State Of The Union 2024

Donald Trump gets a pass for many of lies, because he is widely regarded by even his own voters as being an egotistical buffoon, who shouldn't be taken literally. Trump's voters simply find him entertaining. They have never held him accountable for his numerous disingenuous campaign pledges. Trump exists just to "own the libs." LOL. This is such a sad time in the American political landscape.
It’s amazing how neither party seems willing to call their crazies crazy which is what fuels the crazies on the other side.
Maybe. Try to put yourself in that position. You have a very short time to choose, evaluate and hire (or start over) people at the very highest levels of government. Unless you use quota hires like the left, it can be a difficult target. The left will choose based on box checking and let the chips fall. I think a good president will try to choose the best person for the job be he R or D. Biden certainly doesn't do that.

I'm an employer in a volatile, touch and go industry. Not quite running the Supreme world power but we close.

I'm not a huge Biden fan I believe he is too old to be running the country. But if you listen to his speech last night, then go listen to Trump ramble at his rally, it is completely obvious which one should be running the country. I don't even think it's a debate. Trump is toast. Again.
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Just like with his pledge to eliminate the debt, Trump made a ridiculous campaign pledge in 2016 to have Mexico pay for a border wall, which he did not have the leverage to follow through on. His gullible, uneducated base of support believed every word of it.
Biden had campaign pledges to codify Roe v. Wade and remove guns from the communities. He had the House and Senate for the first 2 years. Any status updates on these or were they just for the mindless dem base?

I'm not a huge Biden fan I believe he is too old to be running the country. But if you listen to his speech last night, then go listen to Trump ramble to his rally, it is completely obvious which one should be running the country. I don't even think it's a debate. Trump is toast. Again.
Neither of these guys are playing with a full deck of cards.

I'm not a huge Biden fan I believe he is too old to be running the country. But if you listen to his speech last night, then go listen to Trump ramble to his rally, it is completely obvious which one should be running the country. I don't even think it's a debate. Trump is toast. Again.
Yeah. Agreed.

My favorite part was when he expressed sympathy for the death of USC football coach Lincoln Riley. And by expressed sympathy, I mean justifying his death by reminding us that people die everyday.
Yeah. Agreed.

My favorite part was when he expressed sympathy for the death of USC football coach Lincoln Riley. And by expressed sympathy, I mean justifying his death by reminding us that people die everyday.
Dude, your side is completely fine with children being slaughtered at school. Get off your high horse.
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Everyone outside of the MAGA Cult is laughing at what jokes the right has become. You guys are just too dumb to see it
When you say “right” who are you referring to? There are plenty on the right that don’t wear MAGA hats to the SOTU…. That don’t have Trump bumper stickers…. That didn’t vote for Trump and etc., but have enough common sense to know the liberal agenda is f’ed.
Not to mention he dodged the obvious. He’s over here promoting Biden as the reigning cognitive champion. Dude can’t even say the name on the pin he held up. Pathetic.
Last night Biden looked like he crawled out of a casket and his back up is Harris….. think about that for a second. Can you imagine her in the Oval Office?
I agree. But who is less dangerous? Trump is a complete maniac. We just need to survive these next 4 years and hopefully have 2 younger and better candidates.
The last 3 years have been brutal. Trump was barely functioning last time. He hasn’t improved with age. I think we’re pretty well screwed either way.

Edit: I think the vise president is the important decision this time
@volfanhill ....

I told you last month that Rasmussen Reports was a faulty poll, which leaned too heavily to the right. FiveThirtyEight has now dropped them, with Real Clear Politics likely to follow suit in the near future. That is a garbage poll, which was wrong all over the place in 2022.

To be clear, I do trust most polls .... just not this one or the online Harris polls.
An awkward moment to be sure, but one can make an argument that he's following custom there.

Unlike Lord Fauntleroy, who shook the queen's hand.

View attachment 625657

Now, I looked that up and I gather than shaking her hand rather than bowing to her is not such a faux pas as I might have thought. Point being, when meeting world leaders at least some sense of decorum is called for and Trump is like Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack. And it would be funny if it were as unimportant as the movie.

Like telling the very Jewish Prime Minister of Israel that they needed to have a come to Jesus meeting? Kinda like that?
Get your facts straight, please.
You are right. He’s only planning on telling him. Very comforting.

"I told him, Bibi, and don't repeat this, 'But you and I are going to have a ‘come to Jesus’ meeting,'" Biden said, referring to Netanyahu.

If Trump would have done this you would have already started a thread!

You are just giving Trump a pass because he is such a clown. He should be taken literally and held accountable for his BS just like Biden. It's not like Trump only said that Mexico was going to pay for a border wall once or twice. Trump made that promise at every damn speech for the entire year of 2016. It was a hallmark of his entire campaign. He doesn't deserve a pass for it, just because it was unrealistic. His dumb a$$ voters believed it.
I’m not giving Trump a pass. It was stupid. It was never going to happen.

It was a campaign promise/slogan practically.

Biden saying the border was secure for 3 years was not a campaign promise. It was a statement of fact. And it was a lie.
You are right. He’s only planning on telling him. Very comforting.

"I told him, Bibi, and don't repeat this, 'But you and I are going to have a ‘come to Jesus’ meeting,'" Biden said, referring to Netanyahu.

If Trump would have done this you would have already started a thread!
Hey now. Don't you dare detract the success of our POTUS speaking in complete sentences last night! What a triumph
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