Absolutely incredible. What a payoff to a pretty slow beginning/middle.
I did hit a point in the movie where I was a bit disappointed, it was slow and not fleshed out very well, and I thought "Even if this movie finishes strong I don't think I'll walk away exceptionally satisfied."
...... then it finished stronger than I could have ever possibly imagined. After leaving the theater I understood the slow start. The payoff simply would not have been the same without it. I've honestly never seen a movie finish so strong that it makes the entire experience great, but that's exactly what happened here. A ballsy move by the filmmakers, but one that paid off in dramatic fashion.
As for the CGI, I think they did ok. They would have been wise to keep the cameras farther away. The up close shots looked like they were straight off my PS4. My wife thought the CGI was awful, and she's not much of a Star Wars buff so it's not like she was comparing it to the original.
Not ready to say it's my favorite, but definitely my favorite ending. I still have Empire at #1, with Rogue One and TFA tied at #2 (yes I said TFA at #2... it's an absolutely incredible movie).