Tearing Down the Goal Posts

I'm sorry but if I were you I would worry about accidental deaths occurring during the raging party that would commence in Knoxville. You wanna talk about drunk. But in all serious there is no need to be a jerk. Obviously I do not want anyone to die. It is just a tradition in the world of College Football like it or not.

Accidental is accidental...numerous people have been forced to "storm" the field because if they do not they will be trampled. I will give you another reason besides bodily harm as to why this is stupid. We win a big game and the reaction is lets go destroy some University Property. That sounds pretty dumb to me. Who pays for the repair and the fines? Not you. Students pay for it. SO in short stay off the field because you being on it can only hurt the University.
We rushed the field in 1998 after beating Florida. It was a huge win.

yep, it was spur of the moment. people was not talking about running the field july 16th, 1998. I still didn't like it. I'm kind of proud we never rushed the basketball court even when we have had huge wins.

I laughed at the fans that rushed the field against us in 2005
And we know our Athletic budget is already hurting compared to our competition but who cares lets pay some fines and show our you know what
Accidental is accidental...numerous people have been forced to "storm" the field because if they do not they will be trampled. I will give you another reason besides bodily harm as to why this is stupid. We win a big game and the reaction is lets go destroy some University Property. That sounds pretty dumb to me. Who pays for the repair and the fines? Not you. Students pay for it. SO in short stay off the field because you being on it can only hurt the University.

Agree to disagree. But I see where you're coming from. I just didn't realize it was something that elite programs like Ohio State, Michigan, Notre Dame, and Tennessee have never done before. Maybe one day. . .

Oh wait. . .
I was wrong, but its still pathetic to rush the field because you beat UTAH.

What's sad is that I'm pretty sure I just saw that they had planned it all out. I was not suggesting that we start a sign up sheet for whoever wants to do it. Just wondering peoples opinion on if it did happen, would you think it to be justified. I believe it would and would like to see it.
Agree to disagree. But I see where you're coming from. I just didn't realize it was something that elite programs like Ohio State, Michigan, Notre Dame, and Tennessee have never done before. Maybe one day. . .

Oh wait. . .

I never said anything about what others do. I do know that I do not harm, intentionally, anything I care about. Perhaps you are different and enjoy hurting things you claim to love.
It cost UGA 75,000 dollars to fix the field the last time it was stormed...and you are cool with that if it happened at UT?
I never said anything about what others do. I do know that I do not harm, intentionally, anything I care about. Perhaps you are different and enjoy hurting things you claim to love.

I see that now I was caught up in the moment and got you mixed up. But still agree to disagree. College football is an emotional sport with emotional fans. That passion is what makes it great. Sometimes that passion flows over onto the field.

It could also be argued that the act of rushing the field after a huge win and the excitement it instills in the fan base would easily cover the damage costs to the field and more. I guarantee the next game would be packed out. People flock to excitement. People spend money on exciting teams.
What's sad is that I'm pretty sure I just saw that they had planned it all out. I was not suggesting that we start a sign up sheet for whoever wants to do it. Just wondering peoples opinion on if it did happen, would you think it to be justified. I believe it would and would like to see it.

I didn't mean to attack you, but last year people started multiple thread like this leading up to the gator game. I thought it was kind of sad on our part. then it really sucked when they came back to rub our face in it.
It cost UGA 75,000 dollars to fix the field the last time it was stormed...and you are cool with that if it happened at UT?

Well tickets for the South Carolina game currently range from $65 to $544. Using 102,000 at the very base price comes to $6,630,000. I would say there's some wiggle room.
I didn't mean to attack you, but last year people started multiple thread like this leading up to the gator game. I thought it was kind of sad on our part. then it really sucked when they came back to rub our face in it.

Right, I totally get where you're coming from. We are by no means in any position to start planning storming the field. I do feel that it is inevitable at this point though. When we do get that one big win I think the place will just erupt. Just passing time in the off season, you know how it is.
I see that now I was caught up in the moment and got you mixed up. But still agree to disagree. College football is an emotional sport with emotional fans. That passion is what makes it great. Sometimes that passion flows over onto the field.

It could also be argued that the act of rushing the field after a huge win and the excitement it instills in the fan base would easily cover the damage costs to the field and more. I guarantee the next game would be packed out. People flock to excitement. People spend money on exciting teams.

The act of beating a top team generates excitement. The act of storming the field does not add to the excitement of anyone outside those who did it. The risk of human injury and the monetary cost far out weighs any (I would argue zero) gain.
Well tickets for the South Carolina game currently range from $65 to $544. Using 102,000 at the very base price comes to $6,630,000. I would say there's some wiggle room.

You are assuming those tickets would not be purchased if we did not storm the field in a previous game. If we have a big win early on in any season we sell out. We just have not had that win.
You are assuming those tickets would not be purchased if we did not storm the field in a previous game. If we have a big win early on in any season we sell out. We just have not had that win.

$75,000 is only about 1000 tickets. I just don't see the damage argument. You are much stronger with the danger argument. That is proven. However, it happens. It happens at the High School level all the time. Obviously that's not as dangerous but it is a tradition that is forever tied to the sport. It's not going anywhere. You just have to hope that everyone is safe, just like every single other day.
$75,000 is only about 1000 tickets. I just don't see the damage argument. You are much stronger with the danger argument. That is proven. However, it happens. It happens at the High School level all the time. Obviously that's not as dangerous but it is a tradition that is forever tied to the sport. It's not going anywhere. You just have to hope that everyone is safe, just like every single other day.

Well if it happens then let's make it happen more often? You are also arguing that those tickets would not be sold unless we stormed the field. I disagree with this. A big win will sell out the rest. Look at ticket sales back when we actually won big games. Sell outs were not an issue. There is no relationship. I mean you would have to think well I was not going to go to game x but because we stormed the field last game I am going. No you are going because we just had a big win.
Well if it happens then let's make it happen more often? You are also arguing that those tickets would not be sold unless we stormed the field. I disagree with this. A big win will sell out the rest. Look at ticket sales back when we actually won big games. Sell outs were not an issue. There is no relationship. I mean you would have to think well I was not going to go to game x but because we stormed the field last game I am going. No you are going because we just had a big win.

I think it brings extra excitement. ESPN plays the replay more often. All the sports writers get to have the exact argument we are having right now. I think it helps team morale as well. I'd like for us to stay in the stadium all night singing rocky top like they did in that recent Michigan Notre dame game. I eat that shiz up. We aren't going to agree on this. You think it is detrimental to the program. I think it speeds up the rebuilding process, even if only by a little bit. I imagine 17 year old recruits would enjoy seeing it.
What I'd rather do after a big win is clap, get up, and walk out. Then I'd get in the car and go to the nearest bar and drink and raise hell. Especially the team . Just shrugging it off like it was no big deal sends the message that you're for real and freaking out like a bunch of 14 yr olds says you're shocked that you were in the game. That's just me though. Oh, and under no circumstances...ever...should we rush the field with a win against Georgia.
The classic "act like you've been there" approach. Familiar with it. Just don't buy it at this point in time.

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