Tenn. Senate OKs Bill To Allow Anti-Evolution Talk In Classrooms

I am not saying that it is against reason to act as if there is gravity, causality, geometry, etc. I am simply stating these things can never be proven, in the strictest since. Hence, they are theories just as much as the Theory of Natural Selection is a theory.

Get a ladder, climb up to the roof of your home, walk around around a few minutes, step off roof, when your butt hits the ground , that's the result of gravity. :)
I am not saying that it is against reason to act as if there is gravity, causality, geometry, etc. I am simply stating these things can never be proven, in the strictest since. Hence, they are theories just as much as the Theory of Natural Selection is a theory.

Not what I was hinting at......

You are way too serious

Not that I know of; heck, casualty is not even proven.

There exist no complete demonstrative proofs for these notions. Until solipsism can be disproved no other proofs will exist.


you know the moment where Fonzy jumped the shark....yeah you just passed that.

Are you asking why two objects are attracted to one another?

Yes, essentially.

There are many facts we know about gravity. We can calculate the force of gravity as it occurs between two (or more) different objects. Planets for instance, or your butt falling off your roof to hit the earth. But what is the vector for the force of gravity? Are there gravitons, maybe analogous to electrons for an electrical force. Or are there Gravity Waves that grab one object and pull it towards another.

Or does mass bend space-time and the effects we see are gravity. If so, how does mass bend this space-time fabric? What the hell is this space-time fabric made of?

No one has ever seen or directly detected a graviton or a gravity wave or have seen the fabric of space-time.

Google "gravity theory" or something close if you're interested in a much better conveyance of info. But suffice to say, gravity is just a theory with some unknowns yet to be discovered and proven and some current observations that don't agree with our current mathematical model of gravity. Exactly like other scientific theories such as....wait for it.....Evolution!!!

We should probably quit teaching our kids about gravity and let our televangelists handle it.
Yes, essentially.

There are many facts we know about gravity. We can calculate the force of gravity as it occurs between two (or more) different objects. Planets for instance, or your butt falling off your roof to hit the earth. But what is the vector for the force of gravity? Are there gravitons, maybe analogous to electrons for an electrical force. Or are there Gravity Waves that grab one object and pull it towards another.

Or does mass bend space-time and the effects we see are gravity. If so, how does mass bend this space-time fabric? What the hell is this space-time fabric made of?

No one has ever seen or directly detected a graviton or a gravity wave or have seen the fabric of space-time.

Google "gravity theory" or something close if you're interested in a much better conveyance of info. But suffice to say, gravity is just a theory with some unknowns yet to be discovered and proven and some current observations that don't agree with our current mathematical model of gravity. Exactly like other scientific theories such as....wait for it.....Evolution!!!

We should probably quit teaching our kids about gravity and let our televangelists handle it.

One of the first things the Bible talks about is the fall of man.

And, one of the last things the Bible talks about is allowing the wicked and filthy to be wicked and filthy.

Now just a damned minute. Wicked, yes. Of course! But filthy? I'll have you know I just took a bath...ummm.. now when was that??? Ok, maybe you got me there, too.

Carry on.
Gravity isnt proven?

Yes, essentially.

There are many facts we know about gravity. We can calculate the force of gravity as it occurs between two (or more) different objects. Planets for instance, or your butt falling off your roof to hit the earth. But what is the vector for the force of gravity? Are there gravitons, maybe analogous to electrons for an electrical force. Or are there Gravity Waves that grab one object and pull it towards another.

Or does mass bend space-time and the effects we see are gravity. If so, how does mass bend this space-time fabric? What the hell is this space-time fabric made of?

No one has ever seen or directly detected a graviton or a gravity wave or have seen the fabric of space-time.

Google "gravity theory" or something close if you're interested in a much better conveyance of info. But suffice to say, gravity is just a theory with some unknowns yet to be discovered and proven and some current observations that don't agree with our current mathematical model of gravity. Exactly like other scientific theories such as....wait for it.....Evolution!!!

We should probably quit teaching our kids about gravity and let our televangelists handle it.

We have not the slightest clue what gravity is or how it works. The latest (and most intriguing theory is that gravity is a force from a parallel universe which acts upon our universe. It would explain why gravity is so much weaker than the other three forces.
We have not the slightest clue what gravity is or how it works. The latest (and most intriguing theory is that gravity is a force from a parallel universe which acts upon our universe. It would explain why gravity is so much weaker than the other three forces.

Personally, I think all the problems begin with Lubachevsky. I very much love my Euclidean Geometry; however, Lubachevsky had to come along and wreck it. If we could simply have our parallel lines back, everything would be wonderful. :)
Personally, I think all the problems begin with Lubachevsky. I very much love my Euclidean Geometry; however, Lubachevsky had to come along and wreck it. If we could simply have our parallel lines back, everything would be wonderful. :)

For real, the further science evolves the more skepticism is validated.
We have not the slightest clue what gravity is or how it works. The latest (and most intriguing theory is that gravity is a force from a parallel universe which acts upon our universe. It would explain why gravity is so much weaker than the other three forces.

This is interesting.

Evolutionary theory is still largely unknown, yet, we know more about the mechanisms involved with evolution than we do with gravity. Should "God Creates Gravity" theory get equal time in a classroom?

I'm preaching to the choir, of course. However, evolutionary theory is no more taught as a fact than gravitational theory is. This is where the ID and creationist proponents fall flat on their face when they say evolution is only a "theory". We can observe antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria develop the same way we can see an apple hit the floor when dropped. We know what needed to happen for mammals (ie whales) to survive in a water environment the same way we know what needs to happen to keep a satellite in orbit.
This is interesting.

The theory also accounts for the Big Bang and the radiation we see throughout the universe. It was the "bumping" or "collision" of the d-brains. The fascinating thing about the theory is that each d-brain (universe) is less than an atoms length away from each other. Meaning that there is a whole 'nother universe within an atoms length of your nose; and, a collision of these super close d-brains can cause another Big Bang. Makes afraid to even breathe.

Evolutionary theory is still largely unknown, yet, we know more about the mechanisms involved with evolution than we do with gravity. Should "God Creates Gravity" theory get equal time in a classroom?

I'm preaching to the choir, of course. However, evolutionary theory is no more taught as a fact than gravitational theory is. This is where the ID and creationist proponents fall flat on their face when they say evolution is only a "theory". We can observe antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria develop the same way we can see an apple hit the floor when dropped. We know what needed to happen for mammals (ie whales) to survive in a water environment the same way we know what needs to happen to keep a satellite in orbit.

Yeah. The whole subject has been addressed in various aspects in the philosophy of religion. Kuhn is probably the most famous. Creationists draw on his scientific paradigm shifting philosophy to justify their beliefs but reject all the philosophy of science which deal with evidence and proof. It is simply cherry-picking.
This is interesting.

Evolutionary theory is still largely unknown, yet, we know more about the mechanisms involved with evolution than we do with gravity. Should "God Creates Gravity" theory get equal time in a classroom?

I'm preaching to the choir, of course. However, evolutionary theory is no more taught as a fact than gravitational theory is. This is where the ID and creationist proponents fall flat on their face when they say evolution is only a "theory". We can observe antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria develop the same way we can see an apple hit the floor when dropped. We know what needed to happen for mammals (ie whales) to survive in a water environment the same way we know what needs to happen to keep a satellite in orbit.

I get tired of repeating this. Evolution as the origin of life cannot be observed or duplicated yet it is taught. Research the content of modern txtbooks. They teach a primordial soup gave birth to simple organisms which evolved into everything else. It is absolute fiction that is taught as fact. Period. I have previously posted IN THIS THREAD sources which contain pictures of the books, complete with page numbers etc. Modern textbooks and teachers try to lump the portions of the theory which are fact in with absolute. Fiction and present it as beyond reproach with the "umbrella term" evolution. Look it up.
I get tired of repeating this.

There is a very simple solution to this. See if you can guess what it is.

Evolution as the origin of life cannot be observed or duplicated yet it is taught.

Neither can the vector force for gravity. In fact no one knows what it is. Why don't your rail away at the teaching of the theory of gravity? I'll tell you why. It doesn't go against your personnel religious (not scientific) views.

Research the content of modern txtbooks. They teach a primordial soup gave birth to simple organisms which evolved into everything else. It is absolute fiction that is taught as fact. Period.

Absolute fiction? You were there? You saw it firsthand? How do you know? Oh yeah, the local Snake Handler in Chief told you so...

I have previously posted IN THIS THREAD sources which contain pictures of the books, complete with page numbers etc. Modern textbooks and teachers try to lump the portions of the theory which are fact in with absolute. Fiction and present it as beyond reproach with the "umbrella term" evolution. Look it up.

Please tell us which portions of the theory of evolution you believe are fact. Do they include the age of the earth?

You can try as long and hard as you like to present the particular views of religion from The Possum Holler Church of Snake Handling as science, but you just come off more and more pathetic.
I get tired of repeating this. Evolution as the origin of life cannot be observed or duplicated yet it is taught. Research the content of modern txtbooks. They teach a primordial soup gave birth to simple organisms which evolved into everything else. It is absolute fiction that is taught as fact. Period. I have previously posted IN THIS THREAD sources which contain pictures of the books, complete with page numbers etc. Modern textbooks and teachers try to lump the portions of the theory which are fact in with absolute. Fiction and present it as beyond reproach with the "umbrella term" evolution. Look it up.

I don't want to presume how much education you have had on this subject, all I know is my background and education...and none of what you are saying is true.

Your second sentence represents a categorical misunderstanding of evolutionary theory. It does not address the origin of life in any way shape or form. It addresses what happened after life began. They are separate areas of study.

What alternate scientific theories would you suggest be taught in science classes?
How many times does it have to be stated in this thread?

The origin of life is completely unrelated to evolution.

The scientific definition of theory is completely different than the layman's definition.

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