Stacey Abrams chosen to give Democratic response to Trump's State of the Union

For the record... I dump posts all the time with the stupid "libtard" word in them and I vote Republican about 90% of the time. It's dumb.

Cannot disagree with this. The term is fifth grade juvenile.
I'm sure there are about 62 million others that did as well.
I thought it was just us. I know we were almost alone in predicting the win on this forum, the day before. I called for a somewhat smaller electoral college win. I didn't think he could win both Michigan and Pennsylvania.
So, are we still thinking this is going to be an epic fail for the DNC or are we past that?
So, are we still thinking this is going to be an epic fail for the DNC or are we past that?

For the most part the liberal element has tried mightily to divert the discussion to Trump's "inadequacies" ... and why Clinton haters would have voted for him.
So nobody except 72, Airvol, and Nd40 voted for Trump. How can you all own the libs when you are being owned by nothing more than Trump's rhetoric? You're trolling yourselves boys.
I'm rather enjoying the fact that he makes a bunch of people piss their pants with tweets, but his presidency has ruined Kimmel for me....that's unfortunate .... other than that it's all good
So, are we still thinking this is going to be an epic fail for the DNC or are we past that?
I think it's going to be a total pile of race mongering BS and free stuff for everyone..... and a bunch of sub IQ45s will fall for it again like they did with "The Bern"..... the media will relentlessly attack all things Trump and any other popular republican ..... we'll hear the rich being damned... white nationalist this and that.... anti-semitism.... trans phobia...white priviledge.... caging of children at the border ... gun control craziness and msny more liberal pissing points.
It'd be funny to watch if it was fiction
I think it's going to be a total pile of race mongering BS and free stuff for everyone..... and a bunch of sub IQ45s will fall for it again like they did with "The Bern"..... the media will relentlessly attack all things Trump and any other popular republican ..... we'll hear the rich being damned... white nationalist this and that.... anti-semitism.... trans phobia...white priviledge.... caging of children at the border ... gun control craziness and msny more liberal pissing points.
It'd be funny to watch if it was fiction

As Forrest Gump would say "stupid is as stupid does..."

This is the chance to give a young, bright and personable upstart in the DNC the opportunity to get exposure at the national level, preach solidarity with reasonable talking points and counter arguemtns and potentially sway some center voters to the DNC cause. Someone who could potentially run and win in 2020.

Nope, let's give it to the candidate who lost the election in her state because of "racist rich white women" and refused to concede her election.

Might as well have Hillary give it.
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I think it's going to be a total pile of race mongering BS and free stuff for everyone..... and a bunch of sub IQ45s will fall for it again like they did with "The Bern"..... the media will relentlessly attack all things Trump and any other popular republican ..... we'll hear the rich being damned... white nationalist this and that.... anti-semitism.... trans phobia...white priviledge.... caging of children at the border ... gun control craziness and msny more liberal pissing points.
It'd be funny to watch if it was fiction

So typical stuff
DNC platform:

Free, free-free, free-free-free.

How are you going to pay for all this free stuff?

Trump is a master at manipulating the system for his own benefit and at the expense of others. That's how he ran his business, his campaign, and the presidency. The fact that he sometimes crosses over into illegality will be his undoing. Unfortunately there have always been many willing to just overlook the amorality/immorality.

Not going to dispute this, but I will point out there were(still are) plenty on the left willing to overlook HRC's amorality/immorality. Both sides make excuses for their leaders. You do yourself a disservice pretending it's one-sided. If you really want change, demand better from your own party rather than always attacking the other.
For the record... I dump posts all the time with the stupid "libtard" word in them and I vote Republican about 90% of the time. It's dumb.
I don’t use the word, but getting offended by it and having it ruin your day is pretty stupid.
Our current political system is broken. Basing your vote on a "D" or an "R" next to someone's name is idiotic. Both parties need to do a better job vetting their candidates. The constant bickering is just a distraction that allows a broken machine to continue on. Both Republicans and Democrats need to demand better from their respective party leaders. Rather than focusing on attacking one another, they need to shift their attention to themselves. Change comes from within. At what point do the blinders fall off and the followers realize they've been misled?
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Colbert is hilarious. I wish he could give the democratic rebuttal.
I watched it last night.

Christie admitted that “he (Trump) has turned the Republican Party into something different than it was when I started to run for president, no question.”

“Yeah, the Kremlin,” Colbert shot back.
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You are wrong on a number of counts; Trump got the nomination because most people were tired of politicians period, because none of the dwarves running for the nomination could have won, and because he absolutely drove libs wild ... for starters anyway.

I agree and said so a day or two ago that the DIm party is going to be in the same position this time - except so far it's just 13 dwarves, and there's every chance that their very divisiveness will split your party. A moderate wont appease the far left and one of the radicals will drive moderates away. So far you don't have either a unifier or someone who can appeal to the entire spectrum because he/she represents something other than tired old politics.

Your last candidate was so abhorrent that she couldn't even pick up enough moderate and independent votes to beat Trump, and that's pretty bad; she would have pulled it off if the GOP had gone with another Romney type clown.
I'm right, you're there.
Trump won because he was divisive, rude, and played to the worst of human instincts......bitter white conservatives viewed that as non-politician like (and thank God it is). He was the worst and most un-electable of all the repub. candidates. 2016 proved that a horrible candidate who radicalizes 30% and runs against someone 25% of the remaining 70% can't stand is a recipe for victory. Whoever wins the dem. nomination will have more than a radical 30% and far more than 25% of the remaining voters will never vote for Trump.

Moot point however, because Trump will not be running.
I'm right, you're there.
Trump won because he was divisive, rude, and played to the worst of human instincts......bitter white conservatives viewed that as non-politician like (and thank God it is). He was the worst and most un-electable of all the repub. candidates. 2016 proved that a horrible candidate who radicalizes 30% and runs against someone 25% of the remaining 70% can't stand is a recipe for victory. Whoever wins the dem. nomination will have more than a radical 30% and far more than 25% of the remaining voters will never vote for Trump.

Moot point however, because Trump will not be running.

You are one of a kind.
Fact, we are laughing at Trump's rhetoric, White House dysfunction, pornstar payoffs, the people indicted by Mueller close to Trump, and his ardent supporters. With Obama I had money in my pocket, the world didn't end, nobody was blowing us up, the economy was good and we had good relations with our allies and respect across the globe. Plus he didn't have time after the election to become Putin's b!tch.
So basically you’re saying you’ve took the whole damn hook, line and sinker from the media’s narrative. Congrats, you have no brain.

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