Sweeping Sexual Assault Suit Filed Against UT

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And that's utter nonsense if you use your brain. Two Baylor players have been convicted of sex assault and a third has charges pending. That's the polar opposite of a vast law enforcement conspiracy to let players get away with crimes.

Please go read the findings of the independent firm that was hired by Baylor University. That is what resulted with Baylor taking the actions they have taken.

If you read that and compare to how the situations were handled at Tennessee, you should understand that there are very important differences between how the two coaches and universities handled the cases the public has been made aware of.

I'm not sure of your motive for continuing to try to say that Coach Briles took the same actions as Coach Jones did. The differences in how the two handled the situations is very important for folks to understand.
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After being charged?

Heres the big difference.

UT suspended
AJ Johnson
Mike Williams
Marlin Lane
Von Pearson
Alexis Johnson(still suspended)

All while there was an on going investigation into their actions. Lane and Pearson were allowed back on the team AFTER being cleared by the KPD. Johnson and Williams were not reinstated because the DA brought charges, they will have their day in court.

Then some will say Butch interfered with the Johnson and Williams case by calling them before a search warrant was issued. Let me ask one simple damn question, if that were the case why didn't the 2 in question throw away the condom and pot?

Now lets examine the Baylor situation, Briles knew of the rape allegations but played his guys anyways. And told the alleged victims not to pursue charges because it would be bad for all parties involved. Baylor also had the waco police discourage the young ladies from going forward with charges.

So you tell me which is worse?
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One of the players convicted had multiple accusations against him prior to the one that stuck yet Briles let him stay on the team and play another 2 seasons.

And this is what people would say if Von Pearson were to be convicted of a rape next year too. Point being, an accusation is just that.
Please go read the findings of the independent firm that was hired by Baylor University. That is what resulted with Baylor taking the actions they have taken.

If you read that and compare to how the situations were handled at Tennessee, you should understand that there are very important differences between how the two coaches and universities handled the cases the public has been made aware of.

I'm not sure of your motive for continuing to try to say that Coach Briles took the same actions as Coach Jones did. The differences in how the two handled the situations is very important for folks to understand.

I've never said UT and Baylor are the same. In fact, I've said the opposite. But OK. 👍🏼
Heres the big difference.

UT suspended
AJ Johnson
Mike Williams
Marlin Lane
Von Pearson
Alexis Johnson(still suspended)

All while there was an on going investigation into their actions. Lane and Pearson were allowed back on the team AFTER being cleared by the KPD. Johnson and Williams were not reinstated because the DA brought charges, they will have their day in court.

Then some will say Butch interfered with the Johnson and Williams case by calling them before a search warrant was issued. Let me ask one simple damn question, if that were the case why didn't the 2 in question throw away the condom and pot?

Now lets examine the Baylor situation, Briles knew of the rape allegations but played his guys anyways. And told the alleged victims not to pursue charges because it would be bad for all parties involved. Baylor also had the waco police discourage the young ladies from going forward with charges.

So you tell me which is worse?

Briles didn't play anybody after they were charged with a crime. I don't believe he played anybody after any specific allegations that would lead to charges surfaced. He did play guys that had been accused of various things, Judy like Butch played Von and Marlin and others--and just like tons of other coaches.

Now, Butch acts immediately to suspend everybody who is accused of anything even remotely serous, whether they are ever charged or not. Just to be clear, im not accusing Butch of being lax or anything like that.
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And this is what people would say if Von Pearson were to be convicted of a rape next year too. Point being, an accusation is just that.

How? Pearson was kicked off the team immediately. The Baylor player had 5 (iirc) previous accusations and still played. Not even CLOSE to being the same. But hey, facts suck at times.
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Briles didn't play anybody after they were charged with a crime. I don't believe he played anybody after any specific allegations that would lead to charges surfaced. He did play guys that had been accused of various things, Judy like Butch played Von and Marlin and others--and just like tons of other coaches.

Now, Butch acts immediately to suspend everybody who is accused of anything even remotely serous, whether they are ever charged or not. Just to be clear, im not accusing Butch of being lax or anything like that.
You're just wrong. Watch the OTL episode. It's not anywhere near the same. Not even the same galaxy.
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Briles didn't play anybody after they were charged with a crime. I don't believe he played anybody after any specific allegations that would lead to charges surfaced. He did play guys that had been accused of various things, Judy like Butch played Von and Marlin and others--and just like tons of other coaches.

Now, Butch acts immediately to suspend everybody who is accused of anything even remotely serous, whether they are ever charged or not. Just to be clear, im not accusing Butch of being lax or anything like that.

Baylor senior safety charged with assault | The Baylor Lariat

Baylor head coach Art Briles said on Monday that he knew of senior safety Ahmad Dixon’s legal woes prior to the Sept. 21 ULM game. Dixon fully participated in the ULM game before suffering an injury.
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Briles didn't play anybody after they were charged with a crime. I don't believe he played anybody after any specific allegations that would lead to charges surfaced. He did play guys that had been accused of various things, Judy like Butch played Von and Marlin and others--and just like tons of other coaches.

Now, Butch acts immediately to suspend everybody who is accused of anything even remotely serous, whether they are ever charged or not. Just to be clear, im not accusing Butch of being lax or anything like that.
Von and Marlin played AFTER they were cleared of ANY wrong doing. You are obviously missing the point of this whole discussion.
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The Baylor stuff goes way beyond the football coach. One of the accusers had her scholarship benefits reduced to the point she had to leave school because she couldn't afford it. It's way beyond just football.
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The Baylor stuff goes way beyond the football coach. One of the accusers had her scholarship benefits reduced to the point she had to leave school because she couldn't afford it. It's way beyond just football.

I remember reading something about this.
It is absolutely INSANE that this stuff has taken this long, and that evidence is being willfully held back, one way or the other.

The article includes this:

"Evidence revealed so far indicates Johnson and his accuser had been flirting for months and that the then-19-year-old woman willingly went to Johnson's bedroom to meet him.

Statements by the accuser and her female friends to police made clear that social media via various messenger services offered by Facebook and Yik Yak, along with texting, were the primary means of communication among all those involved, witnesses included. But the Knoxville Police Department took no steps to either retrieve those messages or preserve them."

First, if that is really hard evidence, it would sure go a long way toward "consensual" - she wasn't underage, and just how many reasons would she have for going to the bedroom of someone with whom she had been flirting.

Second, it sure looks like the KPD and the DA screwed up in not gathering or at least preserving data. Maybe it is just somewhere along the lines of an individual not having to self-incriminate, but if it's fair to gather that information for an accused person knowing possible consensuality, then you have to consider what's good for the goose ...
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The article includes this:

"Evidence revealed so far indicates Johnson and his accuser had been flirting for months and that the then-19-year-old woman willingly went to Johnson's bedroom to meet him.

Statements by the accuser and her female friends to police made clear that social media via various messenger services offered by Facebook and Yik Yak, along with texting, were the primary means of communication among all those involved, witnesses included. But the Knoxville Police Department took no steps to either retrieve those messages or preserve them."

First, if that is really hard evidence, it would sure go a long way toward "consensual" - she wasn't underage, and just how many reasons would she have for going to the bedroom of someone with whom she had been flirting.

Second, it sure looks like the KPD and the DA screwed up in not gathering or at least preserving data. Maybe it is just somewhere along the lines of an individual not having to self-incriminate, but if it's fair to gather that information for an accused person knowing possible consensuality, then you have to consider what's good for the goose ...
It would definitely paint the picture that the defendant didn't knowingly commit crime if one even occured. Reasonable doubt is all over this. If a judge doesn't allow the defense to gather it's own evidence then it's a miscarriage of justice and that judge shouldn't be on the bench
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You're just wrong. Watch the OTL episode. It's not anywhere near the same. Not even the same galaxy.

I'll do him one better.


The article includes this:

"Evidence revealed so far indicates Johnson and his accuser had been flirting for months and that the then-19-year-old woman willingly went to Johnson's bedroom to meet him.

Statements by the accuser and her female friends to police made clear that social media via various messenger services offered by Facebook and Yik Yak, along with texting, were the primary means of communication among all those involved, witnesses included. But the Knoxville Police Department took no steps to either retrieve those messages or preserve them."

First, if that is really hard evidence, it would sure go a long way toward "consensual" - she wasn't underage, and just how many reasons would she have for going to the bedroom of someone with whom she had been flirting.

Second, it sure looks like the KPD and the DA screwed up in not gathering or at least preserving data. Maybe it is just somewhere along the lines of an individual not having to self-incriminate, but if it's fair to gather that information for an accused person knowing possible consensuality, then you have to consider what's good for the goose ...

The DA is playing, he's holding out hoping for UT to settle the title 9 suit in hopes that it would appear as an admission of guilt. His case is weak at this point, he knows that if the lawsuit is settled before the criminal trial takes place it would do wonders for his side. He also knows UT is waiting for an innocent verdict to help its case in the lawsuit. Looks like we got us a good old Mexican standoff.
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The DA is playing, he's holding out hoping for UT to settle the title 9 suit in hopes that it would appear as an admission of guilt. His case is weak at this point, he knows that if the lawsuit is settled before the criminal trial takes place it would do wonders for his side. He also knows UT is waiting for an innocent verdict to help its case in the lawsuit. Looks like we got us a good old Mexican standoff.

But can the DA really push the trial back 2 more years???
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DA is a female FWIW, some of the assistant prosecutors are ones quoted in KNS.

It sounds more and more like either the KPD, DA, or both did a poor job of sequestering the evidence on social media - may not help their case but the law requires it, and the defense is going to beat it like a dead horse. In the meantime the KNS is chomping at the bit to get all the details for more click bait
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