Student football tickets

It's safe to say that you're in the minority. Either way, I think the students have a legit gripe, especially (even though most aren't realizing it) because the second highest ticket prices aren't tied to the on-field product. If UT had the second best SEC product, then it wouldn't be as big of a deal.

ESPECIALLY when we have the largest SEC stadium, you would think that the increased revenue from simply holding more people would be able to stymie the apparent budget constraints suffered by the UTAD.

I'm not going to boycott, and I will scrounge up the money since I am one of the more devoted fans I know, but it's natural for the guinea pigs to have a complaint while students that will enter the status quo (see in two years) will simply accept it without any controversy. It sucks for us now and we are rightly venting.
By the way, I believe it is the AAFL that we have to thank for this one. Without them, the UTAD wouldn't have planned for the $3 mil stipend and they wouldn't be left holding their, well you know.
As an alumni from Class of '62, this $90 charge for student season tickets makes me sick. Whatever happened to to student activities fee? Hasn't tuition gone up doggone near ten per cent each year lately?

Someone in control at UT needs to realize that there is not a bottomless pit of money accessible to students and their families.

My grandaughter goes to college this fall and I have called and recommended she remove UT from consideration. Hurt to do this, but I honestly don't believe it's worth the expense and aggravation any more. This decision to charge admission to students for football games is but another example. Sucks.
As an alumni from Class of '62, this $90 charge for student season tickets makes me sick. Whatever happened to to student activities fee? Hasn't tuition gone up doggone near ten per cent each year lately?

Someone in control at UT needs to realize that there is not a bottomless pit of money accessible to students and their families.

My grandaughter goes to college this fall and I have called and recommended she remove UT from consideration. Hurt to do this, but I honestly don't believe it's worth the expense and aggravation any more. This decision to charge admission to students for football games is but another example. Sucks.

That's absolutely ridiculous
That's absolutely ridiculous

Certainly no more ridiculous than the $90 charge for student tickets. It's the principle of the thing . . . the grandaughter would have virtually a full scholarship wherever she goes . . . at this point in time I cannot in good conscience recommend UT.

And the same thing will apply when the grandson graduates high school in a couple years. Let's fact it . . . someone at UT is getting too big for their britches. :nono:
College choice based on how much football tickets cost. You have got to be kidding
Certainly no more ridiculous than the $90 charge for student tickets. It's the principle of the thing . . . the grandaughter would have virtually a full scholarship wherever she goes . . . at this point in time I cannot in good conscience recommend UT.

And the same thing will apply when the grandson graduates high school in a couple years. Let's fact it . . . someone at UT is getting too big for their britches. :nono:

Well it's a good thing your granddaughter probably cares about 0 what you think of her college choice. If she has a full scholarship then she can pay 90 dollars for tickets. Or just not go to the games. Recommending she doesn't attend the university for this reason is ridiculous.
also make sure she checks the other schools because there are plenty that do the same thing
Certainly no more ridiculous than the $90 charge for student tickets. It's the principle of the thing . . . the grandaughter would have virtually a full scholarship wherever she goes . . . at this point in time I cannot in good conscience recommend UT.

And the same thing will apply when the grandson graduates high school in a couple years. Let's fact it . . . someone at UT is getting too big for their britches. :nono:

Wow that's taking things a little far. Tuition is increasing everywhere. To not recommend UT b/c of a price for student tickets is asinine.

She's your granddaughter and you've earned the right to tell her whatever you want to, but student ticket prices shouldn't be the reason for anyone to base a college decision on.
This is what kills me...the kids that are already working to pay other things now have another bill tacked onto balancing their check books.

How incredibly hard to understand is the fact that some people are already working and can't just go work another day since they already work enough to fit shifts into an already crammed schedule?

Just a question, not trying to be a smartass.

Do you take classes in the fall, summer and spring?
Fall and Spring.

I have a feeling I am being set up though.

Why do you ask?

Just wondering

It seems saving 90 dollars in three months were you're not worrying about school shouldn't be that hard. But you might have a situation where you can't.
Just wondering

It seems saving 90 dollars in three months were you're not worrying about school shouldn't be that hard. But you might have a situation where you can't.

Unfortunately the latter is true. I can't save up money during the summer because my earnings do not go to my savings.

And this summer being an unpaid intern and a part time worker will only reinforce the situation. I see your logic though, and if that were the case I wouldn't be participating in this discussion as ardently as I am.
Unfortunately the latter is true. I can't save up money during the summer because my earnings do not go to my savings.

And this summer being an unpaid intern and a part time worker will only reinforce the situation. I see your logic though, and if that were the case I wouldn't be participating in this discussion as ardently as I am.

Well, if I get the unpaid internship I'm going to interview for I'll be in the same boat. Paying for school sucks. I understand the situation.

Still, 90 bucks just isn't that big of a deal to me. I'll pay it, it will piss me off and I'll move on. The games I cover I'll probably sell my tickets.
As an alumni from Class of '62, this $90 charge for student season tickets makes me sick. Whatever happened to to student activities fee? Hasn't tuition gone up doggone near ten per cent each year lately?

Someone in control at UT needs to realize that there is not a bottomless pit of money accessible to students and their families.

My grandaughter goes to college this fall and I have called and recommended she remove UT from consideration. Hurt to do this, but I honestly don't believe it's worth the expense and aggravation any more. This decision to charge admission to students for football games is but another example. Sucks.
Do you not think that any school worth attending has had major tuition increases since 1962? Where are you recommending? MTSU? Austin Peay?
Certainly no more ridiculous than the $90 charge for student tickets. It's the principle of the thing . . . the grandaughter would have virtually a full scholarship wherever she goes . . . at this point in time I cannot in good conscience recommend UT.

And the same thing will apply when the grandson graduates high school in a couple years. Let's fact it . . . someone at UT is getting too big for their britches. :nono:
I smell a troll. This doesn't sound like a gradfather, much less a grandfather who cares about his grandchildren.
Just does the Tennessee lottery work in regards to student tuition?

Are you talking about the HOPE scholarship? It only works for in-state students and you have to have a certain GPA.

I didn't qualify for it because I took a year off and worked. I made too much money according to them and I couldn't get it.
I guess it blows people's mind that there are working students that are complaining about this too.
No. I think if you disagree with something you should make a stand by all means, $90. seems so trivial.
Are you talking about the HOPE scholarship? It only works for in-state students and you have to have a certain GPA.

I didn't qualify for it because I took a year off and worked. I made too much money according to them and I couldn't get it.

Yes that is what I am talking about. I would think a large number of in-state students have claimed this scholarship. I would also think most students come from middle to upper class homes where mommy and daddy still foot large parts of the bill. Just don't see how this $90 could be any kind of a real obstacle for the overwhelming masses.
The games I cover I'll probably sell my tickets.

I don't know the parameters of this new program so, if I can use my press pass and sell my tickets (if the tickets aren't tied to the student id's) then I will stop complaining. Unfortunately for the good readers of this board, we probably won't know that for a while.

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