Student football tickets

I suppose you have the line items and budget projections submitted to the state and federal government that proves this was done?

BTW, I would be willing to bet that there were certainly projections that took into account the $3 million they were expecting to get from the AAFL. The majority of projections you see happen to be the rosiest, most optimistic forcast of the coming year/quarter.
Students selling their tickets would simply be doing what smart business people do. The students would be using the discount granted to them as a benefit of attending the university as a means to lower the basis of their goods purchased, thus increasing profit. People use such benefits and status to their advantage all the time.

Then I certainly hope there is no resale on our season passes. Using their benefits to deny others their privileges isn't right. It's like waiting in line for something, being the first person after the cut off, and the guy in front of you offers you his spot for 3x the cost. He didn't want to go, but he knew someone behind him did.
I don't see student tickets as something to be invested in. The idea is to give students an affordable way to see football. If students are going to buy them for the purpose of resale, they are going against the spirit of the program. If they're ok with buying them for 12.86 a game, and selling them to other students, or anyone, for 50+, then let's just put the tickets in the hands of the AD all together, and have students pay full price.

I agree. My reasoning for wanting the students in there is that you drop the average age of the crowd done 10 years just by their presence. Tennessee may have one of the oldest group of ticket holders in the conference. Hard to get a home field/court advantage when grandma and grandpa are telling you to sit down because they can't see, or they knock you down as they make their way to the concourse to beat the traffic at the start of the 4th quarter.
I don't see student tickets as something to be invested in. The idea is to give students an affordable way to see football. If students are going to buy them for the purpose of resale, they are going against the spirit of the program. If they're ok with buying them for 12.86 a game, and selling them to other students, or anyone, for 50+, then let's just put the tickets in the hands of the AD all together, and have students pay full price.

I don't know how you can have a problem with this. All students have the opportunity to buy the "discounted" package. Just because I might sell some doesn't mean I am taking a ticket away from someone else.
I would say that the AAFL doesn't have anything to do with this. I would say that over time of prices going up and travel costs going up that the universities shortfall has to do more with poor budgeting than anything else. Also, the other sports have just as much to do with this as does football even though it's the main cash cow.
I don't know how you can have a problem with this. All students have the opportunity to buy the "discounted" package. Just because I might sell some doesn't mean I am taking a ticket away from someone else.

All students up to 13,500. There are 26,000. There won't be enough to go around for everyone, if everyone chose the season ticket package. That said, it might not sell out, but if they are able to be resold, then it will sell out the first day, because students will be looking to turn profit by dumping their Fl, Bama, and Auburn tickets.
But besides that, most students will probably be attending the Bama and UF games, as they are the only ones worth a damn on our schedule.
This is all going down the way MH wants it to... he either makes money from the students or he reduces the allotment and makes even more money. Win/win for him.

Didn't the attendence go down due to the skyboxes being put in? I'm sure more moeny was the result... I'm not really sure. Bottom line is the bottom line... Mike is going to make money... I think there's more to come that's going to make the students mad. I'd say before too much longer the students will be wishing it was only $15.
This is all going down the way MH wants it to... he either makes money from the students or he reduces the allotment and makes even more money. Win/win for him.

Didn't the attendence go down due to the skyboxes being put in? I'm sure more moeny was the result... I'm not really sure. Bottom line is the bottom line... Mike is going to make money... I think there's more to come that's going to make the students mad. I'd say before too much longer the students will be wishing it was only $15.

I believe the skyboxes took 200 or 150 nosebleed seats
This is all going down the way MH wants it to... he either makes money from the students or he reduces the allotment and makes even more money. Win/win for him.

Didn't the attendence go down due to the skyboxes being put in? I'm sure more moeny was the result... I'm not really sure. Bottom line is the bottom line... Mike is going to make money... I think there's more to come that's going to make the students mad. I'd say before too much longer the students will be wishing it was only $15.

Eventually, you will be right. Gradually, most students will be priced out and allotments will go down until finally, you just have a bunch of old retired geezers sitting on their hands in the stands. if you think homefield advantage is non-existent now, just wait until that day comes.
Eventually, you will be right. Gradually, most students will be priced out and allotments will go down until finally, you just have a bunch of old retired geezers sitting on their hands in the stands. if you think homefield advantage is non-existent now, just wait until that day comes.

Yep, 12 bucks a game is really going to deplete the student section.
I'd like to see some figures on what the average student attendance is for the games. I'm sure it goes up for the rivalry games... and maybe for homecoming?

Plus I'd like to see a before the price hike and after... my gut tells me there won't be a huge difference.

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