Tearing Down the Goal Posts

I don't see anything wrong with rushing the field after a huge upset. It happens all the time in college football. But tearing down the goal posts?? lol, no...
i understand the "act like weve been there" argument somewhat. i also think that fans storming the field in 98 vs UF. i think the way the game ended contributed a lot to that and im ok with it.
tennessee will never storm the field just because we beat Georgia... that is our series and everyone knows it!
IMO, it's all situational. If we beat Alabama (I know they are away this year, just for example) in a come-from-behind last second drive after recovering the onside kick to win the game as time expires. Yea I rush the field.

If we just play a good game and in the second half pull away from a team, no, because we won like we wanted to.

Plus, now that I have kids and they go to the games with me, I dont think I would ever rush the field, and if I got that vibe(that ppl were about to), would leave a little early to insure their safety. And we don't ever leave early, regardless of the score.
I'm storming the field if we beat a top 10 team at home, Idc if ill be the only one.

Funny story - Saw VT beat Miami in Blacksburg. They lower the goalposts & students rush the field. Thousands of them out there taking pics with each other and the police guarding the posts. One kid was a couple minutes late getting on the field. Running to join his friends when suddenly this security guy clotheslines him and pins him to the ground with his arm behind his back. Kid was stunned and couldn't move. Took a few seconds before a cop could come over and pull him off. Watching in the stands we all said wth just happened and what was that guard thinking.
all this planning takes the fun out of it. The ones I've witnessed were just spontaneous because of the opponent or situation. Not saying I'm for it or against it but all the posts saying "We should do it when we beat..." take the enjoyment out of a win worthy of being considered
I think rushing the field and destruction of goal posts should only happen after a bad loss.

Scratch that, the AD would really be in the tank.
I have 2 schools of thought on this. One, it's mostly the students wanting to have some fun. In the Ohio State video the goal posts weren't torn down. Just students congratulating the players. Pretty safe.

The second is, UT fans are quick to bring up that it's a top 10 program. Well, top 10 programs don't storm the field after a win. Hate to say it, but I can't recall Bama or UF ever storming the field....and UT fans are quick to point out that UF has only been relevant since 1990.

By storming the field you're essentially saying that your team did something monumental by its own standards. UT's standards should be higher than that.
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all this planning takes the fun out of it. The ones I've witnessed were just spontaneous because of the opponent or situation. Not saying I'm for it or against it but all the posts saying "We should do it when we beat..." take the enjoyment out of a win worthy of being considered

I agree. And for all you guys saying "act like you've been there before", it's been 3 years since we beat anybody worth a damn. It's getting hard to remember the last time we've been there.
Accidental is accidental...numerous people have been forced to "storm" the field because if they do not they will be trampled. I will give you another reason besides bodily harm as to why this is stupid. We win a big game and the reaction is lets go destroy some University Property. That sounds pretty dumb to me. Who pays for the repair and the fines? Not you. Students pay for it. SO in short stay off the field because you being on it can only hurt the University.

Stop being such a damn stick in the mud. If u don't want to rush the field then don't. If these other guys want to then so be it. What can you do to stop it? Nothing. So just chill out a little
I don't like the idea of storming the field.

It's actually a sign of respect to the opponent.

If you truly hate the other team, you don't do it.

My HS coach used to always say, "Act like you've been here before". IOW's, winners don't need to act stupid when they win.
Or as the death of someone but you know as long as you make a memory

I bet you are barrels of fun at parties.

I wouldn't be against tearing the goalposts down.

We can continue this "We are Tennessee" nonsense if you guys want, but that doesn't mean anything to any one anymore.
Don't you folks recall the insane discussion about tearing down the goalposts after we beat Fla in 2012? How did that discussion turn out?

Rather than plan it, just let it happen.SMH
After getting past the tearing down of goal posts as a dangerous thing to do and it should not be done, the fact that the fan base would tear down goal posts acknowledges the other team's lofty status. As Tennessee, there are few teams worthy of the fan base to make that acknowledgement. In my view, that is not only a top ten team but a national championship contender. Besides Georgia, who I would never acknowledge anything, I don't think there is one of those on our home schedule. If this were to happen, figuratively my next candidate for tearing down the goals posts is the next time Tennessee beats a #1 team at home (providing we don't do that on the road somewhere before then). From that point on, we will be on par with anyone. GBO!
Rather than plan it, just let it happen.SMH

If its going to happen, I agree with you...don't plan it, just let it happen.

1998 was spontaneous and understandable, although I'm personally not in favor of fans storming the field.

The IU-Kentucky hoops game a few years ago, also spontaneous and justified given the circumstances.

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