SUV plows down Wisconsin Christmas parade as children watch in horror

My understanding is that time in jail depends on if they are consecutive or concurrent sentences unless it’s an absolute non parole eligible sentencing.

In my post above, I left out the words "consecutive 5 life-sentences". Which he needs to be there in a jail cell with Bubba for a very long time & away from society.
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Apparently this is his Twitter not much on there...which might be a good use escalating it into race war

Not saying this happened but can't you delete stuff from Twitter like it wasn't there unless someone retweets from you?
Already lots of Tweets on this Tweet calling for him to resign

These hacks are a necessary evil to not have group think and a balanced debate, but in a debate of ideas they are generally found to be dangers for the bulk of society.
Has it been revealed that all the people killed or injured were white? Were there no POC marching in this parade?
Oh we haven’t gotten around to counting them yet. Still searching for little toe heads.
People get caught up in it and don't realize how much they reveal about themselves when they take down their internal filter. 30 years ago, this dude would've been limited to spray painting a bridge in order to have a voice.
Maybe this reveals my own stupidity, but if someone handed me the recipe for the creation of Facebook, IG, etc. on a platter in say, 2003, I would have laughed and said "Why in the hell would anybody want to put their whole life on the internet" and paid it no mind.

You are correct - social media reveals to the whole world, in real time, stuff that used to just remain in people's minds. It tears down filters, and if you're of the age where you've grown up with social media, those kids never develop a filter to begin with. The real world and the online world are the same; there is no differentiation to them.
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Somebody help me here . . . Why should I care if this guy is racist? What's the point of trying to find a racial angle?
I think it's a backlash to what's usually being pushed. Were the tables turned would the media be holding out on discussing his affiliations, posts and songs? We've just got a strange place with the way narratives are pushed by the impartial
I think it's a backlash to what's usually being pushed. Were the tables turned would the media be holding out on discussing his affiliations, posts and songs? We've just got a strange place with the way narratives are pushed by the impartial
I agree with this. For years, we've been told any crime where the offender was white and the victim black, race was the motivation, whether true or not. Now we're seeing a white backlash. Always assigning a racial bias is a lazy way to avoid investigating a true motive.
I don't believe there is racial motivation regardless of Darrell's history. I think this guy was fleeing a crime scene, chose a bad route, and simply plowed through in the heat of the moment. It's a trash thing to do and I hope he is prosecuted but I don't see racism in the event. A count of the demographics of those injured and killed would dispel any racial angle.

It seems to me that he would have driven through the crowd at a much higher speed if he was trying to inflict maximum damage.
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I think it's a backlash to what's usually being pushed. Were the tables turned would the media be holding out on discussing his affiliations, posts and songs? We've just got a strange place with the way narratives are pushed by the impartial

It’s absolutely backlash and I fail to see a problem with people holding corporate media’s feet to the fire over their blatant lies and hypocrisy.
I also don’t really have much issue with the right leaning Twitter mobs doing today to this dude exactly what the left leaning Twitter mobs have done for over a year to Kyle.

Reap what thy sow. Goose=gander. Tit-for-tat.

Someone can only throw crap at you for so long before you start throwing it back at them.
This is incredibly infuriating. It’s hard not to want vigilantes justice.

Wtf is wrong with people?!?
It seems to me that he would have driven through the crowd at a much higher speed if he was trying to inflict maximum damage.
Not only that, but at various points he avoids people when he had room to. If people were blocking his path he ran over them, but if he had room he avoided them.
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