Agreed 100%.
I'll defend George Lucas in one aspect regarding the prequels. For as bad as the prequels are (and yes, they're bad ), at least Lucas made the movies HE wanted to make. He didn't make the prequel films solely based on what he thought fans wanted to see. He had a specific vision and, no matter how popular/unpopular, he carried out that vision. I actually respect that and it makes me respect his films. I think there are a lot of really good ideas in the prequels. I liked the political intrigue, I liked the idea of Palpatine manipulating his way to power, the secret creation of a clone army, etc. It just wasn't properly executed. This is further proven by how enjoyable the Clone Wars animated series was. It was infinitely superior to the films, yet it dealt with the same themes/ideas as the films.
TFA, while entertaining, looks like a film that was put together in a boardroom somewhere by committee. It feels like Disney execs sat down with JJ Abrams and said "Ok, what do Star Wars fans want/expect to see?" Instead of having a vision and telling a specific story, TFA feels like a giant apology to SW nerds for the prequels. I have a feeling that TFA will become one of the most forgettable films in the saga. Part of it's problem is that when it came out, all fans wanted was for it not to be as bad as the prequels, which it wasn't but that is such a low bar to set, the movie really didn't have to do a lot to clear it.