This is what really matters about the change. It is about the recruits, if they want it so do I. If you like Adidas on your UT gear you are @least 45. These young guys like Nike. Nuff said
I want the distribution rights to whatever you people who think "new" or "edgy" or "hip" uniforms have a d*mned thing to do with a recruit's decision as to which school to attend are smoking. Bear in mind that virtually no fishing lures are designed to actually catch fish - they are designed to catch the fisherman's dollar. The UTAD and Nike are both well aware that by switching vendors the sheep will line up 20 deep in 2015 to buy the new gear.
Original old guys..hey...
It's not about what you sell, it's about what the customer wants.
The future is bright, the baby boomers will die out. Then the up and the younger guys like myself that has a little $ will be buying gear. I think Nike shoes are junk. They look good but made cheap. When it comes to clothing line, it looks good and some of my nicest business polo's are Nike. It will be the future. You that refused a cell phone got one. You thought Facebook was dumb, you got one. Now you think Nike is dumb, guess will buy it.
Original old guys..hey...
It's not about what you sell, it's about what the customer wants.
The future is bright, the baby boomers will die out. Then the up and the younger guys like myself that has a little $ will be buying gear. I think Nike shoes are junk. They look good but made cheap. When it comes to clothing line, it looks good and some of my nicest business polo's are Nike. It will be the future. You that refused a cell phone got one. You thought Facebook was dumb, you got one. Now you think Nike is dumb, guess will buy it.