Student football tickets

People know...there is already a facebook group with 90 people, Students Against Paying for Football Games in '08

Wow 90. I hope they don't band together and attack. It's like all the SGA members trying to save face and their frat/sorority friends that they invited so far.
How could you miss me saying 4 times that it sucks?

And to your last sentence: grow up man. It wasn't charity. I'd do a lot for fellow Volunteers, and you make me feel bad about it. That's pretty low.

I saw where you said it four times...only to make it seem flippant by belittling our situation.

And excuse me for not thinking that your offer was genuine. Ridiculous huh?
Can anyone point to what the athletic department has done for the students to warrant this?

One word...Shakers. They provide the ultimate football experience. I mean who doesn't enjoy getting hit in the back of the head by a drunk idiot shaking those wonderful orange and white shakers?
One word...Shakers. They provide the ultimate football experience. I mean who doesn't enjoy getting hit in the back of the head by a drunk idiot shaking those wonderful orange and white shakers?

Especially when they are soaked with liquor, rain, coke, and any other bodily fluid.

“Refinement creates beauty everywhere: it is the grossness of the spectator that discovers nothing but grossness in the object.” -- William Hazlitt
One word...Shakers. They provide the ultimate football experience. I mean who doesn't enjoy getting hit in the back of the head by a drunk idiot shaking those wonderful orange and white shakers?


I believe Orange Nation supplies those too. I could be wrong but that was always my understanding. I was in Orange Nation last year and they would send out email about if you wanted to come help pass them out. What a joke.
One word...Shakers. They provide the ultimate football experience. I mean who doesn't enjoy getting hit in the back of the head by a drunk idiot shaking those wonderful orange and white shakers?

Haha you gotta love shakers... Hamilton =:shaking2::)
We have a fee in our tuition that we pay. This doesn't involve you, so we don't exactly need your input.

its the same way here at niu. we pay for every sport in our tuition. for football we just go to the box office swipe our id get our ticket. that sucks. sorry to hear about whats going on.
its the same way here at niu. we pay for every sport in our tuition. for football we just go to the box office swipe our id get our ticket. that sucks. sorry to hear about whats going on.

Haha who'd have thought a guy at NIU would have more sympathy than an alum.
its the same way here at niu. we pay for every sport in our tuition. for football we just go to the box office swipe our id get our ticket. that sucks. sorry to hear about whats going on.

NIU has a football team? Just kidding...kind of...
Pretty soon no one will be able to afford to attend.

The thing that scares me is the way UT works yea we pay $90 for football tickets. It sucks but I mean whatever. Next year it'll be $95, then $98, then $105. $90 is just what they think they can get away with to start out with...then they will gradually raise it.
NIU has a football team? Just kidding...kind of...

ouch... as of the last two years i guess thats accurate. i'm getting crap on the niu board for being a vols fan. i mean my dad is from TN so i've been a fan all my life. some of them on the niu board are jerks to other niu board members who also grew up as illini fans or any other fans other than niu. i'll catch hell for wearing my vols gear to the game in knoxville, but i'm a bigger vols fan and like i said been a fan my whole life.
Pretty soon no one will be able to afford to attend.

The thing that scares me is the way UT works yea we pay $90 for football tickets. It sucks but I mean whatever. Next year it'll be $95, then $98, then $105. $90 is just what they think they can get away with to start out with...then they will gradually raise it.

agree. hopefully some way the students at ut can be heard, but hamilton may not give a crap.

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