SUV plows down Wisconsin Christmas parade as children watch in horror

Speaking of racism, anyone watching this season of Survivor? There is a definite division of black vs white in this season.
Most people are either experiencing some form of generational trauma or breaking the cycle of generational trauma. And, overwhelmingly, they don't know it's happening.

Inter-generational Trauma: 6 Ways It Affects Families | Office for Institutional Equity

My generation is the first one in my Mom's family to even ackowledge/recognize that there are mental health issues. I know serious depression goes at least back to my great Grandma, and it conditioned her kids. My Grandma was pretty much a saint, but did have depression, and passed that onto some of her kids. One of them was a domestic abuser who ended up killing himself. All 4 of her daughters have lives full of drama, including estrangement from family and long-time friends. Thankfully, only 1 of the 6 kids in my family has mental health issues, and she manages well, but 4 of my siblings had a traumatic childhood that still ****s them up today. Maybe 5 if you count me, but I don't feel traumatized. Like you say, you don't always realize.
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My generation is the first one in my Mom's family to even ackowledge/recognize that there are mental health issues. I know serious depression goes at least back to my great Grandma, and it conditioned her kids. My Grandma was pretty much a saint, but did have depression, and passed that onto some of her kids. One of them was a domestic abuser who ended up killing himself. All 4 of her daughters have lives full of drama, including estrangement from family and long-time friends. Thankfully, only 1 of the 6 kids in my family has mental health issues, and she manages well, but 4 of my siblings had a traumatic childhood that still ****s them up today. Maybe 5 if you count me, but I don't feel traumatized. Like you say, you don't always realize.

As I find out more about my dad's side of the family, more of my life makes sense. I've been lucky enough to escape or mitigate some of the more destructive traits from that side but others are still an important part of my therapy work.

My dad did his dead level best to make sure we didn't experience the childhood he had. Some things you just can't mitigate.

My whole thing about taking up for the more put upon side comes from this.
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As I find out more about my dad's side of the family, more of my life makes sense. I've been lucky enough to escape or mitigate some of the more destructive traits from that side but others are still an important part of my therapy work.

My dad did his dead level best to make sure we didn't experience the childhood he had. Some things you just can't mitigate.

I've been rewatching the Sopranos and the whole point of the show is about intergenerational trauma.
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provide a legit quote or it didn’t happen. I don’t believe Oprah is stupid enough to say that even if she feels that way

Of course the problem is not solved. As long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, the problem’s not solved. As long as there are people who still… And there’s a whole generation — I said this for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own community in the South — there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die.
I grew up in a very small all Dem community in west Tennessee with blacks and whites struggling together from being poor. I’ve seen it on both sides and just as equally nasty toward the other . Like everywhere there were people in the middle and your momma and daddy told you who to stay away from as a kid and some folks are just mean and don’t care .

Yep yep.
We may have been somewhat near neighbors. I grew up crossing that northern state line and back just to get to school.
Speaking of racism, anyone watching this season of Survivor? There is a definite division of black vs white in this season.
I still record it, but it's all I can do to watch 10 or 15 minutes of it, I skip through most of the BS. They went full on white people suck this year, so I doubt I'll ever watch the show again.
Speaking of racism, anyone watching this season of Survivor? There is a definite division of black vs white in this season.

Do you think it’s real? Or produced to look that way?

I didn’t even know that show was still around, so I haven’t seen it.
Do you think it’s real? Or produced to look that way?

I didn’t even know that show was still around, so I haven’t seen it.

I think it's real and an example of how the world actually is currently working.
It just bothers you that I'm interfering with your echo chamber.
I've been called numerous names on here now. Republican loon, right wing nut, socialist, liberal, etc. I think I was even told to go find my safe space. Apparently you missed the one where me and some conservatives were disagreeing on a topic.

No echo chamber here. But I also don't claim to be a centrist either. Because I'm obviously not. I don't identify as Republican or Democrat. However I refuse to vote democrat again.
To no ones surprise, you've again chosen to attack me rather than my argument. Pointing out that others are making you look like a chump isn't name calling, it's an observation based in reality.

Move along Don, no one is interested in your silly tribality tantrums and desperate need to label those that you disagree with. Truthfully I'm not even sure why I engaged with you, you've never brought any original or thought provoking idea to the table.
Actually I have engaged in conversations plenty of times. I'm onto your game however. You come on here and try to argue and when you figure out you can't win you resort to insults. Same silly game you play every time. And I'm obviously not the only one aware of the game you play.

Not only do you continue to embarrass yourself but you are very predictable as well.
Actually I have engaged in conversations plenty of times. I'm onto your game however. You come on here and try to argue and when you figure out you can't win you resort to insults. Same silly game you play every time. And I'm obviously not the only one aware of the game you play.

Not only do you continue to embarrass yourself but you are very predictable as well.

You've never posited an argument worth noting, you should feel lucky that I acknowledged you - even if it was to simply to correct your boorish take on who you consider to be a moderate or liberal.
You've never posited an argument worth noting, you should feel lucky that I acknowledged you - even if it was to simply to correct your boorish take on who you consider to be a moderate or liberal.
Not a boorish take. It's based on replies and likes to posts that I have noticed. And I'm free to form my opinions like you and other people do on here as well. Right?
Speaking of racism, anyone watching this season of Survivor? There is a definite division of black vs white in this season.

I haven't seen Survivor but I got hooked on Big Brother this season - the divisions of race were an open part of the show. The black contestants overtly decided to stick together and I'm sure the production steered the seasons narrative to ensuring that the winner was a black person. They succeeded.

If whites had teamed up as overtly along racial lines I'm sure CBS would have been cancelled. Not only didn't they not try to hide the rascisim, it was celebrated.
Not a boorish take. It's based on replies and likes to posts that I have noticed. And I'm free to form my opinions like you and other people do on here as well. Right?

Whatever you need to tell yourself to reconcile your desperate need to feel superior by pigeon holing a persons beliefs NOT by what they say but by who you feel they should be attacking.

Your take was terrible, I suppose it's no surprise you wouldn't have the good sense to recognize it and waive off.
I haven't seen Survivor but I got hooked on Big Brother this season - the divisions of race were an open part of the show. The black contestants overtly decided to stick together and I'm sure the production steered the seasons narrative to ensuring that the winner was a black person. They succeeded.

If whites had teamed up as overtly along racial lines I'm sure CBS would have been cancelled. Not only didn't they not try to hide the rascisim, it was celebrated.

Pretty much the same story on this season of Survivor.
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You've never posited an argument worth noting, you should feel lucky that I acknowledged you - even if it was to simply to correct your boorish take on who you consider to be a moderate or liberal.

I see you're still making good long lasting friends on here .... good job. :)
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Conservatives? Where?
DonjoVol is almost certainly referencing the argument that he and I (and a few others joined in) got into sometime within the last few weeks. DonjoVol, this is not an attempt to restart this argument. He made a comment to the effect that all employees should be equally valued by companies. I argued that all employees aren't equally valued by a company unless they are paid the same total compensation. I can't remember which thread it was in, but it lasted for about 3-4 days and took up multiple pages within the thread. I am what I would define (and I believe most people here would agree) as a true conservative. Therefore, his comment that he has been in arguments with conservatives on this forum is a true account.
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