OE these people can argue over and over ad nauseum that evolution and the origin of life are separate issues. Someone new pops in the thread every few days, never bothers to read the whole thread, then makes the same point.
What they don't understand is that I agree with them. Most creationists do as well. We get it. Evolution, micro and macro does occur. I believe that firmly. That is not oppose
d to Gods word in any way IMO. Following the scientific method, one can duplicate and observe many of these things taking place. Micro evolution, variation in species, etc. Can peacefully coexist with scripture.
The problem is that textbooks today use the broad term of evolution to include the origin of life. These hardheaded people will argue to the bitter end that they do not. There is factual, concrete evidence that what I say is true. CSE shows the textbooks, the page numbers, the actual texts and diagrams used. Many are outdated by 40 or 50 years and have proven to be false BY YOUR RESPECTED SCIENTiSTS. Some were even part of Hitlers propaganda machine. Specific examples of that are the pictures where a human embryos picture is altered to have "gill slits" and shown next to a tadpole etc. The text accompanying the diagram says "see...the similar appearance and presence of gill slits shows a common ancestor between humans and amphibians." There are many more examples like this, from textbooks used today, which are absolutely fabricated lies. You can argue all you want, the textbooks exist, they are part of the curriculum.
If you truly value your theory and want it to be properly represented, shouldn't this anger you as well? If you believe your theory to be logical and sound shouldn't it upset you that others are manufacturing evidence and using diagrams known to be flawed or false? It upsets me when some loon says he sees Jesus in his pancakes or something and the national media mocks Christians based in this falsehood. It should upset you when the publishers of these books use absolute garbage to push a theory of the origin of life as a fact. They also imply that evolution must be "accepted as a whole" rather than leading children to think critically and draw their own conclusions.