Yes, essentially.
There are many facts we know about gravity. We can calculate the force of gravity as it occurs between two (or more) different objects. Planets for instance, or your butt falling off your roof to hit the earth. But what is the vector for the force of gravity? Are there gravitons, maybe analogous to electrons for an electrical force. Or are there Gravity Waves that grab one object and pull it towards another.
Or does mass bend space-time and the effects we see are gravity. If so, how does mass bend this space-time fabric? What the hell is this space-time fabric made of?
No one has ever seen or directly detected a graviton or a gravity wave or have seen the fabric of space-time.
Google "gravity theory" or something close if you're interested in a much better conveyance of info. But suffice to say, gravity is just a theory with some unknowns yet to be discovered and proven and some current observations that don't agree with our current mathematical model of gravity. Exactly like other scientific theories such as....wait for it.....Evolution!!!
We should probably quit teaching our kids about gravity and let our televangelists handle it.