Student football tickets

Yes that is what I am talking about. I would think a large number of in-state students have claimed this scholarship. I would also think most students come from middle to upper class homes where mommy and daddy still foot large parts of the bill. Just don't see how this $90 could be any kind of a real obstacle for the overwhelming masses.

I can understand some out-of-state students' gripes. They don't get lottery money and if they're footing the entire bill, that's expensive.

However, 90 bucks isn't too much. It sucks it's no longer free.

The best thing they could have done is tacked on 90 bucks to tuition and nobody would have realized it.

EDIT: I feel absolutely no sympathy for kids that don't have jobs or don't have to pay any bills bitching about this.
Yes that is what I am talking about. I would think a large number of in-state students have claimed this scholarship. I would also think most students come from middle to upper class homes where mommy and daddy still foot large parts of the bill. Just don't see how this $90 could be any kind of a real obstacle for the overwhelming masses.

You can't be that general though. There are different circumstances for a good amount of people. Scholarship or not.
I don't know the parameters of this new program so, if I can use my press pass and sell my tickets (if the tickets aren't tied to the student id's) then I will stop complaining. Unfortunately for the good readers of this board, we probably won't know that for a while.

so you are saying you realize the tickets are valued at more than the $90 you will be forced to pay but still want to complain?

You should hope to remain a student for a long time because the price for getting tickets after grad will shock you.
I can understand some out-of-state students' gripes. They don't get lottery money and if they're footing the entire bill, that's expensive.

However, 90 bucks isn't too much. It sucks it's no longer free.

The best thing they could have done is tacked on 90 bucks to tuition and nobody would have realized it.

At least they are giving students an option to pay less. I will give them that.
The best thing they could have done is tacked on 90 bucks to tuition and nobody would have realized it.

I completely agree. Except that they wanted it to be an optional thing... If they had distributed however much they intended to make off this $90 fee amongst all students it wouldn't even be $90 though too, it'd be like half that. It would sure have saved them from a lot of bitchin'.
I completely agree. Except that they wanted it to be an optional thing... If they had distributed however much they intended to make off this $90 fee amongst all students it wouldn't even be $90 though too, it'd be like half that. It would sure have saved them from a lot of bitchin'.

Why distribute the $90 equally to other programs?
so you are saying you realize the tickets are valued at more than the $90 you will be forced to pay but still want to complain?

You should hope to remain a student for a long time because the price for getting tickets after grad will shock you.

UT is taking advantage of me, so I might as well take advantage of a loophole if I have to pay in the first place.

I am assuming that when I'm done with school, I won't have the same amount of income as I do now...Is that a hard concept to grasp?
You can't be that general though. There are different circumstances for a good amount of people. Scholarship or not.

You are correct, many different circumstances. But the same obstacle, $90. I don't remember the college students that lived on a budget that would be crashed over a 3.5 month period by $90, during my days.
UT is taking advantage of me, so I might as well take advantage of a loophole if I have to pay in the first place.

I am assuming that when I'm done with school, I won't have the same amount of income as I do now...Is that a hard concept to grasp?

They are not taking advantage by giving you the option to buy.

And even when you're done with school you will still have to make choices about money. It sucks, get used to it.
Oh I gotcha.

Hell, charge us all $90 and spend it better.

Or that. And I know the student activities fee doesn't cover football tickets...but just tack it onto that and don't explain why. There would've been much easier ways of going about this for ole Mike Hamilton. I don't really care that I have to pay $90 now, I just think he could've handled it a little better. I wish he would've released his own statement or something explaining to students why they are charging now...I mean he knew people would flip out.
Well, if I get the unpaid internship I'm going to interview for I'll be in the same boat. Paying for school sucks. I understand the situation.

Still, 90 bucks just isn't that big of a deal to me. I'll pay it, it will piss me off and I'll move on. The games I cover I'll probably sell my tickets.
Are you covering the Florida game???:whistling:
As an alumni from Class of '62, this $90 charge for student season tickets makes me sick. Whatever happened to to student activities fee? Hasn't tuition gone up doggone near ten per cent each year lately?

Someone in control at UT needs to realize that there is not a bottomless pit of money accessible to students and their families.

My grandaughter goes to college this fall and I have called and recommended she remove UT from consideration. Hurt to do this, but I honestly don't believe it's worth the expense and aggravation any more. This decision to charge admission to students for football games is but another example. Sucks.

Noone is stuffing their pockets with this 90.00 fee.

As far as tuition, etc. goes, UT is relatively cheap. Sure, prices have gone up, but it's a hell of a lot cheaper than any other school in the area. We pay ~5500 or something per year now for everything. The state funds another 7k a year per student, to keep prices lower. 90.00 on top of 5k is nothing. If you're granddaughter is having a problem with 90.00, even with a full ride, then I don't know what to tell you. She can either come to UT, pay 90.00, and see GOOD football, or she can pay nothing, but go to a school that costs FAR more and watch crappy football, even if they have it.

Let's see: 5,500 instate + 90 OR 17,000 for private / out of state + ??? depending on school.
Wrong. This is going into Phil's pockets thanks to MH.

:shakehead: He had goals, and by meeting some of the goals, he received a raise. Like Fulmer or not, it's how coaching salaries work. More, we don't even know that these salaries are going for him nearly as much as they are...oh, I don't know...the entirely new coaching staff, Bruce Pearl, his staff, Pat Summitt, her staff, Coach Raleigh, his staff, the head coaches and staffs of other sports, like Tennis, Track, Softball, which are all competing very well.

Ol' Phil isn't getting 1.6million dollars from this. There are increased costs, and the AD can't hold out any longer. Sure, it's 90.00, but look how long we've gone without having to have a fee. How long have other schools had their fees? We've had it free forever, and now have to charge. Other schools likely started small and built up to similar prices now.

We may as well argue that gas should be 1.00 a gallon, because that's the way it used to be and everything was a lot more fun when it was cheap.
We may as well argue that gas should be 1.00 a gallon, because that's the way it used to be and everything was a lot more fun when it was cheap.

You guys wanting to inject the gas arguement and compare it to the student tix fiasco is comical.
You guys wanting to inject the gas arguement and compare it to the student tix fiasco is comical.
I find your utter inability to grasp elementary concepts relating to market economics and individual choice far more amusing than the gas price analogy.
You guys wanting to inject the gas arguement and compare it to the student tix fiasco is comical.

It doesn't matter what you argue about...many students are simply arguing that "we want free tickets because they used to be free and we liked them better when they were free."

Gas was an easy example, it could be anything. I liked videogames better when they were only 20.00 or so. Unfortunately, that was for the Super Nintendo. I know that we use Xbox360 now, but I think games should still cost 20.00 not 60.00.

The AD has higher costs. They need money. The idea to add on to the student fee was rejected. They still needed money. They put on a fee for student tickets that is 100% optional, rather than burden the general student population.

If students can manage to save 25 cents a day, they can afford a season's worth of tickets. It costs 12.86 a game when you buy a season ticket. That's one trip to Moe's, one trip to the movies, a case of natty light, 2 shots at the bar, a late night trip to gus' when you don't need more food anyway, a couple of unnecessary smoothies, half a tshirt, and so on.

It's not a big deal, and it's not an out of the ordinary or unreasonable amount of money. I will pay my 12.86 a game to see my Vols play. My season will cost 30.00 less than my one ticket to Florida last year.
I find your utter inability to grasp elementary concepts relating to market economics and individual choice far more amusing than the gas price analogy.

I honestly can't figure a way to show how minuscule a problem this is. No amount of facts, figures, analogies, explanations can seem to make any sense to the student population (and apparently VolNation) at large.
I find your utter inability to grasp elementary concepts relating to market economics and individual choice far more amusing than the gas price analogy.

There are two basic lines of thinking when it comes to handling rising operating costs. Hamilton chose the option of increasing price. I believe in the notion of cutting the fat first before you have to resort to increasing price. There is PLENTY of fat to be trimmed over there. You have an overpaid women's basketball coach (talk about not having a firm grasp of fundamental economics), an overpaid football coach, and several other men's sports that could be audited and looked at (we have to keep the Title IX regulators happy). Plus, by cutting costs, you are at least making an effort to not tack on another discretionary cost to students that are already being hosed by rising education costs at the same university, where rates seemingly go up higher than the rate of inflation every year.
I find your utter inability to grasp elementary concepts relating to market economics and individual choice far more amusing than the gas price analogy.

So are you saying that market economics lead to Phil's raise? I was unaware other high profile opportunities were beating his door down; or was this a preemptive strike to keep him from looking? :)
So are you saying that market economics lead to Phil's raise? I was unaware other high profile opportunities were beating his door down; or was this a preemptive strike to keep him from looking? :)

The budget shortage was obviously more than a million dollars. Phil's raise wasn't a million. Not even close. Rising costs department wide does not equal a million more dollars for Phil.

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