TARGET Unveils Pride Collection That Includes LGBT Rainbow Onesies For Newborns

You guys are clowns. Only one I can't verify is Michelob

Edit: michelob has a partnership too. All confirmed

Half of America's 10 most popular beers have LGBTQ+ partnerships
It’s selective outrage…hell Disney has been having Gay Pride parades for over 30’years but all of a sudden they’re “woke”. STFU and stop acting like any of this stuff is new. Jack Daniels does a drag weekend and has been for a long time. Republicans have become the biggest babies on the planet. So enjoy being miserable
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It’s selective outrage…hell Disney has been having Gay Pride parades for over 30’years but all of a sudden they’re “woke”. STFU and stop acting like any of this stuff is new. Jack Daniels does a drag weekend and has been for a long time. Republicans have become the biggest babies on the planet. So enjoy being miserable

Was not aware / thanks for the heads up.

Jack Daniels Faces Boycott Calls Over LGBT Campaign: 'Lost a Loyal Drinker' (

One might suppose that even Mr. Daniel would be outraged / would at least know the dangers to see his company involved with such activity ("Daniel was raised in the Primitive Baptist church").

Romans 1: 32and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also approve of those who practice them.
This is gonna be a hard pill for many to swallow. The idea of military service for our country is great but in reality, it's just about the last thing I want for my kids. Come back with PTSD and be a homeless, depressed, suicidal lost soul because of unjustifiable wars like so many thousands thanks.

Edit: seeing estimates that there are 100k+ homeless vets on any given night

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This is gonna be a hard pill for many to swallow. The idea of military service for our country is great but in reality, it's just about the last thing I want for my kids. Come back with PTSD and be a homeless, depressed, suicidal lost soul because of unjustifiable wars like so many thousands thanks.

Edit: seeing estimates that there are 100k+ homeless vets on any given night

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I can't argue that you are wrong now a days.
It’s selective outrage…hell Disney has been having Gay Pride parades for over 30’years but all of a sudden they’re “woke”. STFU and stop acting like any of this stuff is new. Jack Daniels does a drag weekend and has been for a long time. Republicans have become the biggest babies on the planet. So enjoy being miserable

Republicans are evolving just like the leftist filth evolved over the years to tear down everything associated with White conservative males, the confederacy, anything associated with western civilization, etc, etc, etc
I can't argue that you are wrong now a days.

How long has it been true? I don't remember the 70's but all the movies and shows I consume make it seem like it was a problem then, too. But it's Hollywood, so who knows? I don't remember the 90's being like this post Desert Storm, but I was in my own world.
How long has it been true? I don't remember the 70's but all the movies and shows I consume make it seem like it was a problem then, too. But it's Hollywood, so who knows? I don't remember the 90's being like this post Desert Storm, but I was in my own world.

IDK how long. Things really started changing after Clinton was elected and I got out but it wasn't that bad then. Got a couple guys freshly out of the Army working for me now and from their stories there is no Fing way I would encourage someone to join the Army, Navy or Marines.
IDK how long. Things really started changing after Clinton was elected and I got out but it wasn't that bad then. Got a couple guys freshly out of the Army working for me now and from their stories there is no Fing way I would encourage someone to join the Army, Navy or Marines.

One of my best friend's kid was planning on enlisting after HS. I kept my mouth shut and he changed his mind when it was time to go. That was a great day for me.
I can't argue that you are wrong now a days.

I agree that it is predatory to recruit impressionable kids at their schools and shouldn't be allowed. That being said, the military needs members. Is there an ethical way to recruit that would be effective at getting the kind of numbers and the types of candidates they're looking for?
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This is gonna be a hard pill for many to swallow. The idea of military service for our country is great but in reality, it's just about the last thing I want for my kids. Come back with PTSD and be a homeless, depressed, suicidal lost soul because of unjustifiable wars like so many thousands thanks.

Edit: seeing estimates that there are 100k+ homeless vets on any given night

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on the other hand - many of the finest people I know; the most successful people I know; the kindest people I know served in the military and are better for it and we as a country are better for it. Roughly 10% of the military sees combat so the negative consequences you list can be real for those who do see combat but painting the military experience as likely resulting in those is not in line with reality.
on the other hand - many of the finest people I know; the most successful people I know; the kindest people I know served in the military and are better for it and we as a country are better for it.

Combat vets?

One of my best friends was an Apache pilot. He's rich because of the opportunities he got. He's a great, generous guy but he can't eat corn bc his buddy got split open and that was coming out of his stomach.

I don't want that for my kids either.
Combat vets?

One of my best friends was an Apache pilot. He's rich because of the opportunities he got. He's a great, generous guy but he can't eat corn bc his buddy got split open and that was coming out of his stomach.

I don't want that for my kids either.

I too know someone that was a combat vet and he's all the things I mentioned. So far as I know he eats corn.

If you saw my edit I noted that the vast majority of people who enter the military do not see combat - combat is horrible and has terrible consequences but the military experience is only combat for a very small percentage.

I imagine the cops or other first responders who see a horrific scene are affected too but that doesn't mean the profession should be avoided.
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I too know someone that was a combat vet and he's all the things I mentioned. So far as I know he eats corn.

If you saw my edit I noted that the vast majority of people who enter the military do not see combat - combat is horrible and has terrible consequences but the military experience is only combat for a very small percentage.

I imagine the cops or other first responders who see a horrific scene are affected too but that doesn't mean the profession should be avoided.

My other closest friend was an MP. He has 1 lung and tinnitus for the rest of his life.

I don't want my kids to be cops either.
Cool of you wanna be a dentist in the military, but if you're deployed because of unnecessary conflict, then it means the combat guys are too. You're directly supporting it and you're saying goodbye to your family for a year at a time, missing everything...and there is a very good chance that ends in divorce. It's not the life I want for my kids.
I agree that it is predatory to recruit impressionable kids at their schools and shouldn't be allowed. That being said, the military needs members. Is there an ethical way to recruit that would be effective at getting the kind of numbers and the types of candidates they're looking for?

I don't think it's anymore predatory for the military to recruit at HSs than it is for colleges recruiting and advising on loans to pay for school.

I just don't think the military is a good option anymore outside of highly technical jobs in the AF or Coast Guard.
My other closest friend was an MP. He has 1 lung and tinnitus for the rest of his life.

I don't want my kids to be cops either.

It's fine whatever career you want or don't want for your kids. I'm just providing a reality check that those negative outcomes are not inherent in joining the military and chances are any individual joining would not have those outcomes.
I don't think it's anymore predatory for the military to recruit at HSs than it is for colleges recruiting and advising on loans to pay for school.

I just don't think the military is a good option anymore outside of highly technical jobs in the AF or Coast Guard.

I think the bold should also not be allowed.
Republicans are evolving just like the leftist filth evolved over the years to tear down everything associated with White conservative males, the confederacy, anything associated with western civilization, etc, etc, etc

The Confederacy was never popular other than among the whole "War of Northern Aggression" crowd anyway, and the rest of that is just vague whining
Not even close to the same. Don’t want to join fine don’t take the material and keep walking. Hell if a kid walks up and stabs the lady recruiter the left will cheer. Try dismissing these lib groomers in school and watch the repercussions. Having said that I certainly wouldn’t encourage anyone to join the military especially one in which joe biden is the commander in chief*
Not even close to the same. Don’t want to join fine don’t take the material and keep walking. Hell if a kid walks up and stabs the lady recruiter the left will cheer. Try dismissing these lib groomers in school and watch the repercussions. Having said that I certainly wouldn’t encourage anyone to join the military especially one in which joe biden is the commander in chief*

Wtf? The left is all in on the MIC

Don't wanna be groomed? Just refuse recruitment from the gays, straights, and church-going pedos, am I right?
You saying this to church people?

Go watch the Dugar family docuseries if you wanna learn about grooming.

Do you think 17-year-olds aren't very impressionable?
If you people could just say children are off limits from drag shows and alphabet soup agendas, we could make progress. But most of you won’t. It’s odd and very telling
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Duggar docuseries? BARF!!

It's nuts, and way nuttier than my home experience, but very relatable, having grown up in a big family that was hardcore religious and home-schooled until 8th grade. We had holy rollers in our home school group who were just like this (dresses only for the girls, with pantaloons). We were pretty much outcasts in the home school group since I was Mormon, but the coolest kid was Catholic (and he was outcast too) anyway. So far the abusive brother has only been a small part of the story.

For anybody wondering, this is what grooming looks like. Imagine if a drag queen at reading hour did this?


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