For me personally, it isn't just that he turned down UT, but who he chose to coach for *instead of* UT. He professes to be VFL, yet he turned down UT to coach for the man who set his alma mater back several years at least. I wasn't mad at Jay Graham for leaving us for FSU; I was disappointed, yeah, but I wasn't mad. Likewise, I wouldn't have been mad at Martin had he chose to coach at any number of other schools, but the fact remains he had a choice to coach for the University of Tennessee and assisting in returning it to the glory days that we experienced when he was the QB, yet he instead decided that he would rather help LK, the man who royally screwed over UT, try to return USC to its former glory.
I'll always be thankful to Tee Martin for being instrumental in bringing another National Title to Knoxville, but he showed everyone where his priorities lay when he chose USC and Kiffin over UTK and his kids. As far as your story about some random dude allegedly being in jail only because of accusations that have since been proven false, that is completely immaterial to the topic at hand. As if "My baby's mama is a b***h" is a legit excuse to move all the way across the country. Give me a break.