Wow. Big debate today. Hopson is a special talent, but we all know it was mostly mental with a bad handle of the basketball. Kind of reminds me of a poor man's Rudy Gay. He just can't play in the NBA with that bad of a handle, and he was just a bit weak mentally. I really don't want to knock the guy because I enjoyed watching him play. But, his free throw shooting was a perfect example- always seemed to hit 1 of 2 every time, and the lasting image of our Elite Eight run will be him missing his second of 2 against Michigan State.
One of the most talented to play for us in the last 15 years. But, basketball is not all about talent. Details and toughness help win games. It is unusual in today's game, but Louisville may not have a lottery pick on their team (Deng may be close), but they have smart, tough players who happened to have some talent.
Unfortunately, I would agree that Bobby Maze would really help our team. I have been on record many times saying that Trae at PG is bringing us down. We need a quick, steady, smart PG in a bad way- that is holding us back.