Spurrier already whining! (merged)

Spurrier needs to hang it up--he can't win at usc with mediocre recruits, an out of date passing game, and 2-3 draw plays he likes to run.
Spurrier is just mad because recruiting just got much harder.

Agreed. Listening to the Animal this afternoon someone made the comment that Kiffen has a reputation as a good recruiter and it is not a happy day for some of these coaches. :blink:
spurrier is a coach that needs to step away before he is removed like fulmer. I would love nothing more than for clk to have a catchy little slap in the face saying in public about spurrier that is referenced for the next 100 years.

cant spell suck withouth usc!!!
Let him whine. Maybe kiffin can throw some over the hill, or washed up comments steve-o's way.
Whine some more Steve Superior. You WILL BE meeting your Ambassador VERY SOON. He is 33 years old and has as much spunk as you did as a young lad.
Ok I get it, yall just hate spurrier.

Actually most at UT like Steve now becasue he is no threat to Tennessee.

He is a coach past his prime at a school that doesn't matter.

Frankly if our coach were concerned with USCe, that would be concerning.

He has much bigger fish to fry than a program (USCe) that will never be a factor.
Welcome to the SEC, cheater. Signed, Ol' Ball Coach.

By Matt Hinton
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whoever wrote that is a doubter, and no doubt a UGA or UF fan, and is afraid, GO GET EM KIFF!!!
apparently neither you nor the OBC watched the press conference today. He specifically mentioned that he took the test earlier last week so that when he got the job he could start recruiting immediately. there is nothing to worry about
Too bad he had already passed his NCAA test. Spurrier needs to stick with worrying about tee times at Augusta. His personal bitch doesn't work at UT anymore.

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