Student football tickets

Oh no, a business might make money.

Supply and demand.

"We're not communists." (The Godfather) :p

I have no problem with entities making money in America, I mean c'mon. Again, my point is that the reasoning given for the price hike on students is a big issue and the fact that it doesn't appear that there is any move to actually reduce spending. No different than any frustration with any other bureacracy/gov't.
I'd like to see some figures on what the average student attendance is for the games. I'm sure it goes up for the rivalry games... and maybe for homecoming?

Plus I'd like to see a before the price hike and after... my gut tells me there won't be a huge difference.

Maybe... maybe not.
"We're not communists." (The Godfather) :p

I have no problem with entities making money in America, I mean c'mon. Again, my point is that the reasoning given for the price hike on students is a big issue and the fact that it doesn't appear that there is any move to actually reduce spending. No different than any frustration with any other bureacracy/gov't.

I think the AD got caught with their asses in the wind due to the AAFL. Now they are covering it up.

I don't think salaries had much if anything to do with it.
I didn't know we got away tickets in the package.

We don't...I was under the impression Auburn was at home, but I believe it's away now that I think of it. I get the years mixed up sometimes on where I've traveled.
I think the AD got caught with their asses in the wind due to the AAFL. Now they are covering it up.

I don't think salaries had much if anything to do with it.

Haha... and the blame still rests with Hamilton. A combination of exploding salaries for mediocre performance and possibly now a coincidental $3 million shortfall for.
Haha... and the blame still rests with Hamilton. A combination of exploding salaries for mediocre performance and possibly now a coincidental $3 million shortfall for.

Let's see. Who all has gotten a big raise for a mediocre performance? Bruce Pearl? I'd hardly call his first three years mediocre. Pat Summitt? Back-to-back championships. Phil Fulmer? I'd be interested to know how big his raise really was. I don't think his salary has increased all that much over the years.
CPF isn't the only coach that recently got a raise and extension.

Well now wait... Fulmer hasn't technically gotten the raise yet has he? Neither has Summit or Pearl. They just hired Raliegh last season, so I know that is in the pot. But out of Pearl, Summit, or Fulmer, the only one that can demand more on the open market than what he/she iss making right is Pearl. If anybody else got a raise, can it be justified?
Let's see. Who all has gotten a big raise for a mediocre performance? Bruce Pearl? I'd hardly call his first three years mediocre. Pat Summitt? Back-to-back championships. Phil Fulmer? I'd be interested to know how big his raise really was. I don't think his salary has increased all that much over the years.

An extension is a raise. No matter how you slice it. kptvol. You're adding more years to the contract/buyout. Bruce getting money is of no concern to me because at least you can justify that. Not so much so with Summitt or Fulmer.
An extension is a raise. No matter how you slice it. kptvol. You're adding more years to the contract/buyout. Bruce getting money is of no concern to me because at least you can justify that. Not so much so with Summitt or Fulmer.

I don't really care. I want you to explain what you are talking about when you say "exploding salaries for mediocre performance."
Trying to break even on a budget using the only means left to you, yet still giving students a deep discount on seeing their team is being a shrewd businessman. As costs increase, including an unnecessary raise for our football coach, so must revenue........

Fixed it for you.
I don't see student tickets as something to be invested in. The idea is to give students an affordable way to see football. If students are going to buy them for the purpose of resale, they are going against the spirit of the program. If they're ok with buying them for 12.86 a game, and selling them to other students, or anyone, for 50+, then let's just put the tickets in the hands of the AD all together, and have students pay full price.

Well if you don't see it then it must not be. Now who elected you truth sayer?
Trying to break even on a budget using the only means left to you, yet still giving students a deep discount on seeing their team is being a shrewd businessman. As costs increase, so must revenue.

That is one philosophy. Another approach would be to cut the fat in the budget.
He was making a little over 1.8 million in 2004 and was bumped to $2.05 million after the '04 season. He's now making $2.2 million.

He also just donated a million dollars back to the school. Bless his sweet little heart.
How about we pass around an offering plate for donations for Phil? One at halftime and then we can have people dressed as Phil ringing bells with buckets after the game too.

I mean I think that's how it should be done in God's Country right?

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