Student football tickets

Yep- speaking of that NIU game...
So this year on Homecoming against LaLa we couldn't even get 100,000 in Neyland for the game- the student section was more or less empty and scalpers were selling tix for $5-$10. And they think that making us pay $15 for games such as these is a smart idea? I think you will see a lot fewer students attending the games and the electric atmosphere of Neyland greatly reduced. I'm pissed.
well this is crap news guys, but I can't afford the 24,000 a year I pay for school so I won't be here anyway next year. I can understand we need the revenue, but seriously MH, find someone else to milk money out of. Honestly I could scrounge up $90 easily just by asking my parents, but it just feels like we're getting stabbed in the back by the athletic department. It's a shot below the belt.
i know you were kidding. i know this is off topic in the thread, but i can't wait for me and my dad first game at neyland when vols play niu.

You may or may not see it in all it's glory the way God Himself intended it to be, packed with students going crazy.
well this is crap news guys, but I can't afford the 24,000 a year I pay for school so I won't be here anyway next year. I can understand we need the revenue, but seriously MH, find someone else to milk money out of. Honestly I could scrounge up $90 easily just by asking my parents, but it just feels like we're getting stabbed in the back by the athletic department. It's a shot below the belt.

Yea the $90 sucks but it almost isn't even the point. The point is that they just made this decision and we have no say what so ever. I find it really really hard to believe that they were out of alternatives. And like I said before and no one has yet to oppose it, show me where the students benefit from changes to the stadium and I'll fork over the $90.

"Hamilton said the student fee is due to the financial increase in various areas including coaching salaries, athletic scholarships and travel fees."

I pay enough for me to go to school without paying for athletes to go to my school. And if we're worried about travel fees how about not flying the team, band, Mike, and err bodies baby momma out to California every year to play the beach boys.

This is absolutely ridiculous. I don't mind paying if it's really necessary but Mike has to give me reason better than that.
Yea the $90 sucks but it almost isn't even the point. The point is that they just made this decision and we have no say what so ever. I find it really really hard to believe that they were out of alternatives. And like I said before and no one has yet to oppose it, show me where the students benefit from changes to the stadium and I'll fork over the $90.

"Hamilton said the student fee is due to the financial increase in various areas including coaching salaries, athletic scholarships and travel fees."

I pay enough for me to go to school without paying for athletes to go to my school. And if we're worried about travel fees how about not flying the team, band, Mike, and err bodies baby momma out to California every year to play the beach boys.

This is absolutely ridiculous. I don't mind paying if it's really necessary but Mike has to give me reason better than that.

I don't disagree with any of that I don't think. The bolded part is a little confusing though.
Mark Hamilton:
Phone: 865.974.3672

there is Hamiltons info. might as well give it a shot.

This really ticks me off by the way. First time in history the article said. Why now? With the success of the basketball program recently, they should be making some extra money off of that. There is no good explanation to why these tickets are being raised. I can guarantee that the student section will be 20-25% empty in games such as NIU, Wyoming, and UAB. But having students not go to the games to protest won't work too well. It could actually end up in them cutting the student allotment like they did in basketball and start selling our tickets to the public for $50 dollars or however much they are now. MH wouldn't care, he probably would actually prefer that!
I can guarantee that the student section will be 20-25% empty in games such as NIU, Wyoming, and UAB. But having students not go to the games to protest won't work too well. It could actually end up in them cutting the student allotment like they did in basketball and start selling our tickets to the public for $50 dollars or however much they are now. MH wouldn't care, he probably would actually prefer that!
Good to see someone here understands the big picture. Hamilton would be thrilled if students buy these tickets in small numbers. It allows him to take a commodity that was previously not generating appreciable revenue for the football program and slap a 60+ dollar per game price tag, and at least an annual donation of a thousand bucks, on it.
"Hamilton said the student fee is due to the financial increase in various areas including coaching salaries, athletic scholarships and travel fees."

Well first off, Summit and Fulmer are overpaid. That could save the UTAD about $1.5 million if they were actually paid their market values. Fulmer can donate another million dollars to save the students from paying this fee.
Summit's salary doesn't have anything to do with this increase since the men and women run on separate budgets. Her salary comes out of the student activity fee.
Hamilton is going about this the wrong way. I understand that football does the heavy lifting in raising the revenue to sustain every sport other team (minus basketball). However, I believe there ways to sustain the AD budget without creating so much friction and animosity among the student body. Get rid of the tennis, golf, soccer, and crew teams. Let those three sports (all of which are cash flow disasters) fall to club teams.
Summit's salary doesn't have anything to do with this increase since the men and women run on separate budgets. Her salary comes out of the student activity fee.
Are you really saying that a 1/4 of every student's activity fee goes directly to CPS??? IF TRUE, THAT IS OUTRAGEOUS!!!
Summit's salary doesn't have anything to do with this increase since the men and women run on separate budgets. Her salary comes out of the student activity fee.

1. The Lady Vols may actually turn a profit, but just curious if they turn enough of a profit to justify paying Summit $1.3 million or whatever it is she makes

2. Aren't increased fees that the students are paying (whether it is activity fees or paying for tix) the point of the thread and source of anger? :ermm:
Hamilton is going about this the wrong way. I understand that football does the heavy lifting in raising the revenue to sustain every sport other team (minus basketball). However, I believe there ways to sustain the AD budget without creating so much friction and animosity among the student body. Get rid of the tennis, golf, soccer, and crew teams. Let those three sports (all of which are cash flow disasters) fall to club teams.

You would have to eliminate the men's golf/tennis scholarships (assuming they have any) in order to meet Title IX mandates. :banghead2: :mad:

In other words, wouldn't the math have to end up being where you have 97 mens scholarships (85 football, 12 bball) and an equal number of women's schollies?
The women have other revenue streams than student activity fee but they do get a sizable of their money from that.

Moving other non-revenue sports to club status wouldn't really change the bottom line to the students. To pay for those new club sports the University would have to increase fees somewhere else to make up for the additional costs.

I agree this sucks for the students but that's what the UTAD has been doing for the last few years to donors/season ticket holders. Paying more each year for a product that continues to fall in quality.
1. The Lady Vols may actually turn a profit, but just curious if they turn enough of a profit to justify paying Summit $1.3 million or whatever it is she makes
They turn about a $200K "profit" on a ~$2.5M budget. So, no.

You would have to eliminate the men's golf/tennis scholarships (assuming they have any) in order to meet Title IX mandates. :banghead2: :mad:

In other words, wouldn't the math have to end up being where you have 97 mens scholarships (85 football, 12 bball) and an equal number of women's schollies?
I am most definitely for taking the men's and women's golf and tennis teams off of the UTAD books. Last thing I want my money going to is some country club hobby for these kids. If they want to play golf and/or tennis, then they should do what the majority of golf/tennis players out their own money.
Increase in travel expenses alone = students paying for season tickets. The bigger item I see is if students are so concerned about $90., at least keep a GPA of 3.0 and keep your $3800. a year HOPE Scholarship, this way you do your part, especially the students that have their parents paying their way. The reality of it is it, a typical weekend game for me, provided I take my three sons, I'm out close to $500.00 after all is said and done. Some people fly in to see the game. So $90.00 is such a minute amount to complain about.
Just pass on partying a few nights out of the semester.:)
I have to think the only justifiable solution to this is as follows:

For $90 you get tickets to each home game, that are transferable (i.e. do not require a student ID to get in the gate.)

However, I still believe the preferred solution is taking the axe to some of the school sponsored programs.
This sucks as a student.

However, I have a job. $90 isn't going to break me and the majority of the time I'll have a media pass anyways.

Here's a simple solution to the people whining about this: get an application, work somewhere for a week, then take said paycheck and spend it on tickets.

It's easy to see what Hamilton is doing. When tickets aren't sold to students, they go on the market for $70.

All this is going to do is create a sense of not caring about football among the student body.
90.00...that's what? 14 and change a game? I think I can handle that. Once you tack it on to the 6000+ my grad school tuition costs, it's really just a drop in the bucket. I have to start paying for tickets next year, anyhow, so I'll consider this my pre-young alumni ticket package.
I'd just like to make a quick suggestion that any Wal-Mart, non-UT alumni, keep their opinion out of this thread.....

...just a suggestion.
I'd just like to make a quick suggestion that any Wal-Mart, non-UT alumni, keep their opinion out of this thread.....

...just a suggestion.

Yeah, you tell em! :realmad: We don't need people cluttering these boards with posts without having the right qualifications
Yeah, you tell em! :realmad: We don't need people cluttering these boards with posts without having the right qualifications

:) The exact reaction for which I sought....

Calm down pj, I was only joking....well, somewhat joking.

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