Sweeping Sexual Assault Suit Filed Against UT

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Actually both are accusations as noted in the article. You have yet to provide anything to support what you are presenting as fact in your attempt to tip toe around comparing the baylor and ut situation.

I have presented facts, buddy. If you want to challenge them... well, good luck. 😉
I have presented facts, buddy. If you want to challenge them... well, good luck. 😉

To act as if the situations and how they were handled at UT vs how things were handled at Baylor are similar in any way shape or form is intellectually dishonest at best.
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This makes no sense. The coaches can't prevent a police investigation. If it was reported to police, police investigated; if it wasn't, they didn't. That simple. Nothing to do with the coaches.

Complaints were made to Baylor campus officials. Coaches and persons in charge were informed of allegations. Complainants were discouraged from pursing charges or were mislead that actions were taking place when instead things were being swept under the rug. Players remained on the team.

If coaches were not following protocol and were meeting with potential victims and persuading them to drop the matters, then it absolutely involves the coaches. Either Briles was a fall guy or investigation proved that he was culpable. Seems like a lot of evidence against him. . .

Not exactly, and not always. Charged =/= "behind bars." And some were suspended or booted even though they were never charged.

Who from Baylor was suspended without being charged? Did you know that Elliot was accused of at least 5 other rape attacks before the one in which he was charged and convicted? This was a over a 3 year span. Was he ever suspended while any process took place?
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Allegations are that the Waco PD was involved as well. I'm not exactly sure where it is that drylo is getting his facts from. I'm not going to drag him though the mud over it, but everything I've read seems to indicate Briles is not just a scapegoat. Too many people getting in trouble over it.

I doubt the NCAA goes the idiotic route they went with Penn State and my guess is they may do little to nothing at all sanction wise. I'm not sure how much more they could hurt the program than what's already being done anyway.
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Allegations are that the Waco PD was involved as well. I'm not exactly sure where it is that drylo is getting his facts from. I'm not going to drag him though the mud over it, but everything I've read seems to indicate Briles is not just a scapegoat. Too many people getting in trouble over it.

I doubt the NCAA goes the idiotic route they went with Penn State and my guess is they may do little to nothing at all sanction wise. I'm not sure how much more they could hurt the program than what's already being done anyway.

The NCAA doesn't need to get involved in legal matters. Their jurisdictional realm is within their governing body and rules established therein.
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UT lawyers need to get all these lawsuits settled before the season starts--I'm tired of all this.

Whatever is best for the University is what they need to do. If we can win this thing then let it run its course. If they offer a settlement that's cheap or if it looks like we will lose then settle.
But to just settle to hurry and get it gone is an admission of guilt in the court of public opinion and could cost even more than $ in years to come.
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To act as if the situations and how they were handled at UT vs how things were handled at Baylor are similar in any way shape or form is intellectually dishonest at best.

I never claimed that the situations were similar. People were saying Baylor played guys that were in trouble, and I was just (at least partially) refuting that.
Man, connected to two major college football programs. He must be a major player.

You're a great American hero!

Listen, I'm not claiming to be connected at all to what is going on at Baylor. I hadn't followed it that closely, to be honest, until this week. But, yeah, I think it's the same (sports) media mob that's always looking for a victim to crush. It's not Briles' job to address accusations of rape. Why were people even bringing this stuff to him anyway? He's a football coach. Report serious crimes to police and let them handle. Yes, there were actually two guys convicted at Baylor (although one only got 180 days in jail, so the jury clearly didn't think it was that egregious). All this proves is that Waco law enforcement are actually doing their jobs. These other accusations (and yes, I'm aware that Elliott was accused by multiple people) are just that--accusations. (You know who else was accused of raping multiple women? Bill Clinton--and Hillary stood by and denigrated the accusers as a bunch of crazy liars. When these same media guys start going after her like they are Briles then maybe I'll take them seriously. Maybe.) Many of the accusations have nothing to do with rape but are sort of being lumped in as if it's all a big rape scandal.

I do think we ought to all think critically and not just accept what the ignorant sports writers want to sell us (sports writers who are generally truly ignorant when it comes to legal matters, as well as business matters and any number of other things they didn't learn about in Journalism 101 from their professor who was moonlighting in BLM protests or whatever).

They did it to Baylor; we could very easily be next. (Look for Vol haters like Mizzou grad Dennis Dodd to be leading the charge.) What y'all are ignoring is that facts and nuance don't matter to the twitter mob.
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I never claimed that the situations were similar. People were saying Baylor played guys that were in trouble, and I was just (at least partially) refuting that.

Baylor had a source inside the Waco PD.

The implication is that Baylor colluded with Waco PD to treat Baylor football players differently than the general public.

This was being done to keep Baylor football players on the field.
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Baylor had a source inside the Waco PD.

The implication is that Baylor colluded with Waco PD to treat Baylor football players differently than the general public.

This was being done to keep Baylor football players on the field.

And that's utter nonsense if you use your brain. Two Baylor players have been convicted of sex assault and a third has charges pending. That's the polar opposite of a vast law enforcement conspiracy to let players get away with crimes.
And that's utter nonsense if you use your brain. Two Baylor players have been convicted of sex assault and a third has charges pending. That's the polar opposite of a vast law enforcement conspiracy to let players get away with crimes.

You're admittedly ignorant to what happened at Baylor but are so arrogant that you can decide fact from nonsense?

Ok, but :crazy: if you ask me.
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