Ole Miss -Upgraded
Miss State - Downgraded
LSU - Upgraded
Georgia Tech- same
Arkansas - same
UNC - Upgraded
NC State - same
Wake - Upgraded
Duke - Upgraded
West Virginia - Upgraded
Louisville - Upgraded

BCS teams fighting for a National Title this year:

Florida- Pick of top talent in their state

Bama- Pick of top talent in their talent rich state and Lousianna connections

Texas- Pick of talent in their talent rich state

Oklahoma- Pick of talent in their state and 50% of anybody they want in the Nation of Texas

Southern Cal - Pick of anyone they want in the 4th largest economy in the World.

Hate to point out obvious trends here, but when you live in the world of reality it helps you keep your sanity.
Simple fact of the matter is this, since you had your run here is a list of teams, programs and coaches you compete with for talent and how they have fared:

Kentucky - Upgraded
Vandy - Upgraded
SC - Upgraded

Georgia - Upgraded
Florida - same
Bama - Upgraded
Auburn -same
Ole Miss -Upgraded
Miss State - Downgraded
LSU - Upgraded
Georgia Tech- same
Arkansas - same
UNC - Upgraded
NC State - same
Wake - Upgraded
Duke - Upgraded
West Virginia - Upgraded
Louisville - Upgraded

BCS teams fighting for a National Title this year:

Florida- Pick of top talent in their state

Bama- Pick of top talent in their talent rich state and Lousianna connections

Texas- Pick of talent in their talent rich state

Oklahoma- Pick of talent in their state and 50% of anybody they want in the Nation of Texas

Southern Cal - Pick of anyone they want in the 4th largest economy in the World.

Pointing to the "upgrades" at the teams in bold is laughable. Their upgrades are irrelevant to Tennessee football, because we'll rarely, if ever, lose coveted recruits to any of those schools.

Your argument supporting Bama's success is weak.
Simple fact of the matter is this, since you had your run here is a list of teams, programs and coaches you compete with for talent and how they have fared:

Kentucky - Upgraded
Vandy - Upgraded
SC - Upgraded
Georgia - Upgraded
Florida - same
Bama - Upgraded
Auburn -same
Ole Miss -Upgraded
Miss State - Downgraded
LSU - Upgraded
Georgia Tech- same
Arkansas - same
UNC - Upgraded
NC State - same
Wake - Upgraded
Duke - Upgraded
West Virginia - Upgraded
Louisville - Upgraded

BCS teams fighting for a National Title this year:

Florida- Pick of top talent in their state

Bama- Pick of top talent in their talent rich state and Lousianna connections

Texas- Pick of talent in their talent rich state

Oklahoma- Pick of talent in their state and 50% of anybody they want in the Nation of Texas

Southern Cal - Pick of anyone they want in the 4th largest economy in the World.

Hate to point out obvious trends here, but when you live in the world of reality it helps you keep your sanity.

You forgot to factor in that the population in the South has risen substantially over that time but the number of scholarships at those schools has remained the same. Result? There are more good players in the South than there ever has been but the total demand for them has remained stable. That's reality.

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