Student football tickets

I haven't read the whole thread here, but if UT students are planning on boycotting the first game like some of them are suggesting, it would be the biggest disservice to the university possible.

If they want to bring negative publicity to the school then so be it. If it's not worth paying $15 to see your alma mater play there is something wrong.

It's amazing the sense of entitlement people feel just because they attend a university. Key word: attend. UT doesn't care if your gpa is 2.0 or 4.0, you're still a kid with a high school diploma and some debt. Get a degree, then they'll care what you have to say. Fact is, if you don't like this ticket deal, it doesn't matter. Next year's freshmen will see it as part of the experience, and in a few years your dissent will be gone due to graduation, transfer, or flunking out.

Maybe instead of picking up that extra Polo at Dillard's, they'll save the 75.00 to go towards those god-awfully expensive tickets.

Boycotting is the dumbest (see: worst idea possible) thing students could do. No changes would be made, but we can sure as hell count on bad publicity. Want continued 9-4 seasons? Scare away recruits and donors with negativity and low attendance. That'll show all those recruits exactly how our fan base feels.

Once again, sorry to bring in facts and reason. I know I should just argue nonsense, but it really takes all the coherence out of the argument.

P.S. - We, as students, pay nothing into the men's athletic department aside from concessions. In fact, the men's athletic department makes around a 3 million donation every year to the university, supporting scholarships, facilities, and so on.

I marched in the band for 4 years, giving countless hours to the university and our fans, and the athletic dept. supported me by allowing me to travel and support our team without having to foot the bill myself. I, for one, don't see an issue paying 90.00 when they've probably spent 10,000 on me alone over the years.
Yep- speaking of that NIU game...
So this year on Homecoming against LaLa we couldn't even get 100,000 in Neyland for the game- the student section was more or less empty and scalpers were selling tix for $5-$10. And they think that making us pay $15 for games such as these is a smart idea? I think you will see a lot fewer students attending the games and the electric atmosphere of Neyland greatly reduced. I'm pissed.

I think this will actually result in the student who really want to go to the game to buy the tix, and weed out those that don't really care about the game. Those students who go just to go, and leave early, may not choose to spend the money. I remember being a broke student, but I can't believe $15 will keep many students from attending a game if they have a desire to go.
The college kids I know, and have known, living on campus, work summer jobs, save up for school whenever they go back.A lot of kids I know work and go to school simultaneously.Take it from former Stanford All American/We are Marshall movie-qb, Luke Powell, after he had exhausted all of his NFL try-outs he said "Now it's time to get a real job"!Quit crying over $90.00. Seriously.:no:
All this discussion over 15 bucks? It costs that much for a movie and a small bag of popcorn. If you can't afford it, all I can say is welcome to the real world.
It will be interesting to see if the student section is still full of students or 40-year-old guys who couldn't get in the door because the game was sold out.

At UK, they've charged students for a long time, and unless we're playing UT, UF, or UGA, the student section is rarely full.
It will be interesting to see if the student section is still full of students or 40-year-old guys who couldn't get in the door because the game was sold out.

At UK, they've charged students for a long time, and unless we're playing UT, UF, or UGA, the student section is rarely full.

Georgia students pay for tickets, and they literally fight to get them. By the way, I read that the football program does not get a dime out of the activity fees that students pay, so maybe the AD feels they are getting a free ride.
Georgia students pay for tickets, and they literally fight to get them. By the way, I read that the football program does not get a dime out of the activity fees that students pay, so maybe the AD feels they are getting a free ride.

Ask the AD which sport funds the rest of the athletic department? I bet it's oblong-ball. Ladies' Tiddlywinks sure isn't a crowd-drawer.
I kind of like the idea of paying 90 bucks for the whole season, and not having to waste time standing in line the week before the next home game.

I like that seats will be less likely to be wasted by drunk students who are just hanging out for a quarter of the game, then going to "celebrate" the game even though it isn't even close to being over or decided.

I like how now when A-holes sit in my randomly assigned seat, they won't be able to argue that it "doesn't matter" because I didn't pay for it. Now I will be able to kick them out with a few less words exchanged.

There are some positives to this.

Also, I am very, very, VERY confident that I am no more well off than most college students. I am the first generation going to college. I am a grad student who, according to my recently filed taxes, made a little over 10,000 dollars last year. So I know that if 90 bucks isn't a huge deal for me over an entire season, it really isn't a huge deal for anyone else. We are talking about two tanks of gas here.
I kind of like the idea of paying 90 bucks for the whole season, and not having to waste time standing in line the week before the next home game.

I like that seats will be less likely to be wasted by drunk students who are just hanging out for a quarter of the game, then going to "celebrate" the game even though it isn't even close to being over or decided.

I like how now when A-holes sit in my randomly assigned seat, they won't be able to argue that it "doesn't matter" because I didn't pay for it. Now I will be able to kick them out with a few less words exchanged.

There are some positives to this.

Also, I am very, very, VERY confident that I am no more well off than most college students. I am the first generation going to college. I am a grad student who, according to my recently filed taxes, made a little over 10,000 dollars last year. So I know that if 90 bucks isn't a huge deal for me over an entire season, it really isn't a huge deal for anyone else. We are talking about two tanks of gas here.

My biggest problem with this is that UT is just throwing money around (Pay raises for overrated coaches) and then in a scramble to find a way to pay for it, they screw the students.

Everyone knows $90 is not a lot of money, but the Athletic Department needs to pay money where it is deserved like Bruce Pearl for winning the SEC, not Phil for another lackluster season and not winning the SEC in 10 years.
My biggest problem with this is that UT is just throwing money around (Pay raises for overrated coaches) and then in a scramble to find a way to pay for it, they screw the students.

Everyone knows $90 is not a lot of money, but the Athletic Department needs to pay money where it is deserved like Bruce Pearl for winning the SEC, not Phil for another lackluster season and not winning the SEC in 10 years.

This is life at a big time athletic school. If want to go somewhere where you don't have to pay for things while you are a student, you are going to have to go somewhere worse than Kentucky. Let that sink in. Those days are gone. I have been here since 2002 when I started undergrad. Do you know how much tuition has gone up since then? And folks from my era were not eligible for the Hope Scholarship during all those increases. Things get more expensive in college as time goes on. Wait 10 years and hear the whining from UT's current attendees about how great we had it, and how much it sucks to be paying 250 bucks for student season tickets.

I know it sucks. I am in the same boat as you. I am just saying you will find far more comfort in sucking it up and being wiser for it. This is reality.
It will be interesting to see if the student section is still full of students or 40-year-old guys who couldn't get in the door because the game was sold out.

At UK, they've charged students for a long time, and unless we're playing UT, UF, or UGA, the student section is rarely full.

I would like to think that charge or not our students have a good enough appreciation for the quality of program that we have to still fill the section up.

That being said I feel like it could prove to just be wishful thinking...
The student section will fill up for big SEC games. It will not fill up for the smaller OOC games. But it always formed some holes by half time anyway for those games.
Oh, I'd also like to mention that a few years ago when the whole "Orange Nation" thing started up, I predicted it was a precursor to all students having to pay for tickets and would open the door for that to happen if it were successful. Looks like a gold star for me. I hope the "Orange Nation" crew is satisfied.
Oh, I'd also like to mention that a few years ago when the whole "Orange Nation" thing started up, I predicted it was a precursor to all students having to pay for tickets and would open the door for that to happen if it were successful. Looks like a gold star for me. I hope the "Orange Nation" crew is satisfied.

I said the same thing. Kudos to you
That is what kills me. You could work ONE DAY and make enough money to pay for the entire season.

This is what kills me...the kids that are already working to pay other things now have another bill tacked onto balancing their check books.

How incredibly hard to understand is the fact that some people are already working and can't just go work another day since they already work enough to fit shifts into an already crammed schedule?
Dang... $90 bucks to pay for Phil’s raise for winning the SEC East. Imagine how much you would be paying if he had won the SECCG.

Thank you EA.

How much are the students that follow the team that actually won the SECCG and the National title paying? Not $90.
The college kids I know, and have known, living on campus, work summer jobs, save up for school whenever they go back.A lot of kids I know work and go to school simultaneously.Take it from former Stanford All American/We are Marshall movie-qb, Luke Powell, after he had exhausted all of his NFL try-outs he said "Now it's time to get a real job"!Quit crying over $90.00. Seriously.:no:

I guess it blows people's mind that there are working students that are complaining about this too.
The student section will fill up for big SEC games. It will not fill up for the smaller OOC games. But it always formed some holes by half time anyway for those games.

So has every other part of the stadium...
I guess it blows people's mind that there are working students that are complaining about this too.

There are also more rational working students who realize that this isn't that big of a deal. I mean if you get paid weekly we're talking about a once a year fee that requires saving less than $2.00 a week.
I haven't talked to one student in person who shrugged this off and said "no big deal."

And I guarantee you I am one of the most rational students at this university.

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