Steven Crowder is a real piece of ....

I'm not saying he is a isn't a POS with issues. I'm saying that him mentally abusing her for years (according to her) but yet she had kids with him and the only proof is an edited video in which the worst part ,(I'll F*** u up) isn't verified other the by those that released it...if anything we should realize now is that anything hat comes out polarizing should be allowed to have more info cme out before condemning someone...say for instance his reference to wifely duties could come from the rumor she was cheating on him. Context would say that maybe she agreed to concessions in their personal relationship and then decided not to..while his reaction woulld be too much for me .we don't the the extent of anything. Their whole situation isbeng judge in 1 viewpoint on a 5 min edit video...J6 should show the power of releasing edited video

Take the L before this gets worse
His response..sounds like there are some mental health issues involved here

He spoke to his audience on the divorce. He didn't mention specifics but at the very least implied there was no abuse and this type of divorce should be illegal. I imagine that provoked this response.
He spoke to his audience on the divorce. He didn't mention specifics but at the very least implied there was no abuse and this type of divorce should be illegal. I imagine that provoked this response.
He did speak about it after Candace Owens spoke out on it before...his initial response was because Candace exposed it....then his wife released the video and COnran with it again...and why would I take an L on my opinion...if you took a L everytime you posted your opinion it'd be just as stupid...but as a fence sitting libertarian I expected nothing less
He did speak about it after Candace Owens spoke out on it before...his initial response was because Candace exposed it....then his wife released the video and COnran with it again...and why would I take an L on my opinion...if you took a L everytime you posted your opinion it'd be just as stupid...but as a fence sitting libertarian I expected nothing less

Is fence sitting libertarian supposed to be an insult? I'd be embarrassed to be somebody picking a side right now, especially the guy playing devil's advocate for an abuser.

I told you to just take the L
Is fence sitting libertarian supposed to be an insult? I'd be embarrassed to be somebody picking a side right now, especially the guy playing devil's advocate with an abuser.

I told you to just take the L
And I haven't picked a side, I'm waiting for more evidence...I understand that a new concepts to people like yourself who think they score some political points when a social media influencer does something stupid...congrats...and at least I'm using the innocent until proven guilty if me taking a L gets you to STFU then I'll take it and let you and BB, DDs, el, LG get back to you circle jerk over this
And I haven't picked a side, I'm waiting for more evidence...I understand that a new concepts to people like yourself who think they score some political points when a social media influencer does something stupid...congrats...and at least I'm using the innocent until proven guilty if me taking a L gets you to STFU then I'll take it and let you and BB, DDs, el, LG get back to you circle jerk over this

We both know if he was a Dem, you wouldn't be "waiting for evidence"...
We both know if he was a Dem, you wouldn't be "waiting for evidence"...
I would and have in that instance especially when dealing with edited video Americans we should all realize that when edited footage is shown it never the full truth
Whataboutisms can be a nice rhetorical device where a person has defended the person invoked in the "what about ...." clause. But given that I've never defended that sack of sh*t HB, it's not a very effective device here.
I haven’t defended Crowder. If you’d read your thread, I said he’s a POS.
I haven’t defended Crowder. If you’d read your thread, I said he’s a POS.

And did I do a whataboutism on you? No. You're the one who brought Hunter Biden up. I've been talking about Crowder.

And you know what's funny? I've been trying to disabuse you of thinking that was a good argument for five years now. See below.

Ah, the old "But what about Hillary" argument.

Here's a primer on why that's a crappy form of argument: whataboutism - YouTube
Dude's a multi-millionaire. If both he and his wife can't do household choirs, post for hired help.

Regarding the "surgery," it was elective. Rumors are he got male breast implants so he could look more like a manly man.
I was in a household choir once. Very uplifting experience.
Crowder is a saint compared to dead beat Hunter. Thoughts?
Don’t actually know enough about this situation with crowder to have further thoughts about it.
His reference to “put on the gloves” was referring to his wife debating him on their video. He has said that before when talking to people. She’s obviously not interested in debating him.
Hunter was just a crack head who suffered crack head consequences from having a father steeped in graft.
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Steven Crowder berates pregnant wife over 'wifely duties'

It's always the same with these faux alpha male Republicans. They become the BS they spout to their audience.

She's eight months pregnant with twins, he's sitting on his fat ass smoking cigars complaining that she's not doing her wifely duties.

Wasn't even present for the birth of his kids.

Exclusive: Video Reveals Steven Crowder Emotionally Abusing Wife. In Statement, Hilary Crowder's Family Says She Hid His Emotionally Abusive Behavior For Years
Well at least he knows he has a pregnant female wife……not a cis gendered birthing person who identifies as woman

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