TARGET Unveils Pride Collection That Includes LGBT Rainbow Onesies For Newborns

It's nuts, and way nuttier than my home experience, but very relatable, having grown up in a big family that was hardcore religious and home-schooled until 8th grade. We had holy rollers in our home school group who were just like this (dresses only for the girls, with pantaloons). We were pretty much outcasts in the home school group since I was Mormon, but the coolest kid was Catholic (and he was outcast too) anyway. So far the abusive brother has only been a small part of the story.

For anybody wondering, this is what grooming looks like

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I grew up LDS as well. Told you this before IIRC.
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Not surprised at your answer. Very troubling you leftists want 5 year olds exposed to grown men in g strings

I do not want that. The only drag show I have ever seen was very tame and I would not assume to use the law (and violate the constitutional freedom of assembly) to take away agency from parents from making that decision for themselves, simply because men are dressed like women. Liberals are like you in a lot of ways. They believe in and support the nanny state. I do not. I also think it's up to parents if they want to put their children in vulnerable positions with potential perverts in their church congregation. Choose for youselves.
Today I learned that a kid sitting with his parents at mass is the exact same thing as a kid sitting with his parents and watching big haired gay boys grind on each other to Lady GaGa. Same/Same.
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You think the Saudis are going to do the obvious most profitable thing and start a few dozen LGBTQ ad campaigns to promote their new golf league? I mean, the American populace is just so enthralled in that movement. They'll be really hamstringing themselves if they don't start pandering early and often.
People triggered by the entire decades-old concept of Pride Month now, just like here on this forum. We are doing great

People triggered by the entire decades-old concept of Pride Month now, just like here on this forum. We are doing great

The videos I saw that were from on the ground showed the pro-trans crowd doing the attacking.
Target recently announced its “Pride Collection” for 2023, which includes baby clothes with LGBT themes.

“Bien Proud” reads one onesie, which comes in sizes as low as zero to three months. Another onesie features LGBT rainbows and hearts with the color of the transgender pride flag. The collection also features rainbow socks in kid’s sizes. (RELATED: ‘Here To Stay’: Trans Surfer Competing With Women Doubles Down Amid Backlash)

The collection also features pride themed family outfits. Target is selling LGBT books targeting children, such as “Bye-bye Binary,” about a baby who doesn’t get put “in a pink or blue corner,” and “What Are Your Words,” a book that instructs children on how to use preferred pronouns. Some clothing also features drag queens.

Target Unveils Pride Collection That Includes LGBT Rainbow Onesies For Newborns

Philippians 4:8, Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

"trans" -- a study on the transfiguration of Jesus Christ of Nazareth / a true accounting

Luke 3:37 -- 3445 /morphóō, "changing form in keeping with inner reality"

Matthew 17:1After six days Jesus took with Him Peter, James, and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. 2There He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light.

(2) And was transfigured before them.—Elsewhere in the New Testament (with the exception of the parallel, Mark 9:2) the word is used only in its spiritual sense, and is there rendered “transformed.” St. Luke does not use the word, but describes the change which it implies, “the fashion of His countenance became other than it had been” (Luke 9:29)
Target recently announced its “Pride Collection” for 2023, which includes baby clothes with LGBT themes.

“Bien Proud” reads one onesie, which comes in sizes as low as zero to three months. Another onesie features LGBT rainbows and hearts with the color of the transgender pride flag. The collection also features rainbow socks in kid’s sizes. (RELATED: ‘Here To Stay’: Trans Surfer Competing With Women Doubles Down Amid Backlash)

The collection also features pride themed family outfits. Target is selling LGBT books targeting children, such as “Bye-bye Binary,” about a baby who doesn’t get put “in a pink or blue corner,” and “What Are Your Words,” a book that instructs children on how to use preferred pronouns. Some clothing also features drag queens.

Target Unveils Pride Collection That Includes LGBT Rainbow Onesies For Newborns

the true idea of change (transform) is Biblical (2000 years of well-known history) = the Arabs and Mesopotamians knew of this, because this gospel news was taken to them by Paul

1 Corinthians 15:51Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed52in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.

allassó: to change
Usage: I change, alter, exchange, transform.

ἀλλάσσω: future ἀλλάζω; 1 aorist ἤλλαξα; 2 future passive ἀλλαγήσομαι; (ἄλλος); (from Aeschylus down); to change: to cause one thing to cease and another to take its place,
What messages are you listening to ? The message from Executives at Target, or would you choose to prefer to listen to men like Jesus and Paul ?

Which message of the rainbow came first ? The message described in Genesis (written 2500+ years ago), or the message that Target portrays (conjured up approx 40 years ago) ?

Romans 1:26For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27Likewise, the men abandoned natural relations with women and burned with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Genesis 9:12And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between Me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13I have set My rainbow in the clouds, and it will be a sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.
I really like Broccoli Cheddar Chicken and a Country Boy Breakfast but.....

To be fair, it is one rainbow rocker out of 30. That's proportional representation and I wouldn't consider this to be "shoving it in faces". Low key post and certainly not the level of eye roll inducing pandering that usually occurs with corporate social media posts.
To be fair, it is one rainbow rocker out of 30. That's proportional representation and I wouldn't consider this to be "shoving it in faces". Low key post and certainly not the level of eye roll inducing pandering that usually occurs with corporate social media posts.
Mainstreaming is what breeds acceptance.

Do I think gays are going to "take over?" I don't.
Do I think the lifestyle needs supporting? I don't.

And you?
Seems a core issue is the ever expanding lifestyles that are being added under the pride umbrella.

Homosexuality by all accounts is biological. Transexuality may or may not be and has a range of expressions from crossdressing, drag to full on gender dysphoria. Some are lifestyle choices; some are born that way immutable characteristics.

The loud, stupid sides in the public debate treat the issue as black and white - you are either against any expression of support for any of the range of people falling under the flag or you treat any objection to any part (eg. questioning the wisdom of endorsing "gender-affirming care" to children) as complete bigotry towards anyone that falls under the flag.
There are flat out haters out there that cannot stand anything having to do with Gay Pride - they are out there.

But most of the major flash points right now seem to be on the Trans front. The arguments are mostly about gender - that is Trans.

But say something perceived as “anti-Trans” and you hate Gay people and all things Pride.

There have been a flurry of Trans bills recently. They all get reported as “anti-LGBT” though.
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As is my right, I prefer to spend my money at places that share my values. You have a problem with that?

I don't have a problem with you voicing your opinion at all. I think your opinion is small minded, but I support your right to give voice to that opinion in any legal manner.

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