Spurrier already whining! (merged)

That's a tough one.
Rock 'n Roll Express-Midnite Express
Raven-Tommy Dreamer
Kevin Sullivan-Dusty Rhodes

I didn't really start watching it until the mid '90s so I really loved the Attitude Era feuds like Rock-Austin and Kane-Undertaker
What happen to those days, d@mn good fights and now all we have is WWE..*SIGH* Thanks Vince.
Actually, very strategic. Knowing that Tennessee fans are in an information hysteria right now they know something like that will get picked up by VolNation, GridScape, etc.

All those clicks lead right back to Yahoo! Sports just driving up that AdSpace and demographic for Yahoo!

I like to call it warfare.

You're right, no doubt. I just find it unfortunate after the official press conference, nothing was on the front page, not even the forepart in the sports section. Now when something negative transpires, it's on the very front.

What you said is true, a NCAA violation in the first 24 hours will appeal to readers.
You're right, no doubt. I just find it unfortunate after the official press conference, nothing was on the front page, not even the forepart in the sports section. Now when something negative transpires, it's on the very front.

What you said is true, a NCAA violation in the first 24 hours will appeal to readers.

Everyone knows that ESPN er I mean Yahoo hates us!
Damn dooz, that's harsh. Booker could work and entertain...unfair to lump him with a stiff like Henry.

i love the Book. met him several times outside the ring and every time he stopped to talk.

just not a fan of his in ring work.
Yokozuna and Big Van Vader were creating horrid feuds long before Umanga had sniffed the ring.
I disagree about Vader. When he was in the ring with guys who could really go, i.e. Flair or Michaels, he had good to great matches. It's when they put him in with other behemoths that it went bad.

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