SUV plows down Wisconsin Christmas parade as children watch in horror

And when information came to light that he wasn't fleeing another crime, I changed my position. That's how quality information works.

Not true. You tried to redefine "terrorism" and then went further to argue that Derrick Brooks isn't a terrorist. You changed your position when someone proved to you that this guy wasn't "running from a previous crime"..... Straight out of the playbook. These are your words.

"There is no pursuit that led up to this incident. This is not a terrorist event."

That statement means that there was no pursuit that led up to the incident. They are also sure this was not a terrorist event. Whoever tweeted that didn't listen to the clip long enough.

The assailant is still a felony bail jumper who should not have been out on bond. The blood of dozens is on his hands, and there are now many more organizers worried about parade safety across the country than there were 24 hours ago.
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Not true. You tried to redefine "terrorism" and then went further to argue that Derrick Brooks isn't a terrorist. You changed your position when someone proved to you that this guy wasn't "running from a previous crime"..... Straight out of the playbook. These are your words.

"There is no pursuit that led up to this incident. This is not a terrorist event."

That statement means that there was no pursuit that led up to the incident. They are also sure this was not a terrorist event. Whoever tweeted that didn't listen to the clip long enough.

The assailant is still a felony bail jumper who should not have been out on bond. The blood of dozens is on his hands, and there are now many more organizers worried about parade safety across the country than there were 24 hours ago.

I don't know who you are, what your background is, or why you've spent such a high percentage of your post count coming after me. If it's personal, I'm not sure what it could have been.

Peace and blessings to you.
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I don't know who you are, what your background is, or why you've spent such a high percentage of your post count coming after me. If it's personal, I'm not sure what it could have been.

Peace and blessings to you.
Nothing personal. I know you and your ilk tries to make it that way, but I call out all communist. Fact is that you jumped on the escaping another crime group. You did your best to make it ok that this terrorist was vetted. Common sense knew he was and is a terrorist. Don't be upset with me for exposing you manifesto.
Are you saying it's understandable that CNN viewers are smart enough to choose not to consume news that is almost as slanted and biased as Fox's, whereas Fox's numbers continue to rise?

I think you are on to something.

There's a lot of buyers remorse factored in, I'd be ashamed too if after being sucked into Trump hatred.... We gotta do better...... Then the realization they were useful idiots to give us this new trainwreck.
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The perp will not make it to trial. At least not if they put him in the general population in jail. Prisoners have a certain dislike of people who hurt kids. There is some honor even among thieves.
So much for Ricky's "Law and Order" stance. He's cool with some vandals, it just depends on what they vandalize.
I agree with law and order. But ash was acting like that one act of vandalism is somehow definite proof of racist America when literally there are 1000s similar acts of vandalism on interstate signs daily in this country.
I agree with law and order. But ash was acting like that one act of vandalism is somehow definite proof of racist America when literally there are 1000s similar acts of vandalism on interstate signs daily in this country.
Would you say memorial plaques/statues in general are shot up as regularly as interstate/road signs? Do you think the people that shoot up a stop sign or rip down a street sign have the same motivation as someone who shoots up the Till meorial? Obviously a speculative question, but I'd like to know your opinion.
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Would you say memorial plaques/statues in general are shot up as regularly as interstate/road signs?
I say that all kinds of interstate signs are shot up regularly regardless of what they say. Go visit 1-40 from Tri Cities thru Lenoir City and other attention sometime. It’s even worse in the real sticks in BFE Bama or Mississippi
I say that all kinds of interstate signs are shot up regularly regardless of what they say. Go visit 1-40 from Tri Cities thru Lenoir City and other attention sometime. It’s even worse in the real sticks in BFE Bama or Mississippi
Do you think the damage it has taken is about average for any other road sign/historical marker in the area?
Ash leans left, but he’s not a full on progressive and most of the time is open to other points of view. A handful of lefties on here are probably pretty good guys.
How often do you see Ash and clarksvol, for example, on here disagreeing with the regular lefties and democrats on this forum? I've not seen it yet. When I do I might take there so called centrist stance more seriously.
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How often do you see Ash and clarksvol, fire example, on here disagreeing with the regular lefties and democrats on this forum? I've not seen it yet. When I do I might take there so called centrist stance more seriously.

I see Ash as a left of center moderate and both are generally cordial. If you feel the need to apply labels, try judging a person by what they say - not by posters they do or do not attack.
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I see Ash as a left of center moderate and both are generally cordial. If you feel the need to apply labels, try judging a person by what they say - not by posters they do or do not attack.
Lol. Good to see their knight in shining armor, Septic, came to their rescue once again.

I call it like I see it. There are some on here who claim they are centrist and moderate and are anything but that.

If what I'm saying offends you then you should be asking yourself why. And why do you feel the need to only defend certain people on here but not others?
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Why is the Emmitt Till memorial sign shot to pieces so often it has be replaced almost annually?

Maybe one day we'll get around to studying the dynamics of how race and reactions to race function in America.
Is the answer because guns are racist?
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Lol. Good to see their knight in shining armor, Septic, came to their rescue once again.

I call it like I see it. There are some on here who claim they are centrist and moderate and are anything but that.

If what I'm saying offends you then you should be asking yourself why. And why do you feel the need to only defend certain people on here but not others?

They don't need my help to make you look like a chump. I'm simply pointing out that your desperate need to invoke tribalism speaks volumes; it's clearly easier for you to label and attack a group than it is to attack their individual arguments. You're lazy.

Please don't confuse me being amused with me being offended.
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They don't need my help to make you look like a chump. I'm simply pointing out that your desperate need to invoke tribalism speaks volumes; it's clearly easier for you to label and attack a group than it is to attack their individual arguments.

Please don't confuse me being amused with me being offended.
And once again you resorted to name calling. Which really says a lot about your character. Guess that what happenswhen you get challenged and called out. And I notice that you only defend certain people on here too. As a matter of fact you go out of your way to do it.

Why do you continue to embarrass yourself on here? Maybe find a hobby.

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