State Of The Union 2024

It was killed because it was an absurd war spending bill with enough border language thrown in so it could be a political talking point. Offer a clean bill and see what happens. Quit letting them get away with this issues posturing that accomplishes nothing but wasting money
@lawgator1, doesn't care. He hears GOP kills bill, and runs with it.
That’s everyone in the world.
As Trump meets with Viktor Orban - Putin's good buddy.

Like they say, you can judge a man by the friends he keeps.
Bannon, Stone, Manafort
Putin, Un, Orban

How is it so many can't interpret that?
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Yet, the Democrat CULT, is totally normal?

We don't have a trump--and if we did, nobody but nobody would ever vote for him. Trump would have preferred to be a Democrat when he first entertained the idea of slinking like a worm into politics--he'd lived in NYC all his life and except for his racism he's never been a real conservative--but the Dems laughed at him. We don't have an Alex Jones and all the rest of the right-wing media clown show, either.
As Trump meets with Viktor Orban - Putin's good buddy.

Like they say, you can judge a man by the friends he keeps.
Bannon, Stone, Manafort
Putin, Un, Orban

How is it so many can't interpret that?
Do you honestly believe Biden, Hillary and whoever else you pound to in the political world are good people?🙄
Didn't Trump tell us in 2016 that a wall would be constructed during his presidency .... and Mexico would pay for it?
What a silly whatabout

One was a wild campaign promise (like we’ll cure cancer).

The other was a lie, presented as a statement of fact.
This has been discussed ad nauseum. First, the covid title expired. Nothing to be done about that. Second, resources are short. The bill, killed by Trump, would have shortened the time for asylum processing to 6 weeks, would have been a huge step forward. Third, some of the steps you speak of had been successfully challenged in court. It's why Trump himself when President said he needed legislation to address these very issues.

Face facts. The reason the border has not been fixed is because both sides like to have the issue to run on. And that is exactly why the GOP has killed it this time.

You still haven’t responded to the fact that “border” bill had a kill switch written into it.
We don't have a trump--and if we did, nobody but nobody would ever vote for him. Trump would have preferred to be a Democrat when he first entertained the idea of slinking like a worm into politics--he'd lived in NYC all his life and except for his racism he's never been a real conservative--but the Dems laughed at him. We don't have an Alex Jones and all the rest of the right-wing media clown show, either.
You can tell it went well for Biden, because all the regular goobers are s**tting themselves trying to explain Biden's badassery.

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What a silly whatabout

One was a wild campaign promise (like we’ll cure cancer).

The other was a lie, presented as a statement of fact.

You are just giving Trump a pass because he is such a clown. He should be taken literally and held accountable for his BS just like Biden. It's not like Trump only said that Mexico was going to pay for a border wall once or twice. Trump made that promise at every damn speech for the entire year of 2016. It was a hallmark of his entire campaign. He doesn't deserve a pass for it, just because it was unrealistic. His dumb a$$ voters believed it.
Donald Trump gets a pass for many of lies, because he is widely regarded by even his own voters as being an egotistical buffoon, who shouldn't be taken literally. Trump's voters simply find him entertaining. They have never held him accountable for his numerous disingenuous campaign pledges. Trump exists just to "own the libs." LOL. This is such a sad time in the American political landscape.

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