Tankers Attacked In Gulf: Price of Oil Up

I'm positive they do. Still not a reaaon to do anything. Put more sanctions on them.
We’ve been trying to tie Iran to Al-Qaeda for 17 years. We still don’t have any full blown proof.

LOL, I wonder why we can't make ties between Iran and Al CIA-da? Al Qaeda is a Sunni terrorist group fighting Shiites, Christians, Druze, etc all over the Middle East. Why would Iran support a group fighting Shias in the region?
What does Iran stand to gain with these actions? Are the actions egregious enough to fight back?
What do they have to lose?

They are pushing the envelope to see how far they can go and with their economy in a shambles with rumblings on the domestic front, they are getting a boogeyman to react so that the population will have something to focus on instead of their own government's malfeasance.

Any of this sound vaguely familiar?

And then there is this:

Radical Shia Eschatology, Iran’s View of the End Times
What does Iran stand to gain with these actions? Are the actions egregious enough to fight back?
Are you trying to imply Iran didn’t shoot down an MQ-4 as they’ve already taken credit for?

And oh boy did they just give the US plenty of reason to blow away their nuke facility. Invade and go to war? No. Blow to smithereens their nuke capacity? The dumbasses just caused that themselves.
I remember the hard evidence the Bush team laid out as proof against Iraq. That turned out to be BS. The Gulf of Tonkin evidence was a lie that ultimately sent me packing. How many times do we have to get burned? I don't believe any of the bastards Right or Left. If most of our allies form a consensus that it was Iran and show us the money I might believe it.

Our allies also believed Saddam had WMDs
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What do they have to lose?

They are pushing the envelope to see how far they can go and with their economy in a shambles with rumblings on the domestic front, they are getting a boogeyman to react so that the population will have something to focus on instead of their own government's malfeasance.

Any of this sound vaguely familiar?

And then there is this:

Radical Shia Eschatology, Iran’s View of the End Times
I’m starting to think both their side and our side want to usher in end times. Remember Bush’s dream about Gog and Magog?
Come on, man. This forum is half full of intolerant rednecks.

Is this really the fight you wan to pick today? I think you need to take some time to think that one over.
Nope. There is not a majority of people lumping all Muslims together and many do indeed recognize they have different sects within the religion. You implied they were in the majority of us intolerant rednecks. That’s not correct.
Looks like the Iranians just gave the green light to the Trump admin to blow the **** out of their nuclear facility. Dumbasses.

Perfect opportunity to show when a where the drone was shot down, unless those drone's cameras and location data don't work well.
Nope. There is not a majority of people lumping all Muslims together and many do indeed recognize they have different sects within the religion. You implied they were in the majority of us intolerant rednecks. That’s not correct.

Good choice.

Using a fabricated bastardization of what I said to walk it back wasn’t exactly what I was expecting, but that’s on me at this point, I guess.

And oh boy did they just give the US plenty of reason to blow away their nuke facility. Invade and go to war? No. Blow to smithereens their nuke capacity? The dumbasses just caused that themselves.

Iran shoots down drone which may or may not have been over international air space.

U.S. blows up Iranian "nuke facility" (there's only one)?

That seems like a symmetrical response.
Besides the drone incident, U.S. officials told Fox News that Iranian-backed forces fired cruise missiles Wednesday night into Saudi Arabia, hitting a power plant.
Good choice.

Using a fabricated bastardization of what I said to walk it back wasn’t exactly what I was expecting, but that’s on me at this point, I guess.

Oh ffs. In your own words. And now you want to state one shouldn’t infer that as a majority statement? 🤷‍♂️

This can’t be true. All Muslims are the same and all of them hate us. I read it on VN.

No I don’t think you were serious I think it was flippant. Thus just the “no you didn’t”. You’re welcome.
Besides the drone incident, U.S. officials told Fox News that Iranian-backed forces fired cruise missiles Wednesday night into Saudi Arabia, hitting a power plant.

I'm left wondering what meets the standard of Iranian-backed forces? Similarly, who would qualify if the same standard were applied to ourselves?

These questions aren't rhetorical
Iran shoots down drone which may or may not have been over international air space.

U.S. blows up Iranian "nuke facility" (there's only one)?

That seems like a symmetrical response.
Who cares if it’s symmetrical, proportional, or whatever. The dumbasses just gave them the rationale to do so served up on a silver platter. For that matter Israel might jump the shark and just do it now too.
I'm left wondering what meets the standard of Iranian-backed forces? Similarly, who would qualify if the same standard were pplied to ourselves?

These questions aren't rhetorical
My guess it was the Houthis. they've done it before and they are backed by Iran in Yemen.

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