State Of The Union 2024

Yet they are responsible for Confederate Flags being so wide-spread. Most bands, biker groups, and other entertainment in that era had that symbol. I do think they intended for it to mean something different but you cannot separate it from its usage by the KKK or in the Segregation era as well.
Yes, it's very easy to separate it.
One thing that should bother everyone, is how tightly coordinated politicians on both sides of the aisle are with their "friendly" media spin doctors. Democrats give their suggestions for how to praise their President's addresses to CNN, MSNBC and The Washington Post .... and Republicans give their suggestions to Fox News and The Washington Times for how to praise their rebuttal. In both cases, this is done before the speeches are even given, so the spin can be conducted in real time.

As it turns out, someone on the Republican side leaked their "talking points" to The New York Times in advance of Britt's rebuttal.

This is all so ridiculous.
He won't win because of it, but had it been really bad he might have lost because of it.
I’m obviously getting in a jab on him “not forgetting where he was”.

But yea - he didn’t have anything catastrophic. Some slip ups, few slurs, some mumbling and coughing.

But no train wrecks.
How lame are Republicans? I read that Katie Britt--the odd woman who gave the bizarre GOP response last night--helped to write
the border security bill that had widespread support on both sides of the aisle, and then voted against her bill after the Spray Tan Con
Man ordered Moscow Mike not to go ahead with it because he feared it would benefit Biden. So very lame--pathetic.

Call him a dumbass when you and Biden are the ones FOS. So 1 admittedly small study tried it on patients and it allegedly had 50% success rate at least temporarily. That is not " a drug being used to treat cancer". IF many other trials are done, double blind with placebo etc because someone chooses to spend billions doing so....and IF it is effective in them...then IF the FDA approves it to be prescribed for cancer patients off label (which it usually takes about a decade to get FDA approval) IF all those things happen THEN that covid drug will be used to treat cancer.

Thats a buttload of "IF". So youre FOS as always but calling someone else a dumbass. Good little Dimwit. Thats how the majority of you degenerates act. My Dad and uncle have both participated in drug trials. Thats not "treating your cancer". Guess what? If its a 12 week trial and that drug actually was miraculously shrinking your tumors... guess what happens? At 12 weeks they cut you off and no amount of $$$ or begging will get you 1 more dose for those halfway shrunken tumors. You're dead. They will all come back full force and eat you alive. Same thing for any other kind of drug. My uncle could walk fine and even play golf for the 1st time in over 30 years. Then the trial ended and he is crippled and cant walk. Worse than he was before he ever started the trial. Thats because they arent " treating your ailment" at all. They are testing THEIR DRUG on free lab rats you moron. Pull your head out of your azz for the 1st time in your life.

" Rhodes Scholar" with nearly perfect SATs. This jackleg actually posted that here. Then proceeds to have the wisdom and knowledge of a 14yo inner city Dimwit. Priceless.
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How lame are Republicans? I read that Katie Britt--the odd woman who gave the bizarre GOP response last night--helped to write
the border security bill that had widespread support on both sides of the aisle, and then voted against her bill after the Spray Tan Con
Man ordered Moscow Mike not to go ahead with it because he feared it would benefit Biden. So very lame--pathetic.
Per the leaked New York Times talking points draft, Britt's "team" wanted Biden's State of the Union Address to be described as being "tone deaf" by right wing media - this suggestion was made even before Biden had given the damn speech.

They also wanted Britt's rebuttal to be compared to Ronald Reagan's "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall," speech in Berlin - once again, this talking point was suggested to right wing media even before she had spoken a single word of her rebuttal.

These people are clowns.
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Why is a border security bill " more money " necessary?
Reenact the laws Joe suspended. Send the national guard to the border to assist the border patrol in stopping the invasion.
Have the border patrol load the people into boats and haul them back across the muddy Rio.
Time and time again.

FYI, rumor has it when Slojoe visited the border he was arrested, separated from his family, beaten with whips and placed in a cage. In chains of course.
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Call him a dumbass when you and Biden are the ones FOS. So 1 admittedly small study tried it on patients and it allegedly had 50% success rate at least temporarily. That is not " a drug being used to treat cancer". IF many other trials are done, double blind with placebo etc because someone chooses to spend billions doing so....and IF it is effective in them...and IF all their research passes peer review after clinicals...then IF the FDA approves it to be prescribed for cancer patients off label (which it usually takes about a decade to get FDA approval) IF all those things happen THEN that covid drug will be used to treat cancer.

Thats a buttload of "IF". So youre FOS as always but calling someone else a dumbass. Good little Dimwit. Thats how the majority of you degenerates act. My Dad and uncle have both participated in drug trials. Thats not "treating your cancer". Guess what? If its a 12 week trial and that drug actually was miraculously shrinking your tumors... guess what happens? At 12 weeks they cut you off and no amount of $$$ or begging will get you 1 more dose for those halfway shrunken tumors. You're dead. They will all come back full force and eat you alive. Same thing for any other kind of drug. My uncle could walk fine and even play golf for the 1st time in over 30 years. Then the trial ended and he is crippled and cant walk. Worse than he was before he ever started the trial. Thats because they arent " treating your ailment" at all. They are testing THEIR DRUG on free lab rats you moron. Pull your head out of your azz for the 1st time in your life.

" Rhodes Scholar" with nearly perfect SATs. This jackleg actually posted that here. Then proceeds to have the wisdom and knowledge of a 14yo inner city Dimwit. Priceless.
You keep going on these rants full of BS, and then when I point out things like the fact that “Rhodes Scholar” is something no one said but you, you’re already gone lol. Work on your attention span please
Why is a border security bill " more money " necessary?
Reenact the laws Joe suspended. Send the national guard to the border to assist the border patrol in stopping the invasion.
Have the border patrol load the people into boats and haul them back across the muddy Rio.
Time and time again.

FYI, rumor has it when Slojoe visited the border he was arrested, separated from his family, beaten with whips and placed in a cage. In chains of course.

This has been discussed ad nauseum. First, the covid title expired. Nothing to be done about that. Second, resources are short. The bill, killed by Trump, would have shortened the time for asylum processing to 6 weeks, would have been a huge step forward. Third, some of the steps you speak of had been successfully challenged in court. It's why Trump himself when President said he needed legislation to address these very issues.

Face facts. The reason the border has not been fixed is because both sides like to have the issue to run on. And that is exactly why the GOP has killed it this time.

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Such a well-oiled machine .... What could possibly go wrong? LOL.

This has been discussed ad nauseum. First, the covid title expired. Nothing to be done about that. Second, resources are short. The bill, killed by Trump, would have shortened the time for asylum processing to 6 weeks, would have been a huge step forward. Third, some of the steps you speak of had been successfully challenged in court. It's why Trump himself when President said he needed legislation to address these very issues.

Face facts. The reason the border has not been fixed is because both sides like to have the issue to run on. And that is exactly why the GOP has killed it this time.

So we need more money to do what?
Build a wall / barricade... Or to add additional border guards to point illegals to the correct bus?
Maybe the money's needed for airline flights.
Slojoe told us for months / years the border is secure.
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has there been any fall out from the left yet for Biden calling "Lincoln" Riley's killer an "illegal"? thought that term was no bueno. how about when he followed that up saying illegals are killing thousands of people?
SIAP but peeloosy said so.ething about it.
Didn't Trump tell us in 2016 that a wall would be constructed during his presidency .... and Mexico would pay for it?
Yes he did.
Then Slojoe told us for years no wall was necessary, take it down. The border is secure.
Everything is just fine.
9 months from election and he Joe tells us we need to secure the border... 😄
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Yes he did.
Then Slojoe told us for years no wall was necessary, take it down. The border is secure.
Everything is just fine.
9 months from election and he Joe tells us we need to secure the border... 😄
Just like with his pledge to eliminate the debt, Trump made a ridiculous campaign pledge in 2016 to have Mexico pay for a border wall, which he did not have the leverage to follow through on. His gullible, uneducated base of support believed every word of it.
This has been discussed ad nauseum. First, the covid title expired. Nothing to be done about that. Second, resources are short. The bill, killed by Trump, would have shortened the time for asylum processing to 6 weeks, would have been a huge step forward. Third, some of the steps you speak of had been successfully challenged in court. It's why Trump himself when President said he needed legislation to address these very issues.

Face facts. The reason the border has not been fixed is because both sides like to have the issue to run on. And that is exactly why the GOP has killed it this time.

It was killed because it was an absurd war spending bill with enough border language thrown in so it could be a political talking point. Offer a clean bill and see what happens. Quit letting them get away with this issues posturing that accomplishes nothing but wasting money

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