Spurrier already whining! (merged)

This is fine with me, This is more pub for Coach Kiffen and the university! This will not be a problem with the NCAA i believe. More pub means that recruits will get to know Coach K. I love it
i feel the ole ball coach will end his career the way fulmer's did. no disrespect to fulmer.
Pathetic that it's on the front page of Yahoo right now.

Actually, very strategic. Knowing that Tennessee fans are in an information hysteria right now they know something like that will get picked up by VolNation, GridScape, etc.

All those clicks lead right back to Yahoo! Sports just driving up that AdSpace and demographic for Yahoo!

I like to call it warfare.
Put in terms of yesterday's analogy du jour, Spurrier is Bret Hart crying about losing his spot to Shawn Michaels.
Glad LK hasn't bothered to set his sights as low as hoping to beat the Gamecocks. Apparently he matters more to Spurrier than vice versa.
Wow, this whole thing makes Spurrier look like the schmuck that he truly is. I can't believe he would attack a new guy like Kiffin when he wasn't even sure if Kiffin had taken the test. Now that everyone knows Kiffin did take the test, it really makes Spurrier look like an idiot.
Spurrier, the biggest cry baby on the SEC coaches list...thanks for throwing some fuel on the fire Steve-O...see you in Knoxville next year:td:
As long as we are talking wrestling. I think my favorite fight of all time was Ricky the Dragon Steamboat vs. The Macho Man (Intercontinental Championship 1987) What say you Hat? Ricky won in amazing fight.

But, the Honkey Tonk Man took down the dragon a couple of fights later.
Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin was a far better feud than anything Austin vs. Rock provided.
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As long as we are talking wrestling. I think my favorite fight of all time was Ricky the Dragon Steamboat vs. The Macho Man (Intercontinental Championship 1987) What say you Hat? Ricky won in amazing fight.

But, the Honkey Tonk Man took down the dragon a couple of fights later.
The Steamboat-Savage match is right there with the 2 out of 3 fall match between Flair and Steamboat in the Superdome as the best ever.

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