SUV plows down Wisconsin Christmas parade as children watch in horror

Based on what?

At this point it's speculative (IMO anyway) to positively assert for a fact the primary driver (no pun intended) for this was racial. Considering the pretty extensive social media involvement in that area I'm seeing it seems difficult to simply dismiss though.
Based on what?

Social media calling for and condoning violence against white people (and specifically old white people). What better place to slaughter old white people than a parade in a town consisting of 90% white people and only 3% black? After all, the demographics of the parade will at least mirror the town, or possibly would skew even whiter.
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Social media calling for and condoning violence against white people (and specifically old white people). What better place to slaughter old white people than a parade in a town consisting of 90% white people and only 3% black? After all, the demographics of the parade will at least mirror the town, or possibly would skew even whiter.

Based on that, I wouldn't assume anything. Assume is way too strong. It's a guess.
Reminds me that I need to have a conversation over the holidays with my white children and little white grand children that there are people who hate them and are out there wanting to kill them.

She actually said there was a whole generation of older people that were born , bred and marinated in racism that has to die . In reference to the racial problems getting better . I didn’t she where she said specifically and white and shouldn’t have . One of the most racist individuals I’ve ever know was an older black man .
She actually said there was a whole generation of older people that were born , bred and marinated in racism that has to die . In reference to the racial problems getting better . I didn’t she where she said specifically and white and shouldn’t have . One of the most racist individuals I’ve ever know was an older black man .

Years ago, I would have told you that the bolded sentence was a bunch of junk. I've learned differently over time. The amount of racism just within the community towards itself is mind-blowing.
She actually said there was a whole generation of older people that were born , bred and marinated in racism that has to die . In reference to the racial problems getting better . I didn’t she where she said specifically and white and shouldn’t have . One of the most racist individuals I’ve ever know was an older black man .
Based on how much older it could be justified
Years ago, I would have told you that the bolded sentence was a bunch of junk. I've learned differently over time. The amount of racism just within the community towards itself is mind-blowing.

I grew up in a very small all Dem community in west Tennessee with blacks and whites struggling together from being poor. I’ve seen it on both sides and just as equally nasty toward the other . Like everywhere there were people in the middle and your momma and daddy told you who to stay away from as a kid and some folks are just mean and don’t care .
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So sometimes racism is justified? Under what circumstances is it OK to treat individuals as representatives of an entire race rather than treating them as individuals?
Again, based on the age. I would imagine water cannons and attack dogs are hard to forget. There are still people living who experienced that in this country
Based on how much older it could be justified

It’s never justified if you want it to stop . Only if you want to keep the anger going . At some point like Morgan freeman said “ I’ll make you a deal , you stop calling me a black man and I’ll stop calling you a white man “ .
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It’s never justified if you want it to stop . Only if you want to keep the anger going . At some point like Morgan freeman said “ I’ll make you a deal , you stop calling me a black man and I’ll stop calling you a white man “ .
Easy to say if you never had to experience it. We're talking about humans with real, violent experiences based on the color of their skin
Easy to say if you never had to experience it. We're talking about humans with real, violent experiences based on the color of their skin

Do you think that the people who got run over by a black dude would be justified if they became racists from their violent trauma?
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Do you think that the people who got run over by a black dude would be justified if they became racists from their violent trauma?
Good grief. You seriously can't see the difference? Singular instance vs a way of life for a huge region

But I do see how a person targeted like that could have issues later in life
Good grief. You seriously can't see the difference?

I do see the difference. Thankfully, I also see the difference in "justified" vs. "understandable". Racism isn't justified based on having violence conducted against you, but it is understandable that you might become racist under those conditions. That doesn't mean it is ok.
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Since he wasn't fleeing a crime and didn't make spur of the moment bad decision, is it accepted the motive was revolutionary black nationalism (aka racism) or is everyone still figuring it out?

I think it's still being figured out.
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Easy to say if you never had to experience it. We're talking about humans with real, violent experiences based on the color of their skin

My family picked cotton and cut wood , and did everything else they could just to eat and stay alive . I have family still alive that were treated like trash and not worthy to be around others because they were so poor that they didn’t have indoor plumbing , no shoes , was lucky to make it to the 7-8th grade before having to quit to help support the family . It’s not really that hard not to be traumatized if you don’t let it traumatize you and you don’t perpetuate that into victimhood creating other generations of victims.
Do you think that the people who got run over by a black dude would be justified if they became racists from their violent trauma?

That's an individual, not systemic. They didn't have uniformed representatives of the local governing authorities attempting to use physical force to remove them en masse.
My family picked cotton and cut wood , and did everything else they could just to eat and stay alive . I have family still alive that were treated like trash and not worthy to be around others because they were so poor that they didn’t have indoor plumbing , no shoes , was lucky to make it to the 7-8th grade before having to quit to help support the family . It’s not really that hard not to be traumatized if you don’t let it traumatize you and you don’t perpetuate that into victimhood creating other generations of victims.
I didn't say future generations I said the one with direct experience. There's still a difference in what you described vs one solely based on skin color
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