Tenn. Senate OKs Bill To Allow Anti-Evolution Talk In Classrooms

that's right. That is not free will. That is mans "sin nature" given to us by adam and eve. The Bible says a mans heart is wicked above all things. Free will is your ability to choose to do right or wrong, to act on those impulses or not. Most importantly free will is choosing whether to accept Jesus as the Messiah or not. Denying Christ is the only unforgivable sin. Its a scary proposition and a constant burden to any believer. There are many unsaved people in my family on my job etc. I don't want any of them to go to Hell. I have a burden right now for the folks in this thread and want you to know I've been praying for you all. I love people of all races creeds and backgrounds and I want us all to go to Heaven. That's why I put my limited free time into this. I definitely don't have it all figured out but the Bible makes the salvation plan very clear for a reason. God wants us all to choose him. He says " I am not willing that any should perish, but have everlasting life through Christ."

Free will is just not that simple. Not even close. The concept of free will is one of the most complex ideas known to man. Especially when we bring the metaphysical aspect into play.
Rev 19:6 And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.

So he is omnipotent. But is he omniscient and omnibenevolent?
I came to the conclusion that there is a God because the odds of all this happening from nothing at all to a fully functional universe where everything fits into place perfectly is just not logical...sorry scientist on here it's just not.

So from there, I asked if this world was created then who created and why would he create it.

From there I rationally looked at the Bible and feel that it is the most logical premise of how this universe came about and why we are here.

I personally don't care about whether or not God created the world in six days and built it like legos stacked on each other (which I believe) or that he made one lego and billions of legos came from that one lego over billions of years (which I find hard to believe) but either way God is and was in control and that is all that matters.

whether the duck was always a duck or the duck was once a fish doesnt mean a hill of beans to my salvation and reason for being here.

And you were doing so well...
Nothing may happen without God's permission.
The fact that He allows evil to happen only shows that
He gives us the opportunity to choose between good
and evil in the hope that we will choose good over evil.


So God is not omnibenevolent?
Tis a wonder why people get hung up on trivial matters

I disagree. It is a package deal. If everyone who believed in "God" simply believed in Aristotle's First Unmoved Mover, their would be parity of religion and the world would be a better place.
be nice....

Common...it's not THE most logical premise for the creation of the universe. It's the one you grew up with, therefore the one you are most comfortable with. Nothing wrong with that, but let's be honest.
Common...it's not THE most logical premise for the creation of the universe. It's the one you grew up with, therefore the one you are most comfortable with. Nothing wrong with that, but let's be honest.

I dont do anything because I was told or raised to due so.

I don't give a damn what someone else's opinions are nor would they ever sway me.

I have made a career out of proving people wrong just to prove them wrong.

You either know very little of me or you are just needing to say that to make me fit into your little box that all Christians must fit into.

Again, be nice.

You're placing yourself above me with your comments and that crap is childish.
I dont do anything because I was told or raised to due so.

I don't give a damn what someone else's opinions are nor would they ever sway me.

I have made a career out of proving people wrong just to prove them wrong.

You either know very little of me or you are just needing to say that to make me fit into your little box that all Christians must fit into.

Again, be nice.

You're placing yourself above me with your comments and that crap is childish.

You are taking this way to personal. I assumed that growing up in a primarily Christian country would have caused you to be acquainted with the Christian theology over other explanations from around the world.

There is so much philosophy, theology, religious scripture of every kind out there. I don't know how anybody can say definitively that one is THE most logical.

I am just saying that you are probably more comfortable with Christianity than other explanations for reasons that are not strictly comprehensive or logical. Definitely nothing to be ashamed of or offended at.
You are taking this way to personal. I assumed that growing up in a primarily Christian country would have caused you to be acquainted with the Christian theology over other explanations from around the world.

There is so much philosophy, theology, religious scripture of every kind out there. I don't know how anybody can say definitively that one is THE most logical.

I am just saying that you are probably more comfortable with Christianity than other explanations for reasons that are not strictly comprehensive or logical. Definitely nothing to be ashamed of or offended at.

To me, it is the most logical. I cannot state what is most logical to you because we are not wired the same. And yes, I just opened up a can of worms with that last statement.

But I did take it personal because your assumption stated that I was semi-brainwashed into my beliefs and that I cannot make rational decisions void of emotion.

I personally do not believe something as simple as trees putting off oxygen and humans putting off carbon and each needing the other to substain life can occur by sheer random luck. There are just too many variables too take into account that have to fall into place perfectly for this universe to exist.

So it all goes back, with me, to before it all began. There was either a God that always was or something came from nothing. Neither are logical. neither are plausible. Neither can be proven or disproven with our limited knowledge. Both require faith.
To me, it is the most logical. I cannot state what is most logical to you because we are not wired the same. And yes, I just opened up a can of worms with that last statement.

But I did take it personal because your assumption stated that I was semi-brainwashed into my beliefs and that I cannot make rational decisions void of emotion.

I personally do not believe something as simple as trees putting off oxygen and humans putting off carbon and each needing the other to substain life can occur by sheer random luck. There are just too many variables too take into account that have to fall into place perfectly for this universe to exist.

So it all goes back, with me, to before it all began. There was either a God that always was or something came from nothing. Neither are logical. neither are plausible. Neither can be proven or disproven with our limited knowledge. Both require faith.

but you're willing to believe that some supernatural being was able to take all those variables into account?

wonder what God's intended purpose for our appendix was other than to get infected and have to be removed before it ruptures and kills somebody
but you're willing to believe that some supernatural being was able to take all those variables into account?

wonder what God's intended purpose for our appendix was other than to get infected and have to be removed before it ruptures and kills somebody

Other than many scientist believing it is a lymphatic organ and that endocrine cells have been found in the appendix of 11-week-old fetuses that contribute to biological control I guess you would be correct.
I disagree. It is a package deal. If everyone who believed in "God" simply believed in Aristotle's First Unmoved Mover, their would be parity of religion and the world would be a better place.

I disagree, but I think it is our background of conflicting viewpoints.
Maybe if the teachers would stop teaching the Theory of evolution as a fact this bill wouldn't be needed.

Should they stop teaching geometry as a fact? Gravity? Newtonian physics? Cartesian mathematics?

None of these are 'proven'.
Not that I know of; heck, casualty is not even proven.

There exist no complete demonstrative proofs for these notions. Until solipsism can be disproved no other proofs will exist.

Son..........you have gone off the deep end.

Read the far side for balance.

Son..........you have gone off the deep end.

Read the far side for balance.


I am not saying that it is against reason to act as if there is gravity, causality, geometry, etc. I am simply stating these things can never be proven, in the strictest since. Hence, they are theories just as much as the Theory of Natural Selection is a theory.

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