Tea parties....

Cafferty File: Tell Jack how you really feel Blog Archive - What to do about rise in right-wing extremism? - Blogs from CNN.com

Look at the comments that got posted to Cafferty's question "What should be done about a potential increase in right-wing extremism?" These aren't just comments to an article, CNN actually chose which ones to post. This is after the report says that there is no evidence that any of this is even happening. It is plain and simple a report trying to defame normal republicans.

"Right-wing extremism is a fact of life. They do not accumulate guns for nothing. I believe they are sincere in their efforts to prepare for a war, and unfortunately I believe they think it is going to be here. These people are dangerous and fueled by the right-wing nuts on the air."

God bless every one of them!

Screw government!

Face it lawgator. Conservatives organized a civilized, constructive, peaceful, American protest today and liberals appear to have not gotten their clips of "right wing loonies" to show all over their shows and websites. Thus, they have had to resort to numerous articles and editorials about this report to combat the intended message of today's protest.
So you honestly believe that representation is being served when the state of Ohio is getting 136 million dollars for a road survery for a set of 10 counties that serve less than 20,000 motor vehicles?

You think this is good policy?

I have no clue. I do know that the Bridge to Nowhere -- which Sarah Palin herself lobbied for -- was a complete waste of money.

Dude, seriously, you don't want to go toe-to-toe with the Democrats on who can blow tax money quickest. Not after the last 8 years.

Cafferty File: Tell Jack how you really feel Blog Archive - What to do about rise in right-wing extremism? - Blogs from CNN.com

Look at the comments that got posted to Cafferty's question "What should be done about a potential increase in right-wing extremism?" These aren't just comments to an article, CNN actually chose which ones to post. This is after the report says that there is no evidence that any of this is even happening. It is plain and simple a report trying to defame normal republicans.

"Right-wing extremism is a fact of life. They do not accumulate guns for nothing. I believe they are sincere in their efforts to prepare for a war, and unfortunately I believe they think it is going to be here. These people are dangerous and fueled by the right-wing nuts on the air."

Quoting people who bother to write into those things as proof of anything is grounds to have you hospitalized in the closest mental health facility pending a hearing on whether you need to be permanently institutionalized.
As one liberal commentator put it:

This country has showered me with the blessings of liberty. So what do I owe my country in return? Paying my fair share of taxes, it seems, is the least I can do. Thanks to President Obama and the Democratic Congress, 95 percent of Americans will get a tax cut this year. No one -- not even the wealthiest 1 percent -- will have to pay higher income taxes until 2011.

So why are a bunch of Fox News clowns and right-wing cranks hosting "tea parties" all over the country? The Boston Tea Party, in case the clods at Fox didn't know it, protested "taxation without representation." Note the second word: without. The goofballs tossing tea bags today have representation. They voted in the election; they lost.

That a bunch of overpaid media millionaires would lead a faux-populist revolt is comical. They somehow held their populist instincts in check as George W. Bush and the Republicans cut taxes on the idle rich and put the screws to the working stiffs.

Bush's tax policies were a godsend to the Paris Hilton class, but they sent the country on the road to bankruptcy and helped ruin the economy. But now that we the people have decided to set things right, now that we've hired Obama to fix the mess conservatives created, now they're protesting?

Give me a break. Instead of tossing tea bags for the cameras, the Fox phonies ought to go to Walter Reed Army Medical Center. There they would find better, braver men who have truly sacrificed for their country. They deserve nothing but the best -- not the shameful and shoddy conditions they endured during the Bush administration.

You want something to protest? How 'bout protesting how little we give back to our veterans? Or how 'bout protesting that the entire budget of the National Cancer Institute (where government researchers battle a disease that will strike half of all men and a third of all women) is 0.03 percent of what we gave the bandits at American International Group alone? Oh, but veterans benefits and cancer research might cost money. It might require -- dare I say it? -- paying taxes.

If the whiners at Fox News want to advertise their selfishness, they are free to do so. But please don't dress it up as patriotism. Patriotism is putting your country ahead of yourself -- which is the precise opposite of what the tea party plutocrats are doing.

I believe both you and this commentator have missed the point of the tea party. They are protesting the fact that we are increasing our already out of control spending and passing the buck on down the road. Which in effect means both we, and our children, maybe even our chidren's children will be paying for it later. \

I know this liberal commentator made this little editorial sound so sweet to you but it doesn't change the fact that it is crap!
I have no clue. I do know that the Bridge to Nowhere -- which Sarah Palin herself lobbied for -- was a complete waste of money.

Dude, seriously, you don't want to go toe-to-toe with the Democrats on who can blow tax money quickest. Not after the last 8 years.

Quoting people who bother to write into those things as proof of anything is grounds to have you hospitalized in the closest mental health facility pending a hearing on whether you need to be permanently institutionalized.

A dude, can you read, I hate the republicans more than you do!

I have no clue. I do know that the Bridge to Nowhere -- which Sarah Palin herself lobbied for -- was a complete waste of money.

Dude, seriously, you don't want to go toe-to-toe with the Democrats on who can blow tax money quickest. Not after the last 8 years.

Have you not been paying attention to Obama's spending so far? Bush was a spending disaster but Obama seems on pace to make Bush look like he had chump change in his wallet!

Quoting people who bother to write into those things as proof of anything is grounds to have you hospitalized in the closest mental health facility pending a hearing on whether you need to be permanently institutionalized.
See underlined.
Quoting people who bother to write into those things as proof of anything is grounds to have you hospitalized in the closest mental health facility pending a hearing on whether you need to be permanently institutionalized.

The point was to show how the media is using the report to divert the attention away and downright ignoring the message of the protests today. Just like you continue to ignore the point. They were not protesting just that taxes are too high, they are protesting the spending that is going to inevitably raise taxes to unjustified heights.
As one liberal commentator put it:

This country has showered me with the blessings of liberty. So what do I owe my country in return? Paying my fair share of taxes, it seems, is the least I can do. Thanks to President Obama and the Democratic Congress, 95 percent of Americans will get a tax cut this year. No one -- not even the wealthiest 1 percent -- will have to pay higher income taxes until 2011.

So why are a bunch of Fox News clowns and right-wing cranks hosting "tea parties" all over the country? The Boston Tea Party, in case the clods at Fox didn't know it, protested "taxation without representation." Note the second word: without. The goofballs tossing tea bags today have representation. They voted in the election; they lost.

That a bunch of overpaid media millionaires would lead a faux-populist revolt is comical. They somehow held their populist instincts in check as George W. Bush and the Republicans cut taxes on the idle rich and put the screws to the working stiffs.

Bush's tax policies were a godsend to the Paris Hilton class, but they sent the country on the road to bankruptcy and helped ruin the economy. But now that we the people have decided to set things right, now that we've hired Obama to fix the mess conservatives created, now they're protesting?

Give me a break. Instead of tossing tea bags for the cameras, the Fox phonies ought to go to Walter Reed Army Medical Center. There they would find better, braver men who have truly sacrificed for their country. They deserve nothing but the best -- not the shameful and shoddy conditions they endured during the Bush administration.

You want something to protest? How 'bout protesting how little we give back to our veterans? Or how 'bout protesting that the entire budget of the National Cancer Institute (where government researchers battle a disease that will strike half of all men and a third of all women) is 0.03 percent of what we gave the bandits at American International Group alone? Oh, but veterans benefits and cancer research might cost money. It might require -- dare I say it? -- paying taxes.

If the whiners at Fox News want to advertise their selfishness, they are free to do so. But please don't dress it up as patriotism. Patriotism is putting your country ahead of yourself -- which is the precise opposite of what the tea party plutocrats are doing.

Translation: My original points were destroyed so I am switching to a new argument.
As one liberal commentator put it:

This country has showered me with the blessings of liberty. So what do I owe my country in return? Paying my fair share of taxes, it seems, is the least I can do. Thanks to President Obama and the Democratic Congress, 95 percent of Americans will get a tax cut this year. No one -- not even the wealthiest 1 percent -- will have to pay higher income taxes until 2011.

So why are a bunch of Fox News clowns and right-wing cranks hosting "tea parties" all over the country? The Boston Tea Party, in case the clods at Fox didn't know it, protested "taxation without representation." Note the second word: without. The goofballs tossing tea bags today have representation. They voted in the election; they lost.

That a bunch of overpaid media millionaires would lead a faux-populist revolt is comical. They somehow held their populist instincts in check as George W. Bush and the Republicans cut taxes on the idle rich and put the screws to the working stiffs.

Bush's tax policies were a godsend to the Paris Hilton class, but they sent the country on the road to bankruptcy and helped ruin the economy. But now that we the people have decided to set things right, now that we've hired Obama to fix the mess conservatives created, now they're protesting?

Give me a break. Instead of tossing tea bags for the cameras, the Fox phonies ought to go to Walter Reed Army Medical Center. There they would find better, braver men who have truly sacrificed for their country. They deserve nothing but the best -- not the shameful and shoddy conditions they endured during the Bush administration.

You want something to protest? How 'bout protesting how little we give back to our veterans? Or how 'bout protesting that the entire budget of the National Cancer Institute (where government researchers battle a disease that will strike half of all men and a third of all women) is 0.03 percent of what we gave the bandits at American International Group alone? Oh, but veterans benefits and cancer research might cost money. It might require -- dare I say it? -- paying taxes.

If the whiners at Fox News want to advertise their selfishness, they are free to do so. But please don't dress it up as patriotism. Patriotism is putting your country ahead of yourself -- which is the precise opposite of what the tea party plutocrats are doing.

It's clear that this commentator does not understand the motivations of the organizers or attendees. Typical of much of the criticism of the event I've seen from many liberal commentators. Lot's of strawmen arguments and deflections.

What I don't understand is why does this commentator have his/her panties in such a wad about this? If it's just a bunch of dumb conservatives - so what?
The bulk of the coverage I've seen so far -- which admittedly is very limited -- is that the protestors are largely focused on taxation and spending. While they do seem to me to be rather poorly informed in thinking that Obama is the lighning rod for the issue, I have to concede right now that it looks like the majority of people turning out are there for the announced reason.

You realize he proposed the stimulus bill and put forward a 3.7 trillion dollar budget with 1-2 trillion dollar projected annual deficits throughout his first term right? You do realize his budget proposals will double the national debt right after Bush doubled it right?
As one liberal commentator put it:

This country has showered me with the blessings of liberty. So what do I owe my country in return? Paying my fair share of taxes, it seems, is the least I can do. Thanks to President Obama and the Democratic Congress, 95 percent of Americans will get a tax cut this year. No one -- not even the wealthiest 1 percent -- will have to pay higher income taxes until 2011.

Therein lays the rub; fair share of taxes is subjective. I don’t see any signs that say we don’t want to pay taxes. I think everyone understands that they are a necessary evil. When the tax burden is clearly on the backs of a minority, I don’t see how you can argue that taxes are fair now.
Therein lays the rub; fair share of taxes is subjective. I don’t see any signs that say we don’t want to pay taxes. I think everyone understands that they are a necessary evil. When the tax burden is clearly on the backs of a minority, I don’t see how you can argue that taxes are fair now.

Also, even if they are fair now in terms of distribution there is considerable debate about spending. Additionally, we all realize that with the massive spending planned plus the growth in entitlements via Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid - we are in deep doo doo at current taxation rates.
See y'all latter. I am heading down to the GA Capitol for the rally. LG, I will send Sean Hannity your Love.
How many of you teabaggers attended teabagging parties during w's 8 years of deficit spending I sure do not recall any going on but hell I'm sure you all will have a lovely time bemoaning the fact the gop is in complete disarray after the last 2 DESTRUCTIVE BEATDOWNS they have suffered.Hell maybe you all acn breakout your SORELOSERman stickers and plaster them to your head cause in my opinion that is what this is all about.:p

this was a very hard post to read...

and while you are entitled to your own opinion, you are way off. The vast majority of people aren't "sore losers" because Obama was elected. (which by the way, Firefox recognizes Obama as an incorrectly spelled word... How rich). Anyhow, the vast majority of people oppose his form of "Government" and what he calls "leading the country". I myself did not vote for Obama because I oppose his views, and ideals. I do not believe in any of Obamas political ideals, and the fact that he is nothing like he portrayed himself during the campaign (or how the media portrayed him), I also took it kind of personal that he did not salute the American flag, and he at one point thought we had 57 states...

But continue to believe that people are "sore losers" because they oppose the president... By the way, what would you call the people who opposed Bush? Such as yourself... Were you a sore loser during the Bush years?
It is interesting that there's not more coverage - I wonder if it's to spite Fox since they are leading the charge from news standpoint.
Plus the Google boys are tight with the Obama administration and these might reflect poorly on him. Got to stay tight for the fringe benefits.
I'm at the one in ATL, I would say only roughly 10% are anti-Obama. The rest are tax/financial, End the Fed, or Don't Tread on Me related.

I'm disappointed that it was a Hanity lovefest towards the end.
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Jeez I cannot stand Hannity. How is "Shuttin Detroit Down" the anthem of people that are pissed about taxes. I hate that type of hokey pokey nonsense.
As one liberal commentator put it:

This country has showered me with the blessings of liberty. So what do I owe my country in return? Paying my fair share of taxes, it seems, is the least I can do. Thanks to President Obama and the Democratic Congress, 95 percent of Americans will get a tax cut this year. No one -- not even the wealthiest 1 percent -- will have to pay higher income taxes until 2011.

So why are a bunch of Fox News clowns and right-wing cranks hosting "tea parties" all over the country? The Boston Tea Party, in case the clods at Fox didn't know it, protested "taxation without representation." Note the second word: without. The goofballs tossing tea bags today have representation. They voted in the election; they lost.

That a bunch of overpaid media millionaires would lead a faux-populist revolt is comical. They somehow held their populist instincts in check as George W. Bush and the Republicans cut taxes on the idle rich and put the screws to the working stiffs.

Bush's tax policies were a godsend to the Paris Hilton class, but they sent the country on the road to bankruptcy and helped ruin the economy. But now that we the people have decided to set things right, now that we've hired Obama to fix the mess conservatives created, now they're protesting?

Give me a break. Instead of tossing tea bags for the cameras, the Fox phonies ought to go to Walter Reed Army Medical Center. There they would find better, braver men who have truly sacrificed for their country. They deserve nothing but the best -- not the shameful and shoddy conditions they endured during the Bush administration.

You want something to protest? How 'bout protesting how little we give back to our veterans? Or how 'bout protesting that the entire budget of the National Cancer Institute (where government researchers battle a disease that will strike half of all men and a third of all women) is 0.03 percent of what we gave the bandits at American International Group alone? Oh, but veterans benefits and cancer research might cost money. It might require -- dare I say it? -- paying taxes.

If the whiners at Fox News want to advertise their selfishness, they are free to do so. But please don't dress it up as patriotism. Patriotism is putting your country ahead of yourself -- which is the precise opposite of what the tea party plutocrats are doing.
Since you quoted his idiotic diatribe, why don't you go see how much Begala screamed about making sure Walter Reed Hospital, or the VA in general, had proper funding when he was at Clinton's side. Paul Begala accusing someone of partisan demagoguery is akin to Joan Rivers calling someone out for an addiction to plastic surgery.
I'm at the one in ATL, I would say only roughly 10% are anti-Obama. The rest are tax/financial, End the Fed, or Don't Tread on Me related.

I'm disappointed that it was a Hanity lovefest towards the end.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

It's unfortunate that Hannity was so involved - he will be the face of this thing. From what I saw throughout the day Hannity does not represent the core message of these protests.

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