SUV plows down Wisconsin Christmas parade as children watch in horror

She's from Illinois, what do you expect?

She sounds like she has admitted mental issues.

I have my own hot mess/ crazy scale according to hair color . 1- extremely bright color … attention, 2-extremely bight colors .. attention seeking with issues, 3 or more extremely bright colors , Hot mess attention seeking with issues that together with their shrink have been working on for a while . Bonus - voluntary shaves head just for fun .. flat out crazy and don’t care .
P.S. .. don’t @ me , it’s my scale and it works .
I agree with this. For years, we've been told any crime where the offender was white and the victim black, race was the motivation, whether true or not. Now we're seeing a white backlash. Always assigning a racial bias is a lazy way to avoid investigating a true motive.
It's just such a worthless exercise. And folks that disagree with hate crime classifications need to stop expending energy trying to put this guy in the same thought box that they lament from the other side.
Somebody help me here . . . Why should I care if this guy is racist? What's the point of trying to find a racial angle?

In a way, you're right. For the victims of this particular crime, it doesn't matter. But as a part of the overarching cultural zeitgeist, it matters. White racism is not culturally tolerated. There is nothing as repugnant in our culture as a white racist. But we don't seem to have the same zeal for black racism, and it is often times explained away or justified by certain cultural gate-keepers. I think amplifying white racism while ignoring black racism is a recipe for more of this type of thing and will not make race relations better. One thing that would contribute to making race relations better is to culturally condemn racism (real racism, not the Huffington Post type) from any and all identity groups.
I have my own hot mess/ crazy scale according to hair color . 1- extremely bright color … attention, 2-extremely bight colors .. attention seeking with issues, 3 or more extremely bright colors , Hot mess attention seeking with issues that together with their shrink have been working on for a while . Bonus - voluntary shaves head just for fun .. flat out crazy and don’t care .
P.S. .. don’t @ me , it’s my scale and it works .

Profiling here but seems like definite weirdo who was possibly a college favorite among the guys if she went that route. Want to be morally superior and accepted by all with virtue signaling.
It's just such a worthless exercise. And folks that disagree with hate crime classifications need to stop expending energy trying to put this guy in the same thought box that they lament from the other side.
It's not right from either side. The fomenting of racial division needs to stop. But we live in a world where POC are told white people are out to get them, and now we're seeing a backlash. There are no unifying voices out there.
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Profiling here but seems like definite weirdo who was possibly a college favorite among the guys if she went that route. Want to be morally superior and accepted by all with virtue signaling.

I don’t believe all profiling is wrong and is a built in warning signal for our fight or flight response. Example .. that guy holding that long machete with blood dripping off of it and wearing a ski mask on the street corner .. probably isn’t there because he didn’t have anything else to do on his day off from being a UPS driver . I’m just going to go ahead a assume I should avoid him . 😂
I have my own hot mess/ crazy scale according to hair color . 1- extremely bright color … attention, 2-extremely bight colors .. attention seeking with issues, 3 or more extremely bright colors , Hot mess attention seeking with issues that together with their shrink have been working on for a while . Bonus - voluntary shaves head just for fun .. flat out crazy and don’t care .
P.S. .. don’t @ me , it’s my scale and it works .
Lol. True
I have my own hot mess/ crazy scale according to hair color . 1- extremely bright color … attention, 2-extremely bight colors .. attention seeking with issues, 3 or more extremely bright colors , Hot mess attention seeking with issues that together with their shrink have been working on for a while . Bonus - voluntary shaves head just for fun .. flat out crazy and don’t care .
P.S. .. don’t @ me , it’s my scale and it works .

This made me chuckle heartily thinking of my own kids, thank you.
My conservative looking eldest now leans left due to her hubby’s influence while my hard right wing youngest could infiltrate a Portland riot without notice due to her usual appearance of various hair colors at the same time and tats.🤣
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This made me chuckle heartily thinking of my own kids, thank you.
My conservative looking eldest now leans left due to her hubby’s influence while my hard right wing youngest could infiltrate a Portland riot without notice due to her usual appearance of various hair colors at the same time and tats.🤣

This is partly from experience as nurse and I have daughters also soooo yeah . 😂
It's not right from either side. The fomenting of racial division needs to stop. But we live in a world where POC are told white people are out to get them, and now we're seeing a backlash. There are no unifying voices out there.
I think we have to admit that no matter what truth is expressed there will be some that exist in hate and never change. They will always divide and be divisive.
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I think we have to admit that no matter what truth is expressed there will be some that exist in hate and never change. They will always divide and be divisive.
The problem is that the goal of both political parties is to divide and be divisive. It's how they maintain their power and control.
It's not right from either side. The fomenting of racial division needs to stop. But we live in a world where POC are told white people are out to get them, and now we're seeing a backlash. There are no unifying voices out there.
This. Im not exactly sure how to word what i want to say, but my anger is 10 fold at the judge/ prosecutor who agreed to the bond AND the powers that be at Twitter for letting this "person" from Illinois post this trash with seemingly no consequences.
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Maybe this reveals my own stupidity, but if someone handed me the recipe for the creation of Facebook, IG, etc. on a platter in say, 2003, I would have laughed and said "Why in the hell would anybody want to put their whole life on the internet" and paid it no mind.

You are correct - social media reveals to the whole world, in real time, stuff that used to just remain in people's minds. It tears down filters, and if you're of the age where you've grown up with social media, those kids never develop a filter to begin with. The real world and the online world are the same; there is no differentiation to them.

I like how people are emboldened to share their true thoughts. Knowing someone's true colors is far better than only seeing what they want you to see. What I don't like is how the most extreme, obscure, and outlandish are used as illustration to define a whole group. The broad brush is the issue. There will always be stupid, narcissistic, racist, sociopathic people. Social media exposes the worst but it didn't create the worst of our society.
I like how people are emboldened to share their true thoughts. Knowing someone's true colors is far better than only seeing what they want you to see. What I don't like is how the most extreme, obscure, and outlandish are used as illustration to define a whole group. The broad brush is the issue. There will always be stupid, narcissistic, racist, sociopathic people. Social media exposes the worst but it didn't create the worst of our society.
Because of that bolded part, that's why I think the removal of filters is probably bad on the whole. Human beings, especially when they assemble into large groups, make mental shortcuts and have cognitive biases. We can't help it. So yes, you know who the bad people are, but when a random white racist from Tennessee with 10 numbers on their Twitter handle says something racist on social media, many from the other side see that and conclude all white southerners are racists.
Because of that bolded part, that's why I think the removal of filters is probably bad on the whole. Human beings, especially when they assemble into large groups, make mental shortcuts and have cognitive biases. We can't help it. So yes, you know who the bad people are, but when a random white racist from Tennessee with 10 numbers on their Twitter handle says something racist on social media, many from the other side see that and conclude all white southerners are racists.

Understood. The point is valid. I just don't care if I get lumped because of one (or a small group of) ignorant, hateful people.
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I am ok with keeping certain scheduled drugs illegal like meth and heroin but there is zero reason to still have weed illegal in multiple states.

Any crime that fills the court solely based on marijuana is just taking up the police and courts time that could be used for better things.
That’s a myth though. There is literally no one getting arrested just for a little weed. It’s either drug dealing levels or it’s a charge in addition to other charges

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