Tankers Attacked In Gulf: Price of Oil Up

Amazing, but unsurprising.

Well your Moron in Chief agreed to the worthless agreement ... he also sent Iran a ton or so of money so they could continue their work. I'd certainly hope that Trump would redo things. Things change when competent people retake the asylum. I'll even qualify "competent" if it makes you feel better, but they are still heads and shoulders above the lunatics previously running our country.
Not really conflicting. Two separate issues. Your ability to do damage isnt tied to the ability to maintain an actual war with a super power

A great analogy is that a football team with a Dobbs at QB and not much of a supporting staff can still do a lot of damage to the other team ... doesn't mean overall success though.
This shouldn’t be hard to discern. It’s the same old re-run time and time again. This country has made a habit of going to war over false pretenses...Iraq and Afghanistan being the most recent. The thing is, we aren’t fighting these wars out of the interest of the US...yet on behalf of Israel. When people start to understand that this country’s politics, media, military and financial system(Federal Reserve) are all controlled or exploited by Israel, for the benefit of Israel, not the US, then you will have become enlightened...

It’s understandable that people cheerlead every move of our dysfunctional foreign policy...because we are all indoctrinated from an early age to not question the intentions of our government, military, etc...and especially for people who’ve served..

This isn’t about good vs bad. This is about resources and control. Countries like Venezuela, Iran, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Russia will always be deemed the boogeyman with dictators, because they all have resources that US/Israeli team wants. It’s not hard math...
I really want to hear how Afghanistan helped Israel. Same with Iraq seeing as how Iraq was the enemy of Israel's enemy Iran.

We got involved for the wrong reasons, sure, just not sure how you are fitting the Israeli shaped piece into this puzzle.
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Well your Moron in Chief agreed to the worthless agreement ... he also sent Iran a ton or so of money so they could continue their work. I'd certainly hope that Trump would redo things. Things change when competent people retake the asylum. I'll even qualify "competent" if it makes you feel better, but they are still heads and shoulders above the lunatics previously running our country.

First of all, the intelligence agencies were on the same page saying the agreement was being abided by Iran.

Secondly, the 1.7 billion settlement was to settle an arms contract from the 70's. The other massive sum was Iran's own frozen assets.

So, you're saying it was just a bad idea to trust Iran?
This shouldn’t be hard to discern. It’s the same old re-run time and time again. This country has made a habit of going to war over false pretenses...Iraq and Afghanistan being the most recent. The thing is, we aren’t fighting these wars out of the interest of the US...yet on behalf of Israel. When people start to understand that this country’s politics, media, military and financial system(Federal Reserve) are all controlled or exploited by Israel, for the benefit of Israel, not the US, then you will have become enlightened...

It’s understandable that people cheerlead every move of our dysfunctional foreign policy...because we are all indoctrinated from an early age to not question the intentions of our government, military, etc...and especially for people who’ve served..

This isn’t about good vs bad. This is about resources and control. Countries like Venezuela, Iran, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Russia will always be deemed the boogeyman with dictators, because they all have resources that US/Israeli team wants. It’s not hard math...
Nobody wants to go to war with Iran over this tanker crap. Put the water buckets down.

Also, wtf is up with the Hebrew hate? I guess I’m starting to understand your preaching now.
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I really want to hear how Afghanistan helped Israel. Same with Iraq seeing as how Iraq was the enemy of Israel's enemy Iran.

We got involved for the wrong reasons, sure, just not sure how you are fitting the Israeli shaped piece into this puzzle.

First off, just look at a map. Iraq and Afghanistan sandwich the one true regional threat to Israel in the ME...Iran, the end goal. Destabilizing these two countries allows several benefits to Israel.

Israel is an oil poor country. Pipelines from Iraq, Iran, Syria could easily be constructed to flow right into Israeli refineries instead of them having to rely KSA and Egypt. Not to mention the financial benefits to US and Israeli companies.

Afghanistan is a strategically placed mineral rich country on Iran’s doorstep. Iran is the one country in the ME that threatens the nuclear monopoly and influence Israel has on the ME....which Israeli leaders fear most.

Weakening Iran’s neighbors...weakens Iran.
I think if the US is planning anything the last people they would tell would be the U.N. Screw the U.N. But if they do strike that nuke facility they’re just falsely propping up the basis of the tanker attacks as a reason to do so. Just let Israel handle it. Every body expects them to do it anyway.

Israel is our proxy and every nation in the Middle East knows it. Not exactly the clean hands, that some would like to believe.
Nobody wants to go to war with Iran over this tanker crap. Put the water buckets down.

Also, wtf is up with the Hebrew hate? I guess I’m starting to understand your preaching now.

Hate? Where did I say or imply that?!

Quit making stuff up and put the Pom Pom's down..
Israel is our proxy and every nation in the Middle East knows it. Not exactly the clean hands, that some would like to believe.
Israel doesn’t need nor would they ask our permission to kick in Iran’s teeth. They’d probably give us a heads up but they’re gonna do what they want to do.
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Israel doesn’t need nor would they ask our permission to kick in Iran’s teeth. They’d probably give us a heads up but they’re gonna do what they want to do.

Yes they are the big dog that has a bigger dog behind them... everyone knows it.
LMAO! You painted Israel as the evil boogeyman pulling all our strings and get called on the obvious racist slant and reply “who me?!” LMFAO!

Racist slant? Lol

Truth is now racist!

An opposing view once again hits the your little dramatic nerve, huh?!
Racist slant? Lol

Truth is now racist!

An opposing view once again hits the your little dramatic nerve, huh?!
You literally said Israel is running our government. And you’re selling it as YOUR truth. And once again general mockery and disdain at idiocy is painted as being triggered. Sure thing cowboy 🙄
First off, just look at a map. Iraq and Afghanistan sandwich the one true regional threat to Israel in the ME...Iran, the end goal. Destabilizing these two countries allows several benefits to Israel.

Israel is an oil poor country. Pipelines from Iraq, Iran, Syria could easily be constructed to flow right into Israeli refineries instead of them having to rely KSA and Egypt. Not to mention the financial benefits to US and Israeli companies.

Afghanistan is a strategically placed mineral rich country on Iran’s doorstep. Iran is the one country in the ME that threatens the nuclear monopoly and influence Israel has on the ME....which Israeli leaders fear most.

Weakening Iran’s neighbors...weakens Iran.
Again Iraq was Irans enemy. Why weaken their enemy? And is there a new pipeline I haven't heard of? You can win this real easy if there is some new pipeline heading to Israel.

Still not buying Afghanistan. I wouldn't say they are any stronger or weaker due to the US. We didnt attack their government. And I dont see how Iran drew any strength from Afghanistan

If you are including Afghanistan in the ME it seems lazy to leave off Pakistan. Which has nukes.
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Well your Moron in Chief agreed to the worthless agreement ... he also sent Iran a ton or so of money so they could continue their work. I'd certainly hope that Trump would redo things. Things change when competent people retake the asylum. I'll even qualify "competent" if it makes you feel better, but they are still heads and shoulders above the lunatics previously running our country.
Come on AM64, those pallets and pallets of US $100 bills was Irans we had froze.

We all know thats coming. When in fact if you freeze assets and decide to give them back it's nothing but a paper loss to a paper gain. Not true pallets of US money.
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First of all, the intelligence agencies were on the same page saying the agreement was being abided by Iran.

Secondly, the 1.7 billion settlement was to settle an arms contract from the 70's. The other massive sum was Iran's own frozen assets.

So, you're saying it was just a bad idea to trust Iran?
Right on cue ☝️☝️
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You literally said Israel is running our government. And you’re selling it as YOUR truth. And once again general mockery and disdain at idiocy is painted as being triggered. Sure thing cowboy 🙄

I literally said it. Doesn’t make one a Racist!

Again Iraq was Irans enemy. Why weaken their enemy? And is there a new pipeline I haven't heard of? You can win this real easy if there is some new pipeline heading to Israel.

Still not buying Afghanistan. I wouldn't say they are any stronger or weaker due to the US. We didnt attack their government. And I dont see how Iran drew any strength from Afghanistan

If you are including Afghanistan in the ME it seems lazy to leave off Pakistan. Which has nukes.

A destabilized Iraq doesn’t help Iran. The only pipeline that I know of that feeds Israel comes through the KSA. It’s about control of these pipelines that feed Europe...

Not saying they necessarily drew strength from either of these countries....just the mere fact that this allows its nuclear powered enemies to work right on their border...within easy striking range.
First of all, the intelligence agencies were on the same page saying the agreement was being abided by Iran.

Secondly, the 1.7 billion settlement was to settle an arms contract from the 70's. The other massive sum was Iran's own frozen assets.

So, you're saying it was just a bad idea to trust Iran?

Our intelligence agencies frequently get things wrong. Korea, Vietnam, breakup of the Soviet Union, WMD ... Sometimes some people within agencies actually get it, but it's not the "correct" answer.
A destabilized Iraq doesn’t help Iran. The only pipeline that I know of that feeds Israel comes through the KSA. It’s about control of these pipelines that feed Europe...

Not saying they necessarily drew strength from either of these countries....just the mere fact that this allows its nuclear powered enemies to work right on their border...within easy striking range.
So You had nothing.

Considering they have a coast I dont see the need to get closer land borders.
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